Ravenloft Pdf 1e
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Hey folks,
Spoilers for Curse of Strahd
So I made handouts for my CoS game as I wasn't a huge fan of scanning, cropping, and printing the the ones in the book. Below is a PDF with the Tome of Strahd and Strahd's invitation, and a separate PDF of a map of Castle Ravenloft, excluding the lower floors. I figured there might be some people here who could use them.
I plan on giving this to my players when they find the tome as a little bonus. I basically scanned the maps from home and did Photoshop at them. Unfortunately didn't have time to remove all the annotations. I plan on ripping, burning and otherwise damaging the maps before giving them out so things aren't too easy for my players ;)
I presume these are ok to post up as you can get the handouts from WoTC and the 3rd edition maps (which are much the same) are on WoTC website. If not I'm sure a mod can take this down.
2. I'm willing to make one but would like to know what program is the easiest to use--Maptools, Dundjinni, etc.
3. After making said map, are there any copyright issues for making it publicly available for free?
Thanks in advance.
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