Conference rooms in SharePoint? There are not a lot of 3rd party tools available and ACAR has created a tool that may keep others from jumping on this bandwagon. ACAR describes the product this way: “Room Manager Suite for SharePoint is an easy to use room scheduling software solution for SharePoint. It is simple. Skedda makes it a pleasure to manage reservations and increase demand for your meeting rooms. Scheduling the shared spaces in a busy office can be a challenge. Designed specifically for this type of use, Skedda is perfect for meeting rooms, conference rooms, company resources.
Looking for advice on what people are using for conference room scheduling software. My boss wants a SharePoint solution with an Outlook plug in, his boss wants Exchange to move us farther from SharePoint. Requirements are:
Schedule meetings through Outlook.
At minimum display meeting room schedules through SharePoint.
Support touchscreens outside of rooms to see and schedule ad-hoc meetings.
Allow reception/office manager to move meetings if needed.
Lesser priority is allowing an approval workflow for one ore two rooms that need them.
Pronestor seems like an interesting approach but I didn't see their licensing costs listed. Curious what others use and how big the cost is.
Edit: Perpetual license strongly preferred, which kicks out Pronestor.
I am looking for SharePoint 2010 Meeting room Reservation Calendar or something similar to it. There are lot of stuff but I am looking specifically with SP2010.
I really appreciate your response.
4uSharePoint4uSharePoint4 Answers
Also have a look at this:
Out of the box, using group calendar.
3rd party product Room Manager is at least one, based on quick search.
Jussi PaloFree Conference Room Scheduling
Jussi PaloAnother solution video is about SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010 version is the same.
user1167761user1167761just found another solution for meeting room reservation
If you schedule a meeting in the SharePoint calendar and select one of the meeting rooms or any equipment, a meeting request will be send to the associated Exchange mailbox.
Free Room Scheduling Software
If the resource mailbox is configured correctly and the room or the equipment is free, it will be booked automatically and send an acceptance back to the SharePoint calendar. If it is already booked, it will decline the meeting request. The reply status is visible directly in the SharePoint event.
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