Posted by admin
GV-SDI-204 is currently not compatible with VIA series and ATI series chipset motherboards. GV-SDI-204 does not support the TV-Out function.To work together with GV-SDI-204, GV-NET/IO Card V3.1 must be set in the I/O Box Mode and connected to the PC through USB or DB9. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Hcl Leaptop B38 C2d Drivers For Windows 7.
Cette liste est également disponible ordonnéepar nom de paquet.
- alephone: marathon engine for related data games,demandé il y a 6499 jours.
- metakit: Metakit is an efficient embedded database library with a small footprint,demandé il y a 6026 jours.
- ILIAS: Web-based LCMS,demandé il y a 5937 jours.
- stepmania: rythm and dancing game,demandé il y a 5899 jours.
- php-phpdocumentor: phpDocumentor provides automatic documenting of php api,demandé il y a 5856 jours.
- bbbike: route planner for cyclists,demandé il y a 5836 jours.
- elpa-template: Template Package for Emacs,demandé il y a 5705 jours.
- cdemu: program for emulating optical drives,demandé il y a 5650 jours.
- brl-cad: A Combinatorial/Constructive Solid Geometry, solid modeling system,demandé il y a 5348 jours.
- metasploit-framework: Framework platform to find,demandé il y a 5130 jours.
- pmwiki: easy of use wiki-based system,demandé il y a 5090 jours.
- cinelerra-cv: non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux,demandé il y a 5084 jours.
- rssowl: Reader for RSS/RDF/ATOM Newsfeeds,demandé il y a 4985 jours.
- motor: C/C++/Java Integrated,demandé il y a 4911 jours.
- xsnap: Graphical utility to take screen shots (uses X libs only),demandé il y a 4899 jours.
- zenoss: infrastucture monitoring and managment system,demandé il y a 4896 jours.
- ossec-hids: Host-based intrusion detection system,demandé il y a 4892 jours.
- miboot: Linux bootloader for OldWorld PowerMac computers,demandé il y a 4787 jours.
- freeswitch: Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Application.,demandé il y a 4724 jours.
- wxformbuilder: Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets,demandé il y a 4721 jours.
- visit: interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool,demandé il y a 4693 jours.
- freesynd: Free implementation of the Syndicate engine,demandé il y a 4632 jours.
- celtx: media pre-production software,demandé il y a 4598 jours.
- predictive: Text completion package for Emacs,demandé il y a 4569 jours.
- opus-placement: on-line application for managing work and practice based learning (placement),demandé il y a 4552 jours.
- sbbs: Synchronet Bulletin Board System software,demandé il y a 4527 jours.
- colorzilla: iceweasel/iceape extension - color picker tool,demandé il y a 4507 jours.
- dnscap: DNS traffic capture utility,demandé il y a 4497 jours.
- ganttproject: Gantt chart based project,demandé il y a 4408 jours.
- ta-lib: common functions for the technical analysis of financial market data,demandé il y a 4406 jours.
- rockbox: open source jukebox firmware and utilities,demandé il y a 4387 jours.
- honeytrap: low-interaction network honeypot,demandé il y a 4386 jours.
- inform7: Inform 7 interactive fiction design system,demandé il y a 4386 jours.
- matomo: web analytics platform,demandé il y a 4326 jours.
- vienna-rna: RNA sequence analysis,demandé il y a 4311 jours.
- yacy: distributed web crawler and search engine,demandé il y a 4302 jours.
- apt-zeroconf: Caching peer-to-peer apt proxy for local networks,demandé il y a 4277 jours.
- libresonic: a web based media stream server,demandé il y a 4261 jours.
- android: Android SDK (mobile phone platform),demandé il y a 4259 jours.
- luxcorerender: physically based and unbiased rendering engine,demandé il y a 4245 jours.
- wmkrb: a Kerberos ticket tracking dockapp for WindowMaker,demandé il y a 4237 jours.
- squirrelmail-gpg: GnuPG plugin for SquirrelMail,demandé il y a 4212 jours.
- hex2bin: Converts Motorola and Intel Hex files to binary,demandé il y a 4211 jours.
- codeigniter: A powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint,demandé il y a 4185 jours.
- nfsen: Netflow Sensor,demandé il y a 4178 jours.
- limesurvey: web-based survey design, distribution, and collection,demandé il y a 4177 jours.
- grails: An open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language,demandé il y a 4174 jours.
- nagiosql: Web based administration tool for Nagios,demandé il y a 4172 jours.
- compiz-switch: Easily switch Compiz off and on,demandé il y a 4168 jours.
- djbfft: extremely fast library for floating-point convolution,demandé il y a 4147 jours.
- lenmus: music education software to learn music,demandé il y a 4132 jours.
- freenet: An anonymity and free-speech protecting decentralised darknet system.,demandé il y a 4128 jours.
- nafe: toolset for editing psf format consolefonts,demandé il y a 4102 jours.
- qooxdoo: Ajax application framework,demandé il y a 4099 jours.
- dimdim: Web 2.0 meeting, collaboration and conferencing (Open Source alternative to WebEx, GoToMeeting),demandé il y a 4093 jours.
- ultrastardx: A singing competition game,demandé il y a 4091 jours.
- fdmf: find duplicate music files,demandé il y a 4072 jours.
- qutim: instant messenger written in C++ and Qt4,demandé il y a 4066 jours.
- gypsy: GPS multiplexing daemon,demandé il y a 4043 jours.
- isabelle: Generic theorem proving environment,demandé il y a 4041 jours.
- foswiki-caslogincontrib: CAS LoginManager for Foswiki,demandé il y a 4033 jours.
- autoglade: automagic application generation using Glade,demandé il y a 4029 jours.
- bakefile: cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles,demandé il y a 4023 jours.
- dvc: Emacs front-end to distributed version control systems,demandé il y a 4022 jours.
- yofrankie: Yo Frankie is a project by the blender foundation to create a computer game with blender,demandé il y a 4015 jours.
- libgigi: GUI library for OpenGL,demandé il y a 3999 jours.
- bigsdb: Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence Database,demandé il y a 3995 jours.
- solid3d: Software library for collision detection of geometric objects in 3D space,demandé il y a 3990 jours.
- ovirt-server: Web based application for managing virtual machines,demandé il y a 3986 jours.
- curl-loader: application load simulator,demandé il y a 3965 jours.
- freedict-ara-eng: Dict package for Arabic-English Freedict dictionary,demandé il y a 3946 jours.
- freedict-eng-ara: Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary,demandé il y a 3946 jours.
- nohands: a Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile server,demandé il y a 3945 jours.
- julius: speech recognition engine,demandé il y a 3936 jours.
- pqstego: Console tool to embed secret messages in JPEG images,demandé il y a 3898 jours.
- libdatetime-format-excel-perl: Perl library to convert between DateTime and Excel dates.,demandé il y a 3895 jours.
- pacman-package-manager: minimalist package manager using tarballs and scripts,demandé il y a 3882 jours.
- b43-asm: assembler and disassembler for Broadcom BCM43xx firmware,demandé il y a 3864 jours.
- openfwwf: Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices,demandé il y a 3864 jours.
- dhcpd-snmp: monitor DHCP through SNMP,demandé il y a 3850 jours.
- python-django-cms: hierarchical Django content management system app,demandé il y a 3847 jours.
- fudgit: A double-precision multi-purpose fitting program,demandé il y a 3844 jours.
- mydns: DNS server using MySQL or PostgreSQL for data storage,demandé il y a 3837 jours.
- coova-chilli: (Wireless) LAN Access Point Controller,demandé il y a 3836 jours.
- clewn: gdb support for the vim editor: breakpoints, watch,demandé il y a 3836 jours.
- xmind: Mind mapping and brainstorming,demandé il y a 3815 jours.
- ljcrop: graphical tool for lossless JPEG cropping,demandé il y a 3812 jours.
- truncate: truncate files,demandé il y a 3805 jours.
- gitorious: distributed code collaboration tool,demandé il y a 3772 jours.
- scmbug: Integration of Software Configuration,demandé il y a 3767 jours.
- aegir-provision: backend of the Aegir hosting system,demandé il y a 3734 jours.
- xserver-xorg-video-psb: Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500),demandé il y a 3729 jours.
- bt747: GPS data logger software, allows download, convert, and configure MTK Chipset Based Devices,demandé il y a 3728 jours.
- gens-gs: Sega Genesis / Sega CD / Sega 32X emulator,demandé il y a 3727 jours.
- pyneod: pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite,demandé il y a 3725 jours.
- python-pyneo: pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries,demandé il y a 3724 jours.
- libopenssl-perl: OpenSSL bindings in perl,demandé il y a 3723 jours.
- python-audiolab: A python module to make noise from numpy arrays,demandé il y a 3713 jours.
- par2: concurrent (multithreaded) version of par2cmdline,demandé il y a 3711 jours.
- aspell-lang: dictionary creation tools for aspell,demandé il y a 3709 jours.
- lastfm-desktop: The official Last.fm desktop application suite,demandé il y a 3701 jours.
- weaveserver: Secure data sharing server for firefox/iceweasel,demandé il y a 3698 jours.
- makeup: The anti-ageing build system,demandé il y a 3697 jours.
- billiards: Billiards is a free cue sports simulator,demandé il y a 3688 jours.
- vbam: Gameboy Advance emulator,demandé il y a 3674 jours.
- worldvista-ehr: WorldVistA EHR is a repackage and extended version of VistA produced by WorldVistA,demandé il y a 3673 jours.
- divxenc: shell script to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX,demandé il y a 3657 jours.
- telldus-core: Utilities and driver to control NEXA and other RF remote receivers through a TellStick USB interface,demandé il y a 3650 jours.
- levmar: Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares,demandé il y a 3643 jours.
- audiveris: Optical Music Recognition module,demandé il y a 3633 jours.
- asciiportal: puzzle jump'n'run adventure game,demandé il y a 3631 jours.
- projectlibre: Project management solution,demandé il y a 3629 jours.
- linknx: KNX automation platform,demandé il y a 3624 jours.
- eibd-server: KNX/EIB server,demandé il y a 3618 jours.
- fisicalab.app: Educational Physics application for GNUstep,demandé il y a 3616 jours.
- ps3-media-server: DLNA UPnP Media Server, dedicated to,demandé il y a 3605 jours.
- quantum-game: ambient game of space exploration and conquest,demandé il y a 3603 jours.
- selenium-ide: Firefox add-on to record and playback,demandé il y a 3601 jours.
- pyclutter-gst: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements - Python bindings,demandé il y a 3570 jours.
- jarifa: System for grid computing on organizational resources, using BOINC.,demandé il y a 3570 jours.
- merlin: alternative database backend for nagios3 with support for redundant and distributed monitoring,demandé il y a 3565 jours.
- squirrel-sql: graphical universal SQL client,demandé il y a 3556 jours.
- php5-yaz: PHP PECL extension that implements a Z39.50/SRU client,demandé il y a 3556 jours.
- katta: scalable data storage using hadoop,demandé il y a 3542 jours.
- jdownloader: download manager for one-click hosting sites,demandé il y a 3540 jours.
- pthsem: pth replacement with semaphore support,demandé il y a 3515 jours.
- memorize-activity: Memorize game for Sugar,demandé il y a 3508 jours.
- cookieculler: browser extension to manage cookies,demandé il y a 3486 jours.
- historyblock: browser extension for hist. control,demandé il y a 3486 jours.
- lessfs: A high performance inline data,demandé il y a 3483 jours.
- mythtv: A personal video recorder application,demandé il y a 3482 jours.
- maven-release: Maven Release Plugin,demandé il y a 3463 jours.
- lmfit: Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting,demandé il y a 3461 jours.
- klee: symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM,demandé il y a 3441 jours.
- jidanni: a natural intelligence to find many bugs,demandé il y a 3441 jours.
- usb-creator-to-be-renamed: startup disk creator,demandé il y a 3439 jours.
- elpa-babel: translate for emacs,demandé il y a 3437 jours.
- fsmap: Graphical description in a concept map of the free software world,demandé il y a 3435 jours.
- deadbeef: Ultimate Music Player For GNU/Linux,demandé il y a 3434 jours.
- libgstreamer-java: Java interface to the gstreamer framework,demandé il y a 3434 jours.
- etherpad-lite: collaborative real-time editor,demandé il y a 3434 jours.
- affiliatefox-fsfe: iceweasel plugin for fsfe,demandé il y a 3429 jours.
- php-text-wiki-mediawiki: Mediawiki parser for Text_Wiki,demandé il y a 3427 jours.
- peerguardian: IP blocking software,demandé il y a 3425 jours.
- openoctave: MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor,demandé il y a 3420 jours.
- pyopenfst: Python bindings for the OpenFst library,demandé il y a 3415 jours.
- elf-statifier: compiles C programs into a single static executable,demandé il y a 3413 jours.
- openvibe: software platform for BCI,demandé il y a 3408 jours.
- elpa-nopaste: submitting buffers or regions to various nopaste sites from emacs,demandé il y a 3408 jours.
- iroffer-dinoex: IRC file distribution bot,demandé il y a 3405 jours.
- anomos: Anonymous file sharing,demandé il y a 3404 jours.
- libspring-security-java: modular Java/J2EE,demandé il y a 3394 jours.
- tamperdata: Iceweasel/Firefox extension for tracking and modifying HTTP/HTTPS requests,demandé il y a 3370 jours.
- bluej: integrated Java environment,demandé il y a 3368 jours.
- mumps-metis: Mumps library with METIS support,demandé il y a 3365 jours.
- dypgen: a GLR parser and lexer generator for OCaml,demandé il y a 3359 jours.
- isbg: IMAP Spam Begone,demandé il y a 3353 jours.
- cpupowerd: daemon for frequency and voltage control of AMD K8 CPUs with undervolting/overvolting capability,demandé il y a 3352 jours.
- overbiteff: Add-on for Iceweasel/Firefox that provides improved gopher support,demandé il y a 3337 jours.
- mapcatcher: offline map viewer,demandé il y a 3336 jours.
- gerrit: Web based code review and project management for Git based projects,demandé il y a 3334 jours.
- statusnet-client-desktop: Titanium-based desktop client for connecting to StatusNet,demandé il y a 3334 jours.
- libnet-plesk-perl: Perl extension for the Plesk XML Remote API,demandé il y a 3327 jours.
- turbid: High-Entropy Randomness Generator,demandé il y a 3317 jours.
- rubinius: Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language.,demandé il y a 3315 jours.
- flex-sdk: Framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications,demandé il y a 3314 jours.
- color: create ANSI escape codes to color shell output,demandé il y a 3313 jours.
- egd: Entropy Gathering Daemon,demandé il y a 3312 jours.
- gpgstats: GPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring.,demandé il y a 3311 jours.
- wmi-client: useful package for those interacting with windows machine,demandé il y a 3304 jours.
- python-wikitools: A mediawiki interface API,demandé il y a 3297 jours.
- teapot: Table Editor And Planner, Or: Teapot!,demandé il y a 3294 jours.
- c501checkers: A checker game,demandé il y a 3289 jours.
- simon: speech recognition,demandé il y a 3277 jours.
- panda3d: Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.,demandé il y a 3272 jours.
- reiser4-modules: reiser4-modules as out-of-tree building package,demandé il y a 3268 jours.
- yii: Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications,demandé il y a 3266 jours.
- pytomtom: TomTom GPS manager,demandé il y a 3259 jours.
- qmc2: MAME/MESS Catalog & Launcher Frontend,demandé il y a 3257 jours.
- elpa-nagios-mode,demandé il y a 3238 jours.
- exciting: All-electron full-potential electronic-structure code,demandé il y a 3227 jours.
- pd-iem-bin-ambi: binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics,demandé il y a 3217 jours.
- ansifilter: handles text files containing ANSI terminal escape codes,demandé il y a 3215 jours.
- celt051: The CELT codec v0.5.1,demandé il y a 3212 jours.
- netdot: network documentation tool,demandé il y a 3202 jours.
- eeglab: toolbox for processing and visualization of electrophysiological data,demandé il y a 3196 jours.
- cnagios: terminal interface for viewing nagios host,demandé il y a 3189 jours.
- fullcalendar: jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar,demandé il y a 3186 jours.
- vanityhash: Utility to search for partial hash matches,demandé il y a 3186 jours.
- enemy-territory: GPL version of the id sofware game Enemy Territory,demandé il y a 3186 jours.
- leechcraft: modular 'Internet client' application,demandé il y a 3180 jours.
- cutefarm: farm and agriculture management application,demandé il y a 3172 jours.
- varnisnncsa-vhost: Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with virtualhost,demandé il y a 3168 jours.
- abcl: A full implementation of the Common Lisp language running in JVM,demandé il y a 3168 jours.
- ccl: Clozure CL,demandé il y a 3162 jours.
- polysh: remote shell multiplexor,demandé il y a 3162 jours.
- unity: Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition,demandé il y a 3160 jours.
- gzdoom: Enhanced Doom engine,demandé il y a 3159 jours.
- percona-server-core-5.5: Percona dropin alt server,demandé il y a 3154 jours.
- dnt: DccNiTghtmare (aka DNT) is a project to make a Free (as in free speech) 3D single player RPG in a satirical post-apocalyptical world.,demandé il y a 3144 jours.
- kpassgen: password generator written in Qt,demandé il y a 3144 jours.
- dwarf: a little and powerful object file manipulation tool.,demandé il y a 3138 jours.
- phplist: multi-list email campaign manager,demandé il y a 3129 jours.
- philologic: text analysis tool for digital corpora,demandé il y a 3129 jours.
- replicatorg: Simple 3D printing program,demandé il y a 3123 jours.
- python-ncrypt: python wrapper for OpenSSL,demandé il y a 3117 jours.
- font-ttf-scripts-perl: TTF font support scripts for Perl,demandé il y a 3112 jours.
- authprogs: A simple wrapper for SSH's resticted commands via pubkey auth,demandé il y a 3106 jours.
- bool2cnf: tool for converting a boolean formula into CNF,demandé il y a 3102 jours.
- rstudio: IDE for GNU R,demandé il y a 3101 jours.
- xul-ext-sqlite-manager: manage SQLite databases,demandé il y a 3097 jours.
- biosdevname: takes a kernel device name as an argument, and returns the BIOS-given name.,demandé il y a 3097 jours.
- trac-ldapplugin: LDAP support with group management in Trac,demandé il y a 3094 jours.
- tellduscenter: Graphical program to control NEXA and other RF remote receivers with TellStick,demandé il y a 3093 jours.
- tei: XML schema of the Text Encoding Initiative,demandé il y a 3092 jours.
- eclipse-plugin-avr: tools for developing C programs for the ATMEL AVR series of embedded processors,demandé il y a 3083 jours.
- libjs-extjs4: cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4,demandé il y a 3083 jours.
- cutmp3: small and fast command line MP3 editor,demandé il y a 3082 jours.
- dwarftherapist: Helper tool for Dwarf Fortress game,demandé il y a 3077 jours.
- vpnautoconnect: Automatically reconnect VPNs created by NetworkManager,demandé il y a 3073 jours.
- libjs-validation: jQuery plugin for clientside form validation,demandé il y a 3066 jours.
- ubiquity: GUI installer for live systems,demandé il y a 3055 jours.
- joyce: Amstrad PCW Emulator,demandé il y a 3051 jours.
- ruby-debug: Faster implementation of the standard debug.rb,demandé il y a 3051 jours.
- dylandotnet: This is the dylan.NET compiler.,demandé il y a 3039 jours.
- airoscript-ng: User interface for aircrack-ng,demandé il y a 3035 jours.
- selenium: Browser automation,demandé il y a 3035 jours.
- python-django-page-cms: Simple yet powerful django-based CMS,demandé il y a 3023 jours.
- freesurfer: analysis and visualization of functional brain imaging data,demandé il y a 3020 jours.
- xul-ext-pencil: GUI prototyping and diagram tool,demandé il y a 3019 jours.
- libapache2-mod-spdy: Apache module for the SPDY,demandé il y a 3017 jours.
- bitcoinj: A Java implementation of a Bitcoin client-only node,demandé il y a 3014 jours.
- winexe: execute a command on Windows,demandé il y a 3013 jours.
- racktables: Datacenter asset management system,demandé il y a 3009 jours.
- odt2braille: Export and emboss Braille documents using Libreoffice,demandé il y a 3005 jours.
- mosh-scheme: fast R6RS Scheme interpreter,demandé il y a 2996 jours.
- funcdesigner: Python module for rapid prototyping of functions with AD,demandé il y a 2995 jours.
- nicofox: Iceweasel/Firefox extension to extend Nico Nico Douga functionality and save videos,demandé il y a 2984 jours.
- xnoise: Media Player for Gtk+,demandé il y a 2979 jours.
- morelia: client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Development in Python,demandé il y a 2977 jours.
- hawk: HA Web Konsole,demandé il y a 2968 jours.
- ditaa-addons: EPS and JavaDoc support for ditaa,demandé il y a 2966 jours.
- dvdstyler: DVD authoring and burning tool,demandé il y a 2960 jours.
- goodbye: next part after 'hello', and a packaging example,demandé il y a 2956 jours.
- libagar: a portable GUI toolkit,demandé il y a 2953 jours.
- boot-repair: Simple tool to repair boot problems,demandé il y a 2948 jours.
- treemaker: TreeMaker is a program for the design of origami bases.,demandé il y a 2948 jours.
- boot-repair-common: Librairies for OS-uninstaller and Boot-repair,demandé il y a 2947 jours.
- clean-ubiquity-common: Common librairies for Boot-repair, OS-Uninstaller and Clean-Ubiquity,demandé il y a 2947 jours.
- icecat: GNU version of the Firefox browser,demandé il y a 2945 jours.
- bluegriffon: Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Gecko,demandé il y a 2944 jours.
- cocot: Character code converter on tty,demandé il y a 2933 jours.
- dcache-srmclient: SRM protocol clients,demandé il y a 2932 jours.
- ensime: ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs,demandé il y a 2924 jours.
- simple-build-tool: for scala and java,demandé il y a 2924 jours.
- toprammer: Command-line and GUI software for the TOP2049 universal programmer,demandé il y a 2921 jours.
- gkamus: Offline Indonesian-English dictionary.,demandé il y a 2921 jours.
- convergence: An agile, distributed, and secure strategy for replacing Certificate Authorities.,demandé il y a 2917 jours.
- gst-debug-viewer: GStreamer Debug Viewer,demandé il y a 2914 jours.
- gnome-globalmenu: global menu plug-in for gnome-shell,demandé il y a 2909 jours.
- web-greeter: Modern, visually appealing login,demandé il y a 2909 jours.
- qt-solutions: libqtsingleapplication0: support for starting applications only once,demandé il y a 2908 jours.
- ruby-juicer: CSS and JavaScript packaging tool,demandé il y a 2906 jours.
- docbook-xsl2: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML to various output formats,demandé il y a 2905 jours.
- libapache2-mod-socket-policy-server: serving Adobe socket policies,demandé il y a 2904 jours.
- aces2: Advanced Concepts in Electronic Structure II,demandé il y a 2902 jours.
- liquidwar6: Multiplayer wargame,demandé il y a 2890 jours.
- kpdftool: GUI interface for managing PDFs with GhostView and ImageMagick,demandé il y a 2886 jours.
- tilemill: map design studio,demandé il y a 2886 jours.
- aspsms-t: aspsms-t is an open source /*GPL*/ jabber2sms transport written in perl // http://github.com/micressor/aspsms-t,demandé il y a 2882 jours.
- xonotic: a fast-paced first-person shooter,demandé il y a 2871 jours.
- kiwiirc: Web based IRC client,demandé il y a 2868 jours.
- nemid: Install certificate for the Danish 'NemID',demandé il y a 2864 jours.
- tcp-over-dns: TCP tunnel through the standard DNS protocol,demandé il y a 2860 jours.
- newsblur: A visual feed reader with intelligence,demandé il y a 2858 jours.
- cellprofiler: quantitatively measure phenotypes,demandé il y a 2855 jours.
- xfce4-netspeed-plugin: traffic monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel,demandé il y a 2854 jours.
- zramswap-enabler: Start/Stop swapping to zram,demandé il y a 2854 jours.
- cherokee: Very fast, flexible and easy to,demandé il y a 2854 jours.
- qfs: Quantcast Distributed Filesystem,demandé il y a 2853 jours.
- gnome-shell-frippery: Frippery GNOME Shell extensions,demandé il y a 2851 jours.
- tomahawk-player: multi-source social media player,demandé il y a 2844 jours.
- wwwoffle: World Wide Web OFFline Explorer,demandé il y a 2839 jours.
- fcgi-daemon: Perl-aware FastCGI daemon,demandé il y a 2836 jours.
- scl-transliteration: <missing description>,demandé il y a 2834 jours.
- gephi: The Open Graph Viz Platform,demandé il y a 2832 jours.
- iodoom3: GPL source code release of the Doom3 game engine,demandé il y a 2832 jours.
- anox: anoX permits to run an application in,demandé il y a 2831 jours.
- zita-dpl1: look-ahead digital peak limiter,demandé il y a 2828 jours.
- drwright: monitors your typing and forces you to periodically take typing breaks,demandé il y a 2824 jours.
- friendica: PHP/MySQL based decentral social network platform,demandé il y a 2820 jours.
- emacs-textmate,demandé il y a 2818 jours.
- v3c: C/C++/sh/make/automake/Debian utility toolkit,demandé il y a 2817 jours.
- v3c-qt: v3c/automake wrapper for Qt4,demandé il y a 2817 jours.
- v3c-qt-examples: v3c/automake wrapper for Qt4 - examples,demandé il y a 2817 jours.
- aguilas: A web-based LDAP user management system,demandé il y a 2816 jours.
- beret: A 2D puzzle platformer game,demandé il y a 2815 jours.
- rpg: Readable Password Generator,demandé il y a 2813 jours.
- lico-update: Machine update script for The New Linux Counter Project,demandé il y a 2813 jours.
- reviewboard: web-based code review tool,demandé il y a 2810 jours.
- libmath-random-mt-perl-perl: Pure-Perl Mersenne-Twister module to generate random numbers,demandé il y a 2809 jours.
- plover: stenotype input method,demandé il y a 2798 jours.
- transcriberag: TranscriberAG is designed for assisting the manual annotation of speech signals.,demandé il y a 2795 jours.
- filebench: file system and storage benchmark with flexible workload specification,demandé il y a 2793 jours.
- pushkey: pushes ssh keys to remote locations,demandé il y a 2793 jours.
- vim-pyclewn: Pyclewn allows using vim as a front end to a debugger. Currently it supports gdb and pdb,demandé il y a 2793 jours.
- opendcp: Open Digital Cinema Package software,demandé il y a 2792 jours.
- jtransforms: A multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java,demandé il y a 2792 jours.
- libqsi: Quantum Scientific Imaging Library,demandé il y a 2785 jours.
- globalplatform: library to handle communication with GlobalPlatform cards,demandé il y a 2782 jours.
- minivmac: a miniature early Macintosh emulator,demandé il y a 2781 jours.
- gppcscconnectionplugin: PC/SC connection plugin for GlobalPlatform Library,demandé il y a 2779 jours.
- gpshell: GlobalPlatform smart card script interpreter,demandé il y a 2779 jours.
- libjs-videojs: JavaScript and CSS library for HTML5 video,demandé il y a 2779 jours.
- python-scrapelib: library for scraping websites,demandé il y a 2778 jours.
- pootle: Web-based translation and translation management,demandé il y a 2776 jours.
- simplelxc: Minimalist package to create LXC guests and then manage them simply.,demandé il y a 2775 jours.
- p2pool: peer-to-peer pool for Bitcoin mining,demandé il y a 2774 jours.
- olena: C++ Image Processing Platform,demandé il y a 2772 jours.
- nesicide: An Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System,demandé il y a 2770 jours.
- libdigidocpp: C++ library for processing BDOC digital,demandé il y a 2770 jours.
- qesteidutil: Estonian ID card management utility,demandé il y a 2770 jours.
- meandmyshadow: A puzzle / platform game,demandé il y a 2766 jours.
- multimarkdown: converter for Multimarkdown markup documents,demandé il y a 2761 jours.
- webext-librejs: browser plugin to block non-free,demandé il y a 2761 jours.
- elpa-ws-trim: various sorts ofwhitespace trimming for emacs,demandé il y a 2760 jours.
- wview: Weather station daemon,demandé il y a 2759 jours.
- eaccelerator: PHP accelerator and optimizer,demandé il y a 2757 jours.
- heybuddy: light identi.ca microblogging client,demandé il y a 2755 jours.
- innotop: monitor MySQL in real time,demandé il y a 2756 jours.
- libre-jigsaw: A jigsaw puzzle game,demandé il y a 2752 jours.
- guitarexerciser: A program to help guitarists develop their skills,demandé il y a 2752 jours.
- selector: selector is a real-time pattern matcher for console,demandé il y a 2752 jours.
- maxwell: entropy-gathering daemon,demandé il y a 2737 jours.
- gm-assistant: Game Master assistant for role-playing games,demandé il y a 2735 jours.
- foreman: puppet dashboard and node classifier,demandé il y a 2734 jours.
- qpdfpresenterconsole: PDF/Beamer presentation software.,demandé il y a 2733 jours.
- tinkerer: blogging engine/static website generator powered by Sphinx,demandé il y a 2722 jours.
- spro: Speech signal processing toolkit for feature extraction,demandé il y a 2722 jours.
- logstash: tool for managing events and logs,demandé il y a 2721 jours.
- ssb-sprom: A tool for modification of the Broadcom Sonics Silicon Backplane SPROM,demandé il y a 2711 jours.
- openphoto: A photo application that lets you store your photos on Dropbox, Amazon S3 or in your garage.,demandé il y a 2707 jours.
- d0-blind-id: library for user identification using RSA blind signatures,demandé il y a 2700 jours.
- vdsm: Virtual Desktop and Server Manager,demandé il y a 2699 jours.
- dparser: a scannerless GLR parser generator,demandé il y a 2699 jours.
- sigrok-firmware: firmware files for various logic analyzers,demandé il y a 2695 jours.
- bugzilla4: web-based bug tracking system,demandé il y a 2691 jours.
- sdl-audioin: Library to add audio input support to SDL,demandé il y a 2687 jours.
- udev-notify: Display notifications about newly plugged hardware,demandé il y a 2686 jours.
- libjs-jquery-jqplot: jQuery Plotting Plugin,demandé il y a 2684 jours.
- logsurfer: Monitoring system logs in real-time,demandé il y a 2682 jours.
- libphidget21: Phidgets runtime library,demandé il y a 2681 jours.
- fatfingershell: terminal emulator for Linux mobile devices,demandé il y a 2679 jours.
- sstp-client: Connect to a Microsoft Windows 2008 server using SSTP VPN,demandé il y a 2679 jours.
- rutorrent: a web front-end for the rtorrent client,demandé il y a 2675 jours.
- python-sst: browser-based web test framework for Python,demandé il y a 2672 jours.
- thunar-shares-plugin: samba usershare support for thunar filemanager (XFCE),demandé il y a 2670 jours.
- feincms-elephantblog: simplistic blog engine for FeinCMS,demandé il y a 2669 jours.
- xul-ext-dnssec: DNSSEC validator,demandé il y a 2668 jours.
- intel-opencl-sdk: Intel(R) OpenCL SDK,demandé il y a 2667 jours.
- vodstok: Voluntary Distributed Storage Kit,demandé il y a 2666 jours.
- virtualgl: Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients,demandé il y a 2663 jours.
- gofish: Small gopher server in C,demandé il y a 2663 jours.
- libjs-slidy: slide shows in HTML and XHTML,demandé il y a 2661 jours.
- jshint: static analysis tool for JavaScript code,demandé il y a 2661 jours.
- softiwarp-kernel: Soft-iWARP kernel module implementing iWARP on top of tcp kernel sockets,demandé il y a 2653 jours.
- pgbulkload: A high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL,demandé il y a 2652 jours.
- strap-base: Code-base for Strap - A GUI for aligning proteins by sequence and structure,demandé il y a 2651 jours.
- libgtk2-cv-perl: Free software alternative for xv image viewer,demandé il y a 2650 jours.
- liblutok: library for Lightweight C++ API for Lua,demandé il y a 2648 jours.
- bsod: curses Blue Screen of Death Simulator.,demandé il y a 2645 jours.
- cellml-api: The CellML API Reference Implementation lets you manipulate and simulate mathematical models in the CellML modelling language,demandé il y a 2645 jours.
- pymunk: Python wrapper to the Chipmunk 2D physics library,demandé il y a 2640 jours.
- snack-sndfile-ext: libsndfile snack plugin,demandé il y a 2637 jours.
- dbvisualizer: multi-database management tool,demandé il y a 2631 jours.
- prolog-cafe: Prolog implementation running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM),demandé il y a 2627 jours.
- nfsometer: performance measurement framework for various NFS workloads,demandé il y a 2627 jours.
- wmfs: Window Manager From Scratch,demandé il y a 2626 jours.
- m64py: Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python,demandé il y a 2625 jours.
- metaphoneptbr: metaphone implementation for brazilian portuguese,demandé il y a 2625 jours.
- scratch-text-editor: text editor written in Vala,demandé il y a 2621 jours.
- cctbx: Computational Crystallography Toolbox,demandé il y a 2618 jours.
- ineptepub: decrypt Adobe ADEPT-encrypted EPUB books,demandé il y a 2615 jours.
- taudem: Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models,demandé il y a 2614 jours.
- be-shell: lightweight kde shell,demandé il y a 2611 jours.
- dbeaver: free universal database tool for developers and database administrators.,demandé il y a 2611 jours.
- aften: ATSC A/52 (AC3 audio) encoder,demandé il y a 2605 jours.
- sigrok-util: sigrok related utilities,demandé il y a 2603 jours.
- pyskein: Python extension implementing the Skein,demandé il y a 2602 jours.
- cows-and-bulls: Words-based version of the cows and bulls game,demandé il y a 2598 jours.
- cream-pim: Personal Information Manager for the Cream Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 2597 jours.
- python-msrplib: MSRP libs used by SylkServer,demandé il y a 2596 jours.
- python-xcaplib: XCAP libs used by SylkServer,demandé il y a 2596 jours.
- osra: optical structure recognition application,demandé il y a 2595 jours.
- libapache-sshd-java: java server and client implementation of the SSH protocol,demandé il y a 2587 jours.
- gwt-maven-plugin: maven plugin to compile Google Web Toolkit applications,demandé il y a 2587 jours.
- fonts-adobe-source: set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces,demandé il y a 2586 jours.
- confctl: Utility to access C-like configuration files from shell scripts.,demandé il y a 2582 jours.
- trinity-desktop: Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE),demandé il y a 2579 jours.
- libanltao: Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO),demandé il y a 2576 jours.
- libjpam-java: JPAM permits the use of PAM authentication facilities by Java,demandé il y a 2571 jours.
- xprofile: a profile manager for different driver configurations,demandé il y a 2569 jours.
- msnake: A snake game in the terminal,demandé il y a 2568 jours.
- opentracker: An open and free bittorrent tracker,demandé il y a 2568 jours.
- previous: previous: NeXTcube/NeXTstation emulator,demandé il y a 2559 jours.
- python-wherigo: python module for creating a wherigo player,demandé il y a 2558 jours.
- firetable: An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP,demandé il y a 2553 jours.
- python-django-grappelli-safe: admin interface enhancement for Django,demandé il y a 2549 jours.
- python-django-filebrowser-safe: asset manager for Django,demandé il y a 2549 jours.
- mwlib: MediaWiki render server for use with the Collection extension,demandé il y a 2547 jours.
- python-django-mezzanine: CMS built using the Django framework,demandé il y a 2545 jours.
- gsi-openssh: secure shell client and server with GSI authentication,demandé il y a 2545 jours.
- statsd: A simple, lightweight network daemon to collect metrics over UDP,demandé il y a 2534 jours.
- audioseg: audio segmentation toolkit,demandé il y a 2533 jours.
- fpm: Effing Package Management,demandé il y a 2532 jours.
- cdesktopenv: CDE, the classic unix desktop,demandé il y a 2530 jours.
- libcredis: Credis is a client library in plain C for communicating with Redis servers. Redis is a high performance key-value database.,demandé il y a 2525 jours.
- kallithea: free software source code management system,demandé il y a 2525 jours.
- apt-fast: shellscript wrapper for apt-get or aptitude,demandé il y a 2518 jours.
- jampal: mp3 song library management system and player,demandé il y a 2517 jours.
- pidgin-opensteamworks: Steam IM / Steam Friends plugin for Pidgin (libpurple),demandé il y a 2514 jours.
- kfreebsd-firmware-nonfree: Nonfree firmware modules for kfreebsd kernel,demandé il y a 2513 jours.
- 2mandvd: Video DVD creator,demandé il y a 2513 jours.
- phplint: Lint tool for PHP code,demandé il y a 2512 jours.
- wavegain: replaygain for WAV files,demandé il y a 2512 jours.
- djabberd: Distributed Jabber server,demandé il y a 2512 jours.
- jammit: Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails,demandé il y a 2508 jours.
- node-jasmine: DOM-less simple JavaScript testing,demandé il y a 2505 jours.
- szg: Fast command line calculator,demandé il y a 2504 jours.
- ruby-cloudfiles: Rackspace Cloud Files API - Ruby interface,demandé il y a 2504 jours.
- qenet: Qt classes for interfacing with the ENet,demandé il y a 2503 jours.
- python-cef: Python module for emitting CEF logs,demandé il y a 2502 jours.
- wsgiproxy: HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps,demandé il y a 2502 jours.
- debugger-ruby-core-source: Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.,demandé il y a 2502 jours.
- python-django-schedule: calendaring app for Django,demandé il y a 2501 jours.
- libcouchbase: Couchbase protocol library,demandé il y a 2497 jours.
- libas-tlf: Text Layout Framework,demandé il y a 2497 jours.
- notion-scripts: Contributed scripts for the Notion window manager,demandé il y a 2495 jours.
- php-wp-cli: Command line interface for WordPress,demandé il y a 2492 jours.
- arduide: Qt-based IDE for Arduino development,demandé il y a 2492 jours.
- toped: Toped is a cross-platform IC layout editor,demandé il y a 2490 jours.
- librcf-cpp: Remote Call Framework (RCF) is a portable IPC/RPC middleware framework for C++ applications,demandé il y a 2490 jours.
- gimp-qmlexporter: GIMP plugin to export layers and Text as QT-Quick (QML),demandé il y a 2488 jours.
- grandorgue: Virtual Pipe Organ Software,demandé il y a 2484 jours.
- guile-reader: framework for building readers for Guile,demandé il y a 2483 jours.
- dhrystone: a popular benchmark for CPU/compiler performance measurement,demandé il y a 2482 jours.
- netradiant-q3map2: a quake 3 map compiler,demandé il y a 2479 jours.
- openlase: Laser show software for soundcard operation. Can open, manipulate and save DXF, ILDA and WAVE.,demandé il y a 2474 jours.
- leaflet-tilejson: leaflet-tilejson adds support for the TileJSON specification to the Leaflet map client,demandé il y a 2473 jours.
- lzma-sdk-4j: LZMA SDK for Java,demandé il y a 2471 jours.
- reaction: first person shooter (ioquake3),demandé il y a 2469 jours.
- unvanquished: a multi-player team-based alien vs,demandé il y a 2468 jours.
- ruby-ci-reporter: CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate XML reports of your test, spec and/or feature runs,demandé il y a 2468 jours.
- ruby-webrat: Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web application,demandé il y a 2467 jours.
- fsniper: daemon to run scripts based on changes in files monitored by inotify,demandé il y a 2465 jours.
- geierlein: Elster client to submit VAT declarations to Germany's fiscal authorities,demandé il y a 2462 jours.
- dualword: foreign language vocabulary trainer,demandé il y a 2461 jours.
- openrtm-aist-python: A component-based robotics middleware,demandé il y a 2461 jours.
- emacs-ipython-notebook: IPython notebooks in Emacs,demandé il y a 2461 jours.
- crosstool-ng: tool to build toolchains,demandé il y a 2458 jours.
- youtube-upload: upload videos to YouTube from the command-line,demandé il y a 2457 jours.
- glmark2: OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark suite,demandé il y a 2454 jours.
- oh-my-zsh: framework for managing your zsh configuration,demandé il y a 2452 jours.
- libgetoptionkit-php: Commandline options parser for PHP 5.3.,demandé il y a 2450 jours.
- python-kmod: Python bindings for kmod/libkmod,demandé il y a 2447 jours.
- mp3cat: reads, writes, splits and combines MP3 files,demandé il y a 2442 jours.
- hdhomerun-config-gui: GUI Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun,demandé il y a 2432 jours.
- hamster-time-tracker: The linux time tracker,demandé il y a 2427 jours.
- ppsspp: ppsspp: A portable PSP emulator.,demandé il y a 2427 jours.
- livewallpaper: completely animated OpenGL wallpaper,demandé il y a 2423 jours.
- ice4j: ICE/STUN/TURN Java library used by Jitsi,demandé il y a 2418 jours.
- ruby-bond: easy custom autocompletion for arguments, methods and beyond,demandé il y a 2414 jours.
- carddavmate: CardDAV web client,demandé il y a 2413 jours.
- caldavzap: CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor,demandé il y a 2413 jours.
- ad2openldap: Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD,demandé il y a 2412 jours.
- brogue: Roguelike game by Brian Walker,demandé il y a 2412 jours.
- pp3: Celestial chart generator,demandé il y a 2412 jours.
- begin: an output modifier,demandé il y a 2409 jours.
- gdb-heap: gdb extension to debug dynamic memory allocation problems,demandé il y a 2408 jours.
- apr-json: JSON serializer / deserializer for use with Apache Portable Runtime (APR),demandé il y a 2405 jours.
- python-django-chimere: collaborative and thematic maps application for Django,demandé il y a 2404 jours.
- tipcutils: TIPC utilities,demandé il y a 2400 jours.
- qtweetlib: qtweetlib is a QT library for talking to twitter,demandé il y a 2398 jours.
- growlight: Disk manipulation and system preparation tool,demandé il y a 2398 jours.
- kibana: is a user friendly way to view your log data.,demandé il y a 2394 jours.
- scilab-financial: Library of financial computations functions based on Scilab,demandé il y a 2393 jours.
- valyriatear: open source J-RPG game,demandé il y a 2393 jours.
- salor-hospitality: Professional Point of Sale system for the Hospitality Industry, Restaurants and Hotels,demandé il y a 2392 jours.
- lua-lunamark: General markup format converter using lpeg,demandé il y a 2389 jours.
- headoverheels: remake of the classical game from the '80s,demandé il y a 2387 jours.
- python-shove: python module for object storage to be accessed in a dictionary style,demandé il y a 2384 jours.
- dnsgraph: trace and graph all resolution paths for DNS names,demandé il y a 2383 jours.
- haskell-process: Process libraries in Haskell,demandé il y a 2380 jours.
- pyftgl: python bindings for the ftgl opengl font rendering library,demandé il y a 2376 jours.
- openecard: lightweight eID client, integrates major international standards,demandé il y a 2376 jours.
- koha: Koha Integrated Library System,demandé il y a 2375 jours.
- vmodsynth: a modular software synthesizer,demandé il y a 2374 jours.
- estonianidcard: Metapackage installing all the packages for Estonian ID card support,demandé il y a 2374 jours.
- esteidcerts: Estonian ID card root, intermediate and OCSP certificates,demandé il y a 2374 jours.
- ruby-georuby: Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features,demandé il y a 2374 jours.
- esteidpkcs11loader: Loads pkcs#11 module for web authentication with smart cards,demandé il y a 2374 jours.
- hunspell-gu: Gujarati dictionary for hunspell,demandé il y a 2373 jours.
- ruby-escper: Collection of tools that make printing of plain text and images to one or several serial thermal ESCPOS printers easy,demandé il y a 2373 jours.
- ccons: Interactive Console for the C Programming Language,demandé il y a 2373 jours.
- fabtools: tools for writing awesome Fabric files,demandé il y a 2373 jours.
- open-numismat: application for coin lovers, numismatists or amateurs looking to create a numismatics collection,demandé il y a 2372 jours.
- crosslibs: A cross-platform library designed to simplify C++ development and provide useful utility functions,demandé il y a 2372 jours.
- untrunc: simple tool to recover truncated mp4, mov, 3gp files,demandé il y a 2371 jours.
- libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl: Catalyst SOAP Controller,demandé il y a 2369 jours.
- rockmongo: MongoDB web administration tool,demandé il y a 2364 jours.
- fsthost: A linux VST host using winelib, fork of FreeST,demandé il y a 2362 jours.
- patchwork: a console or web based patch tracking system,demandé il y a 2360 jours.
- viewpdf: PDF viewer clearly indicating,demandé il y a 2358 jours.
- stats: simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text,demandé il y a 2356 jours.
- retask: Simple task queues using Redis,demandé il y a 2356 jours.
- cloudfuse: FUSE filesystem for Swift object storage.,demandé il y a 2356 jours.
- ibus-bogo: A Vietnamese input engine for IBus.,demandé il y a 2354 jours.
- addon-sdk: development environment for Iceweasel add-ons,demandé il y a 2352 jours.
- logic-analyzer-rpi: Use your Raspberry Pi as a logic analyzer,demandé il y a 2351 jours.
- richbool: An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like macros for debugging,demandé il y a 2351 jours.
- sdb-pancake: simple and fast key/value database,demandé il y a 2350 jours.
- php5-weakref: Implementation of weak,demandé il y a 2350 jours.
- travis-client-tools: command line client and a Ruby library to interface with a Travis CI service,demandé il y a 2350 jours.
- jubatus: jubatus: Distributed Online Machine Learning Framework,demandé il y a 2350 jours.
- desktop-base-oldies: packages containing theming from past releases’ desktop-base package,demandé il y a 2350 jours.
- trac-migrate: migrate a trac environment to another database,demandé il y a 2349 jours.
- numbers: database of interesting numbers and a tool to compare against it,demandé il y a 2348 jours.
- xmlvalidate: Quick and flexible XML validator,demandé il y a 2347 jours.
- hogan.js: compiler for the Mustache templating language,demandé il y a 2345 jours.
- pifacedigitalio: control a Pi-Face interface on your Raspberry Pi,demandé il y a 2344 jours.
- libjs-jumflot: plugins for the flot plotting library,demandé il y a 2342 jours.
- modassert: An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like macros for debugging,demandé il y a 2342 jours.
- libcmime: libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C,demandé il y a 2339 jours.
- cw-driver: Driver and utilities for the Catweasel versatile floppy disk controller,demandé il y a 2338 jours.
- python-timbl: Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory Based Learner (Timbl),demandé il y a 2336 jours.
- chinese-checkers: Multiplayer implementation of the chinese checkers game,demandé il y a 2335 jours.
- jhelioviewer: Visualization software for solar image,demandé il y a 2334 jours.
- bitfighter: A fast-paced team-based multi-player space combat game,demandé il y a 2334 jours.
- alacarte-map-server: tile renderer for OpenStreetMap using Cairo and MapCSS,demandé il y a 2334 jours.
- zuul: zuul - a project gating system,demandé il y a 2326 jours.
- scim-bridge-el: SCIM client for GNU Emacs,demandé il y a 2324 jours.
- sqlworkbenchj: A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool,demandé il y a 2322 jours.
- yetris: customizable Tetris(tm) on the console,demandé il y a 2322 jours.
- base91: base91 encoder/decoder,demandé il y a 2322 jours.
- php-net-telnet: provides a PHP implementation of the TELNET protocol,demandé il y a 2317 jours.
- psymon: A cross-platform, task and performance monitor.,demandé il y a 2316 jours.
- gerbil: novel interactive visualization and analysis framework for multispectral and hyperspectral images,demandé il y a 2314 jours.
- erbot: A bot that can currently talk to you through InternetRelayChat (IRC),demandé il y a 2313 jours.
- calcelestial: calcelestial calculates positions, rise & set times of celestial bodies.,demandé il y a 2311 jours.
- taginfo: convenience wrapper for taglib,demandé il y a 2310 jours.
- yoda: Yet more Objects for Data Analysis,demandé il y a 2310 jours.
- lacaml: Linear Algebra for OCaml,demandé il y a 2310 jours.
- hakuneko: Manga Downloader based on GTK,demandé il y a 2310 jours.
- moocng: open source MOOC platform,demandé il y a 2309 jours.
- node-socket.io: Makes WebSockets and realtime possible in all browsers,demandé il y a 2309 jours.
- sampleicc: ICC profiles i/o and manipulating library and CMM,demandé il y a 2307 jours.
- trac-testmanager: full test management life-cycle for Trac,demandé il y a 2302 jours.
- fidocadj: a multi-platform editor for electronics,demandé il y a 2302 jours.
- castle-game: 3D game based on Castle Game Engine,demandé il y a 2301 jours.
- mpir: Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library,demandé il y a 2301 jours.
- indicator-keylock: indicator that displays the status of the keyboard lock keys,demandé il y a 2295 jours.
- asynk: Contacts synchronization for Google Contacts, BBDB and Outlook,demandé il y a 2295 jours.
- utmp: simple utility to manage utmp-records for shell and/or terminal multiplexers,demandé il y a 2295 jours.
- meta-suckless-tools: meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic window managers,demandé il y a 2295 jours.
- indicator-multiload: A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators and vala.,demandé il y a 2291 jours.
- node-helenus: Apache Cassandra client implementation for Node.js,demandé il y a 2291 jours.
- zotero-dataserver: dataserver for the zotero client,demandé il y a 2290 jours.
- require-kernel.js: Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a browser environment,demandé il y a 2289 jours.
- neurosynth: Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data,demandé il y a 2287 jours.
- maple-package: utility for creating Maple Debian packages,demandé il y a 2287 jours.
- opendb: PHP and MySQL based inventory application,demandé il y a 2286 jours.
- derelict3: A collection of dynamic D bindings to C libraries, useful for multimedia and game development.,demandé il y a 2285 jours.
- gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact: Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme,demandé il y a 2285 jours.
- mediawiki-mwxml2sql: Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database,demandé il y a 2285 jours.
- novoht: A lightweight persistent in memory hash table,demandé il y a 2284 jours.
- multi2sim: CPU-GPU Simulator for Heterogeneous Computing,demandé il y a 2279 jours.
- pyhst: High Speed Tomographic reconstruction controled from Python,demandé il y a 2278 jours.
- python-pygsear: a Pygame Framework with Examples,demandé il y a 2276 jours.
- braingl: exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connectivity in the brain.,demandé il y a 2274 jours.
- ruby-rdoc: RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects,demandé il y a 2274 jours.
- gmqcc: Improved QuakeC compiler,demandé il y a 2272 jours.
- libjs-gzip: a pure JavaScript implementation of the GZIP file format,demandé il y a 2271 jours.
- libjs-jsxml: XML/XSLT to DOM parser in JavaScript,demandé il y a 2271 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-icon-hider: GNOME Shell's status area icons manager,demandé il y a 2269 jours.
- nightingale: audio player and web browser based on the Songbird,demandé il y a 2268 jours.
- digitd: A simple, flexible and safe finger daemon,demandé il y a 2267 jours.
- libtiger: Kate rendering library,demandé il y a 2266 jours.
- kzorp: KZorp is kernel space helper for application level gateways, especially Zorp,demandé il y a 2263 jours.
- tt-rss-attic-plugins: Extra plugins for tt-rss,demandé il y a 2263 jours.
- ruby-spinach: BDD framework on top of Gherkin,demandé il y a 2262 jours.
- exposong: A worship presentation software,demandé il y a 2262 jours.
- spark-hilite: SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style),demandé il y a 2262 jours.
- libsamsung-ipc: library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smartphones,demandé il y a 2262 jours.
- simplenat: script for autoconfigure simple NAT server,demandé il y a 2261 jours.
- finalterm: Modern terminal emulator,demandé il y a 2261 jours.
- ksig: KSig is a graphical tool for keeping track of many different email signatures.,demandé il y a 2259 jours.
- polyphone: soundfont editor (.sf2 format 2.01 and 2.04),demandé il y a 2256 jours.
- brickutils: Utility for organizing your collection of LEGO(R) bricks,demandé il y a 2251 jours.
- fuse-google-drive: A fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive.,demandé il y a 2251 jours.
- django-colorful: database and form RGB color fields for Django,demandé il y a 2250 jours.
- ldglite: Display, edit and render 3D LEGO(R) LDraw models,demandé il y a 2250 jours.
- ldview: OpenGL based viewer and renderer for LEGO LDraw 3D models,demandé il y a 2248 jours.
- cr3: Cool Reader 3, an e-book reader,demandé il y a 2246 jours.
- su2: Software for PDE based analysis and optimization,demandé il y a 2246 jours.
- kfilebox: Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (previously called KDropbox) offers almost the same,demandé il y a 2246 jours.
- pagemap: analyze and print the physical memory layout of a Linux process,demandé il y a 2239 jours.
- python-affinity: control process CPU affinity,demandé il y a 2236 jours.
- rbdl: Rigid Body Dynamics Library,demandé il y a 2233 jours.
- python-pingdom: 3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API.,demandé il y a 2233 jours.
- edeploy: new way to provision/update systems,demandé il y a 2232 jours.
- deefuzzer: an easy and instant media streaming tool,demandé il y a 2228 jours.
- telemeta: open web audio CMS,demandé il y a 2228 jours.
- ruby-rkerberos: A Ruby interface for Kerberos,demandé il y a 2228 jours.
- 3proxy: tiny free proxy server,demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- percona-playback: A tool for replaying captured database server load,demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- qpress: Utility for manipulating quicklz archives,demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- async: a library for OCaml asynchronous programming,demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- async-core: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core),demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- async-unix: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix),demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- async-extra: Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra),demandé il y a 2227 jours.
- fedora-liveusb-creator: Cross-platform tool for installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives,demandé il y a 2226 jours.
- testdrive: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine,demandé il y a 2225 jours.
- buck: Facebook's build system for large Java projects,demandé il y a 2225 jours.
- mayan-edms: Django-based Electronic Document Management System (EDMS),demandé il y a 2222 jours.
- octoprint: Responsive web interface for 3D printers,demandé il y a 2222 jours.
- ruby-sys-admin: Unified, cross platform replacement for the Ruby 'etc' library.,demandé il y a 2222 jours.
- ruby-dbi-dbrc: A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets you avoid hard coding your passwords,demandé il y a 2221 jours.
- clojurehelper: Helper scripts for packaging Clojure programs,demandé il y a 2219 jours.
- vanitygen: bitcoin vanity address generator,demandé il y a 2218 jours.
- plasma-widget-bitcoin-chart: bitcoin exchange rate plasmoid,demandé il y a 2218 jours.
- python3-lirc: LIRC support for Python 3.,demandé il y a 2217 jours.
- minetruco: Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil,demandé il y a 2216 jours.
- eatmonkey: Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!,demandé il y a 2215 jours.
- taskwarrior-web: A web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- qserve: A job queue server,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- timelib: A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- sqlite3dbm: A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- mwlib.ext: External dependencies needed by the mwlib library,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- mwlib.rl: A library for creating pdf from MediaWiki,demandé il y a 2214 jours.
- sabre: fighter plane simulator,demandé il y a 2213 jours.
- logcat-color: a colorful alternative to 'adb logcat',demandé il y a 2212 jours.
- libjs-jquery-simple-dtpicker: is a simple and,demandé il y a 2211 jours.
- fonts-gandhi: A sans serif and serif version of,demandé il y a 2211 jours.
- dotdee: convert a flat file to a file,demandé il y a 2210 jours.
- libjs-jquery-layout: jquery page layout manager,demandé il y a 2209 jours.
- file-uploader: file upload library for webpages,demandé il y a 2209 jours.
- node-brewer: Asset manager for web applications,demandé il y a 2208 jours.
- apt-wishlist: Utility that allows users to request their sysadmin to install some package,demandé il y a 2206 jours.
- pyper: Easily transform text into other forms using stackable filters,demandé il y a 2206 jours.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch: Puppet module for vSwitches,demandé il y a 2205 jours.
- ecp: copies files with checksum on the fly',demandé il y a 2204 jours.
- jaxb2-maven-plugin: interlinking XML files with Java Objects from mojo.codehaus.org,demandé il y a 2204 jours.
- hpccsystems: HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster),demandé il y a 2203 jours.
- email-spec: Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest,demandé il y a 2199 jours.
- ruby-pyu-ruby-sasl: Simple Authentication and Security Layer,demandé il y a 2199 jours.
- doxia-1.0: 1.0 alpha version of Doxia from codehaus,demandé il y a 2199 jours.
- php-structures-datagrid-datasource-dataobject: DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject,demandé il y a 2198 jours.
- jnetmap: Network planner and scanner with nice,demandé il y a 2197 jours.
- minetest-mod-plantlife: Minetest mod - Plantlife,demandé il y a 2197 jours.
- taglist-maven-plugin: Maven Plugin generates a report on various tags in code,demandé il y a 2196 jours.
- uberwriter: a simple markdown editor,demandé il y a 2196 jours.
- minetest-mod-technic: Minetest mod - Technic,demandé il y a 2196 jours.
- minetest-mod-moretrees: Minetest mod - more trees,demandé il y a 2196 jours.
- liblog-any-app-perl: module that provides an easy way to use Log::Any in applications,demandé il y a 2194 jours.
- jspecview: viewer for spectral data in the JCAMP-DX format,demandé il y a 2192 jours.
- brackets: open source code editor for web,demandé il y a 2192 jours.
- python-vcs: Various version control systems management abstraction layer,demandé il y a 2191 jours.
- geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec,demandé il y a 2191 jours.
- jchardet: Java port of Mozilla charset detector,demandé il y a 2191 jours.
- liblenskit-java: toolkit for building,demandé il y a 2191 jours.
- mark2: minecraft server wrapper,demandé il y a 2191 jours.
- rateit: Tool for performing MUSHRA tests,demandé il y a 2189 jours.
- radium: graphical music editor,demandé il y a 2189 jours.
- varnish-agent-dashboard: Simple realtime dashboard for Varnish Cache,demandé il y a 2188 jours.
- interfacetable-v3t: Nagios / Icinga plugin to monitor network interfaces via SNMP,demandé il y a 2187 jours.
- maven-archetype: Maven project templating toolkit,demandé il y a 2187 jours.
- lconf: LDAP based configuration system for Icinga and Nagios,demandé il y a 2187 jours.
- lconf-icinga-mod: LConf web interface as a module for Icinga Web,demandé il y a 2187 jours.
- gajim-otr: Off-The-Record encryption for Gajim,demandé il y a 2185 jours.
- debile-slave: Debile slave service,demandé il y a 2185 jours.
- kqoauth: Library for OAuth 1.0 implementation,demandé il y a 2184 jours.
- minetest-mod-itemdrop: Minetest mod - Item Drop,demandé il y a 2184 jours.
- mod-host: LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control,demandé il y a 2182 jours.
- erlang-esasl: Erlang SASL library needed for GSSAPI support in ejabberd.,demandé il y a 2182 jours.
- gtkiostream: GTK+IOStream, ORB, Neural Networks, WSOLA, C++/Eigen3 to Octave.,demandé il y a 2182 jours.
- nsum: statistics for command-line interface (CLI),demandé il y a 2181 jours.
- kdis: The KDIS Distributed Interactive Simulation library (IEEE 1278.1),demandé il y a 2179 jours.
- fonts-new-athena-unicode: Multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association.,demandé il y a 2178 jours.
- python-xrayutilities: Python package for xray data reduction and analysis,demandé il y a 2178 jours.
- squidanalyzer: Squid proxy native log analyzer and reports generator with full statistics,demandé il y a 2178 jours.
- libnu-htmlparser-java: HTML5 parsing algorithm in Java,demandé il y a 2178 jours.
- sticky-notes: free open-source pastebin application,demandé il y a 2177 jours.
- libplack-middleware-assets-railslike-perl: bundle and minify JavaScript and CSS files,demandé il y a 2177 jours.
- blogofile-blog: Blogofile plugin implementing a basic blog engine,demandé il y a 2176 jours.
- php5-v8js: V8 Javascript Engine for PHP,demandé il y a 2174 jours.
- metar-elboza: a simple command line metar and taf,demandé il y a 2174 jours.
- avt: Aviation Tools,demandé il y a 2174 jours.
- jsbsim: the JSBSim flight dynamics model,demandé il y a 2171 jours.
- tryton-nereid: web framework on top of Tryton Application Platform,demandé il y a 2170 jours.
- bdsync: bdsync is a fast block device synchronizing tool,demandé il y a 2170 jours.
- libmini: the libMini real-time terrain rendering system,demandé il y a 2168 jours.
- fonts-fira: sans-serif font family released with FirefoxOS,demandé il y a 2168 jours.
- eiffelstudio: The EiffelStudio IDE and tools for the Eiffel language.,demandé il y a 2167 jours.
- flexget: multipurpose automation tool for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, etc,demandé il y a 2167 jours.
- sflowtool: Command line utility for decoding and analyzing sflow data,demandé il y a 2166 jours.
- youtube-cli: command-line client for YouTube',demandé il y a 2166 jours.
- python-blit: Simple pixel-composition library,demandé il y a 2164 jours.
- libjs-leaflet-awesome-markers: plugin for Leaflet to make awesome markers,demandé il y a 2164 jours.
- ht5streamer: Youtube/Dailymotion streamer without need of flashplugin,demandé il y a 2164 jours.
- libscion: dataflow programming library,demandé il y a 2163 jours.
- pykolab: Kolab Groupware Server,demandé il y a 2162 jours.
- kte-collaborative: Collaborative Text Editor support for KDE,demandé il y a 2162 jours.
- php5-gnutls: PHP extension for GnuTLS,demandé il y a 2162 jours.
- python-clamd: clamd is a portable Python module to use the ClamAV anti-virus engine on Windows, Linux, MacOSX and other platforms. It requires a running instance of the clamd daemon.,demandé il y a 2161 jours.
- python-cornice: provides helpers to build & document Web Services with Pyramid,demandé il y a 2161 jours.
- rumember: 'Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client',demandé il y a 2160 jours.
- cutepaste: Client application for paste.kde.org written in Qt,demandé il y a 2158 jours.
- metawarej: Java framework for creating web-based business applications,demandé il y a 2158 jours.
- wiktionarytodict: Translation dictionaries for the dictd server,demandé il y a 2157 jours.
- wxcam: A webcam application,demandé il y a 2156 jours.
- tarix: Indexing utility for tar archives,demandé il y a 2156 jours.
- libervia: web frontend for Salut à Toi,demandé il y a 2156 jours.
- openvisualtraceroute: Visual Traceroute displaying in a 3D map,demandé il y a 2155 jours.
- cloudy: Simulations of non-equilibrium plasmas and,demandé il y a 2154 jours.
- playitagainsam: presenter that records and replays interactive terminal sessions,demandé il y a 2153 jours.
- adk2tool: Android accessory development kit tools,demandé il y a 2152 jours.
- roundcube-plugins-kolab: Kolab Groupware plugins for Roundcube Webmail,demandé il y a 2151 jours.
- libjs-zxcvbn: realistic password strength,demandé il y a 2151 jours.
- clang-tags: Indexing tool for C/C++ source code,demandé il y a 2149 jours.
- vscp: framwork for automation of IoT/m2m tasks.,demandé il y a 2148 jours.
- pump.io: a stream server that does most of what,demandé il y a 2147 jours.
- ruby-netconf: Ruby GEM for device management using the NETCONF protocol as specified in RFC4741 and RFC6241,demandé il y a 2147 jours.
- elpa-coffee-mode: Emacs mode for editing CoffeeScript,demandé il y a 2147 jours.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone: Puppet module for Openstack keystone,demandé il y a 2145 jours.
- dive: A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux features.,demandé il y a 2145 jours.
- milter-manager: A milter to use milters effectively,demandé il y a 2144 jours.
- dooble: WebKit based light browser,demandé il y a 2141 jours.
- lua-stdlib: Standard Lua libraries,demandé il y a 2141 jours.
- lua-alien: Pure Lua extensions,demandé il y a 2141 jours.
- webodf: add Open Document Format support to web applications,demandé il y a 2140 jours.
- libjs-viewer: display ODF and PDF into web applications,demandé il y a 2140 jours.
- gitignorer: A simple utility that aids in the creation of .gitignore files.,demandé il y a 2138 jours.
- python-eveapi: EVE Online API access,demandé il y a 2138 jours.
- rssdrop: deliver rss feeds to Maildirs,demandé il y a 2138 jours.
- django-oauth2-provider: Provide OAuth2 access to django application,demandé il y a 2135 jours.
- libdata-spreadpagination-perl: page numbering and spread pagination,demandé il y a 2131 jours.
- golang-urlconnection: Go library to connect to targets given as URLs,demandé il y a 2129 jours.
- golang-doozer-exportedservice: Doozer exported HTTP/TCP/whatever service ports,demandé il y a 2129 jours.
- goldbug: secure fully decentralized instant messaging, chat and email client,demandé il y a 2129 jours.
- nscaweb: Nagios addon to submit checks over http,demandé il y a 2128 jours.
- inkscape-plugin-qrcode: Inkscape plugin for generating QR codes,demandé il y a 2128 jours.
- joyent-mdata-client: Metadata tools for interacting with SmartOS datasources,demandé il y a 2128 jours.
- web100-userland: The userland library and utilities for accessing and manipulating web100 TCP/IP instrumentation,demandé il y a 2127 jours.
- ndt: A network diagnostic tool.,demandé il y a 2127 jours.
- alienfeed: Reddit command-line client,demandé il y a 2126 jours.
- beaver: Lightweight log shippper to logstash,demandé il y a 2125 jours.
- gpuocelot: dynamic compilation framework for PTX,demandé il y a 2125 jours.
- cabocha: A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system,demandé il y a 2123 jours.
- crfpp: A Simple Implementation of Conditional Random Fields,demandé il y a 2123 jours.
- adbfuse: fuse layer for ADB,demandé il y a 2122 jours.
- napi-bash: Light and fast Polish subtitle downloader from the napi-project,demandé il y a 2119 jours.
- libpoly2tri: Lightweight triangulation library for simple polygons.,demandé il y a 2119 jours.
- xfce4-windowck-plugin: puts the maximized window title on the panel,demandé il y a 2119 jours.
- expect-lite: easy to use version of expect,demandé il y a 2118 jours.
- fonts-rabat: Arabic Maghribi Mabsout OpenType font,demandé il y a 2116 jours.
- surl: URL shortening command line application,demandé il y a 2116 jours.
- elementary-icon-theme: Official elementary icon theme.,demandé il y a 2115 jours.
- libtranslit: Transliteration library with,demandé il y a 2114 jours.
- fonts-autonym: A font that can render all language autonyms,demandé il y a 2114 jours.
- postgresql-madlib: MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database analytics.,demandé il y a 2114 jours.
- ibus-sayura: Sinhala Transe IME engine for ibus,demandé il y a 2114 jours.
- fonts-wikipedia: Meta package to install all fonts supported by Wikipedia,demandé il y a 2114 jours.
- libwebsitesnapshot-qt: A library for taking website snapshots.,demandé il y a 2111 jours.
- teampass: WEB based password manager,demandé il y a 2110 jours.
- angularjs-batarang: AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome,demandé il y a 2106 jours.
- python-iris: Python library for analysing and visualising, meteorological and oceanographic data sets,demandé il y a 2105 jours.
- avant-window-navigator: MacOS X like panel for GNOME,demandé il y a 2105 jours.
- libdesktop-agnostic: Desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projects,demandé il y a 2105 jours.
- libcatalyst-actionrole-queryparameter-perl: Dispatch rules using query parameters,demandé il y a 2103 jours.
- thinkpad-scripts: Rotation scripts for ThinkPad,demandé il y a 2101 jours.
- zathura-mupdf: mupdf backend for zathura,demandé il y a 2097 jours.
- radosgw-agent: Synchronize data and users between radosgw clusters,demandé il y a 2096 jours.
- r-cran-locfit: GNU R local regression, likelihood and density estimation,demandé il y a 2095 jours.
- phpipam: web based IP address management,demandé il y a 2094 jours.
- pybitmessage: peer-to-peer trustless communication,demandé il y a 2091 jours.
- libvmod-throttle: Throttling module for Varnish,demandé il y a 2090 jours.
- fsyringe: a command line tool to inject or extract data from a file.,demandé il y a 2089 jours.
- zint: Zint barcode studio - utilities and library for barcoding,demandé il y a 2088 jours.
- gadgetron: an open source framework for medical image reconstruction,demandé il y a 2085 jours.
- prpltwtr: libpurple plugin to add microblogging as an IM protocol,demandé il y a 2084 jours.
- mintstick: USB stick formatter and ISO image writer,demandé il y a 2083 jours.
- golang-gnuflag: Go library for GNU-style flag syntax,demandé il y a 2082 jours.
- weave-minimal: lightweight firefox weave/sync server,demandé il y a 2082 jours.
- travatar: tree based machine translation toolkit,demandé il y a 2082 jours.
- readseq2: readseq2 is a rewrite of readseq converter,demandé il y a 2079 jours.
- python-debiancontributors: Manage submissions to contributors.debian.org,demandé il y a 2079 jours.
- apache-directory-studio: The Eclipse-based LDAP,demandé il y a 2078 jours.
- gitprep: Git repository management application,demandé il y a 2077 jours.
- kbdlight: simple application that changes MacBooks' keyboard backlight level,demandé il y a 2074 jours.
- lubuntu-software-center: Utility for browsing, installing, removing applications.,demandé il y a 2073 jours.
- libnih.la: portable libnih implementation,demandé il y a 2071 jours.
- libjs-optparse: Command-line option parser for JavaScript applications,demandé il y a 2071 jours.
- libgit-cpan-patch-perl: Git commands for CPAN distributions,demandé il y a 2069 jours.
- b2sum: BLAKE2 family of hash functions -- command-line tool,demandé il y a 2068 jours.
- folly: library of C++11 components designed with practicality and efficiency in mind,demandé il y a 2067 jours.
- libbackpan-index-perl: Perl interface to the BackPAN index,demandé il y a 2067 jours.
- plasmate: tool specifically tailored to creating Plasma Workspace add-ons,demandé il y a 2065 jours.
- carbonate: some primitive tools to help you manage your graphite clusters,demandé il y a 2065 jours.
- pysshmenu: Menu for quick connections to your remote hosts,demandé il y a 2065 jours.
- pyhusl: conversions for HUSL (human-friendly HSL) color space,demandé il y a 2065 jours.
- light-table: IDE with real time feedback,demandé il y a 2063 jours.
- wallabag: self hostable application for saving web pages,demandé il y a 2062 jours.
- pstar: The P* Web Programming Language,demandé il y a 2062 jours.
- keepass2-plugin-application-indicator: Provides an application indicator tray icon for KeePass.,demandé il y a 2061 jours.
- libapache2-mod-authn-otp: Apache web server module for two-factor authentication using one-time passwords (HOTP/OATH).,demandé il y a 2059 jours.
- sockjs-twisted: Simple library for adding SockJS support to a twisted application,demandé il y a 2058 jours.
- fuseloop: loopback mount using FUSE,demandé il y a 2058 jours.
- iiu: iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a website is up,demandé il y a 2056 jours.
- openstack-guest-agents-unix: Agent to install in VMs running under a Xen-based OpenStack cloud,demandé il y a 2056 jours.
- libjsonld: library for w3c recommendation JSON-LD,demandé il y a 2055 jours.
- python-aosd: Python bindings for libaosd,demandé il y a 2055 jours.
- cursynth: a curses musical synthesizer,demandé il y a 2054 jours.
- jetrix: TetriNET Server,demandé il y a 2048 jours.
- kenlm: faster and smaller language model queries,demandé il y a 2048 jours.
- hstr: BASH history suggest box,demandé il y a 2047 jours.
- openpgpkey-milter: automatically PGP encrypt emails for milter-capable MTAs,demandé il y a 2047 jours.
- fonts-source-code-pro: set of fonts designed to work well in GUI,demandé il y a 2046 jours.
- twister-core: Peer-to-peer microblogging,demandé il y a 2044 jours.
- spot-on: research project using a variety of unique communication protocols,demandé il y a 2043 jours.
- keysigningpartytools: create a better formatted list in PDF format by reading a FOSDEM key list,demandé il y a 2042 jours.
- ajaxometer: webbased download and upload speed test utility,demandé il y a 2039 jours.
- bquery: simple cli tool to quickly parse html streams with a jQuery-like expression,demandé il y a 2037 jours.
- python-intef-exe: eLearning XHTML editor,demandé il y a 2036 jours.
- mpria: multi-precision rational interval arithmetic library,demandé il y a 2036 jours.
- online-python-tutor: Online Python Tutor helps learn how to program in Python by visualizing code execution,demandé il y a 2035 jours.
- qpid-dispatch: Dispatch router for Qpid and AMQP,demandé il y a 2035 jours.
- php-file-find: Class that facilitates the search of filesystems,demandé il y a 2033 jours.
- i-nex: an application that gathers information for hardware components,demandé il y a 2032 jours.
- toutv: Tou.tv console application,demandé il y a 2032 jours.
- omnisharp-server: HTTP server allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any language,demandé il y a 2029 jours.
- whatsapp-purple: WhatsApp protocol plugin for,demandé il y a 2029 jours.
- nancy: lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#,demandé il y a 2029 jours.
- ruby-albacore: suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects,demandé il y a 2029 jours.
- casperjs: navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS,demandé il y a 2027 jours.
- mps: Poor Man's Spotify - Search and stream music,demandé il y a 2027 jours.
- php-date-holidays: driver based class to calculate holidays,demandé il y a 2027 jours.
- syncterm: SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal,demandé il y a 2025 jours.
- vim-automaticlatexplugin: editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim,demandé il y a 2025 jours.
- tapsim: Atom probe experiment simulator,demandé il y a 2025 jours.
- ruby-better-errors: Better error page for Rails and other Rack apps,demandé il y a 2024 jours.
- ngp: ncurses code parsing tool,demandé il y a 2023 jours.
- qmplay2: a video player,demandé il y a 2022 jours.
- fonts-sahl-naskh: a fork of Droid Arabic Naskh font,demandé il y a 2021 jours.
- everpad: Evernote client for GNU/Linux,demandé il y a 2020 jours.
- liquidfeedback: platform for proposition development and decision making,demandé il y a 2016 jours.
- sweethome3d-textures: Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional textures),demandé il y a 2016 jours.
- python-flanker: e-mail body and address parsing in python,demandé il y a 2016 jours.
- python-efl: Python bindings for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries,demandé il y a 2015 jours.
- orchid: a tor client implementation and library written in pure java,demandé il y a 2012 jours.
- blat: BLAST-Like Alignment Tool,demandé il y a 2009 jours.
- watchman: A file watching service.,demandé il y a 2009 jours.
- xmpp-client: console XMPP client written in pure Go.,demandé il y a 2008 jours.
- timeside: open web audio processing framework,demandé il y a 2008 jours.
- sems: SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media server,demandé il y a 2008 jours.
- libapp-ddflare-perl: Provides ddflare, a command line Dynamic DNS utility that updates with the latest IP every 5 minutes,demandé il y a 2008 jours.
- madgwick-ahrs: Madgwick and Mahony attitude and heading reference (AHRS) algorithms,demandé il y a 2007 jours.
- glamour: beautiful 2D game with princesses for young girls,demandé il y a 2007 jours.
- redo: a top-down software build system,demandé il y a 2005 jours.
- natnetlinux: Header-only library to read NatNet packets,demandé il y a 2002 jours.
- libthreads-lite-perl: threads::lite provides actor model threading for Perl,demandé il y a 2001 jours.
- mozjpeg: Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project,demandé il y a 2000 jours.
- yaafe: audio features extraction library,demandé il y a 1996 jours.
- libnet-ssleay-oo-perl: OO Calling Method for Net::SSLeay,demandé il y a 1995 jours.
- Limoo: an Image viewer, created using QML, Qt and C++,demandé il y a 1995 jours.
- QImageViewer: simple image viewer,demandé il y a 1995 jours.
- butter-desktop: Torrent movie streamer,demandé il y a 1995 jours.
- gestioip: Web-based IP address management software,demandé il y a 1993 jours.
- xmlcalabash: an XProc processor,demandé il y a 1993 jours.
- ccd2cue: GNU CCD (CloneCD) sheet to CUE sheet converter,demandé il y a 1993 jours.
- pycharm: IDE for python development,demandé il y a 1989 jours.
- rassam-paint: Simple drawing program for Linux,demandé il y a 1989 jours.
- spineml-2-brahms: Convert SpineML models for execution in brahms,demandé il y a 1988 jours.
- brahms: Modular execution framework for SystemML,demandé il y a 1988 jours.
- implicitcad: Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD,demandé il y a 1986 jours.
- mathopd: Very small, yet very fast HTTP server,demandé il y a 1986 jours.
- gstreamer-sharp-1.0: new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1.x,demandé il y a 1986 jours.
- hastymail2: Lightwight webmailer written in php,demandé il y a 1985 jours.
- alaveteli: free software to help citizens write Freedom of Information requests and automatically publish any responses,demandé il y a 1984 jours.
- datanommer: a storage consumer for the fedmsg bus,demandé il y a 1983 jours.
- xtuple-web: web and mobile access to PostBooks,demandé il y a 1983 jours.
- sentimental-skk: Japanese Input Method SKK on your terminal,demandé il y a 1983 jours.
- vsfm: GUI application for 3D reconstruction using structure from motion,demandé il y a 1981 jours.
- mcba: parallel-accelerated bundle adjustment for multicore CPU and GPU,demandé il y a 1981 jours.
- siftgpu: Processes pixels parallely to build Gaussian pyramids and detect DoG Keypoints.,demandé il y a 1981 jours.
- crystfel: Suite of programs for processing 'serial' diffraction data 'snapshots',demandé il y a 1980 jours.
- shocco: documentation generator for Posix shell programs,demandé il y a 1980 jours.
- eslint: tool for static analysis of ECMAScript (JavaScript™) code,demandé il y a 1979 jours.
- oct2py: GNU Octave to Python bridge,demandé il y a 1978 jours.
- libip2location: C library to query geolocation and other details of an IP,demandé il y a 1978 jours.
- ruby-scrypt: Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm,demandé il y a 1978 jours.
- gedraa-dsh: Data mine Internet catalogs to find double starts candidates double starts candidates,demandé il y a 1977 jours.
- django-remote-forms: Platform independent form serializer for Django,demandé il y a 1977 jours.
- gedraa-duplex: double star observers a tool to make easier a basic astrophysical analysis of both components of a given pair.,demandé il y a 1976 jours.
- ipad-charge: Utility to make iPad charge with the,demandé il y a 1975 jours.
- llvmmath: LLVM math library,demandé il y a 1974 jours.
- stellarium-stars: additional stellarium star catalogues,demandé il y a 1973 jours.
- wolfssl-jni: Java interface for wolfSSL,demandé il y a 1972 jours.
- libonion: lightweight and easy to use HTTP server library,demandé il y a 1971 jours.
- snmp4nagios: SNMP Nagios plugins,demandé il y a 1971 jours.
- audela: Astro-imaging software,demandé il y a 1970 jours.
- bookie: Python based delicious.com replacement,demandé il y a 1969 jours.
- adagios: Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) interface to nagios/icinga/shinken,demandé il y a 1967 jours.
- libcpuid: libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction.,demandé il y a 1964 jours.
- I-Nex: CPU-Z Alternative for Linux. For Viewing System Device Information.,demandé il y a 1964 jours.
- geany-themes: collection of color schemes for the Geany IDE/editor,demandé il y a 1960 jours.
- mailpile: a modern fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features,demandé il y a 1960 jours.
- python-rauth: library for OAuth consumers,demandé il y a 1960 jours.
- bgs: back ground setter,demandé il y a 1960 jours.
- distkeys: Distkeys - upload SSH keys to servers and more,demandé il y a 1959 jours.
- python-geventhttpclient: High performance, concurrent http client library for python with gevent,demandé il y a 1959 jours.
- hazelcast: distributed cache,demandé il y a 1958 jours.
- weblate: web-based translation tool with tight Git integration,demandé il y a 1958 jours.
- casadi: symbolic framework for algorithmic differentiation and numerical optimization,demandé il y a 1957 jours.
- ats2-mode: Emacs major mode to edit ATS2 source code,demandé il y a 1955 jours.
- php-pam: PAM integration,demandé il y a 1953 jours.
- verynice: nice(1)-like utility to throttle long running processes,demandé il y a 1953 jours.
- php-text-wiki-creole: Creole parser and renderer for Text_Wiki,demandé il y a 1953 jours.
- php-text-wiki-tiki: Tiki parser and renderer for Text_Wiki,demandé il y a 1953 jours.
- coffeelint: static code analyser for CoffeeScript,demandé il y a 1950 jours.
- yle-dl: downloader of media files from YLE,demandé il y a 1949 jours.
- qyledl: GUI for yle-dl to download videos from Yle Areena,demandé il y a 1949 jours.
- libvarnam: “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator for Indian languages,demandé il y a 1947 jours.
- keybase-client: a client to access keybase services,demandé il y a 1946 jours.
- libapache2-controller-perl: fast MVC-style Apache2 handler apps,demandé il y a 1942 jours.
- manokwari: desktop shell for GNOME 3,demandé il y a 1941 jours.
- android-studio: An integrated development environment for Android,demandé il y a 1941 jours.
- intellij-idea: An integrated development environment for Java and other Java VM languages,demandé il y a 1941 jours.
- node-jscoverage: JavaScript coverage tool,demandé il y a 1940 jours.
- confiture: Python library to parse configuration files,demandé il y a 1940 jours.
- atom: hackable editor,demandé il y a 1940 jours.
- nft-sync: nftables ruleset synchronization software,demandé il y a 1939 jours.
- privacy-badger: web browser plug-in that blocks spying ads and invisible trackers,demandé il y a 1938 jours.
- JaneClone: JaneClone is a simple browser for the Internet bulletin board by GUI.,demandé il y a 1936 jours.
- raceintospace: free software version of the Liftoff! board game,demandé il y a 1936 jours.
- garrymander: Comand line client and python modules for interacting with the Gerrit code review system,demandé il y a 1935 jours.
- 0bin: A client-side encrypted pastebin.,demandé il y a 1935 jours.
- execpermfix: Fixes executable permissions,demandé il y a 1933 jours.
- arrowhead: micro-framework for flowchart-like computing,demandé il y a 1932 jours.
- silex: php micro framework,demandé il y a 1931 jours.
- rdfalchemy: RDFAlchemy is an Object RDF Mapper for Python,demandé il y a 1930 jours.
- force-bind: forcer-bind is a shared object that is loaded with LD_PRELOAD and hooks 'bind' function,demandé il y a 1929 jours.
- pkg-create-dbgsym: automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages,demandé il y a 1928 jours.
- php5-yp: NIS/YP functions in PHP,demandé il y a 1926 jours.
- profileswitcher: make easier to use more profiles in Iceweasel and Icedove,demandé il y a 1926 jours.
- tinycthread: minimalist, portable, threading library for C,demandé il y a 1925 jours.
- pycapnp: python bindings for the C++ Cap'n Proto library,demandé il y a 1925 jours.
- libhdt-it: Library for RDF HDT file manipulation,demandé il y a 1925 jours.
- rox-xdg-menu: generates menus for window managers from .desktop files,demandé il y a 1924 jours.
- ZEsarUX: ZX Spectrum emulator,demandé il y a 1923 jours.
- libjs-dygraphs: dygraphs - Fast and flexible JavaScript charting library,demandé il y a 1923 jours.
- fonts-labiryntowy-0.4: Font looking like a maze,demandé il y a 1922 jours.
- dzip: Quake demo compression program,demandé il y a 1921 jours.
- symon: lightweight system monitor,demandé il y a 1919 jours.
- node-reduce-component: array reduce component - Node.js module,demandé il y a 1918 jours.
- jscover: Javascript code coverage,demandé il y a 1917 jours.
- fonts-source-serif-pro: set of serif OpenType fonts designed to complement Source Sans Pro,demandé il y a 1917 jours.
- booktype: Web application for collaborative book production,demandé il y a 1915 jours.
- gala: Pantheon Window Manager,demandé il y a 1913 jours.
- pantheon-files: The file manager of the Pantheon desktop,demandé il y a 1913 jours.
- pantheon-greeter: Pantheon Login Screen,demandé il y a 1913 jours.
- omi: rich, high-performance, standards-based management stack,demandé il y a 1911 jours.
- ntk: Non Tool Kit (NTK),demandé il y a 1907 jours.
- openbugs: BUGS for Bayesian MCMC analysis.,demandé il y a 1906 jours.
- gnukhata: Free Accounting Software,demandé il y a 1905 jours.
- node-express-session: simple HTTP session middleware - Node.js module,demandé il y a 1903 jours.
- wallch: A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer,demandé il y a 1903 jours.
- bleufear-gtk-theme: A dark theme with a wild streak of electric blue,demandé il y a 1902 jours.
- gnustep-corebase: Implementation of the CoreFoundation framework,demandé il y a 1896 jours.
- patchclamp: basic tool for patch clamping physiology recordings,demandé il y a 1895 jours.
- yasr-js: Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results,demandé il y a 1890 jours.
- gshhg-gshhs-bindata: GSHHS binary datafiles and the C header file,demandé il y a 1887 jours.
- tmsu: command-line file tagging tooI and tag-based virtual filesystem,demandé il y a 1887 jours.
- apg-gui: GUI for Automated Password Generator (APG),demandé il y a 1885 jours.
- naemon: Host, service and network monitoring and management system,demandé il y a 1884 jours.
- python-taskthread: Simple thread module to repetitively perform a task on a single thread,demandé il y a 1883 jours.
- python-gnupg-ng: A Python wrapper for GnuPG,demandé il y a 1883 jours.
- lutris: An open gaming platform for Linux,demandé il y a 1883 jours.
- bccontrib: Skein hash, Threefish encryption and,demandé il y a 1882 jours.
- gmastermind.app: GNUstep clone of Mastermind (TM),demandé il y a 1880 jours.
- sblim-sfcc: Provides a small-footprint CIM library allowing client apps to interface with CIM implementations.,demandé il y a 1880 jours.
- cim-schema: The DMTF Common Information Model Schema,demandé il y a 1880 jours.
- sblim-sfc-common: sfc Common libraries for sfcb and sfcc,demandé il y a 1880 jours.
- jain-sip: A low level Java API speicification for SIP Signaling (used by ice4j),demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- sblim-cmpi-devel: CMPI C++ Wrapper and and development headers,demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- sblim-sfcb: Small Footprint CIM Broker,demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- openwsman: Open Web Services Manager,demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- wsmancli: Opensource Implementation of WS-Management - Command line utility,demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- libressl: SSL library, forked from OpenSSL,demandé il y a 1879 jours.
- fonts-raleway: elegant sans-serif typeface designed in a single thin weight,demandé il y a 1876 jours.
- puppetboard: web interface to PuppetDB aiming to replace the reporting functionality of Puppet Dashboard.,demandé il y a 1876 jours.
- re6stnet: Resilient, scalable, IPv6 network application,demandé il y a 1874 jours.
- mirovideoconverter3: A super simple way to convert almost any video to MP4, WebM (vp8), Ogg Theora, or for Android, iPhone, and more.,demandé il y a 1871 jours.
- fonts-adobe-sourcehansans: A sans-serif Pan-CJK font family that is offered in seven weights,demandé il y a 1870 jours.
- screencloud: easy to use screenshot tool,demandé il y a 1870 jours.
- yacreader: Yet another comic reader,demandé il y a 1868 jours.
- trac-simplemultiproject: manage multiple user projects with one Trac instance,demandé il y a 1867 jours.
- adderall: a miniKanren implementation in Hy,demandé il y a 1866 jours.
- bokeh: interactive visualization for web browsers,demandé il y a 1865 jours.
- xul-ext-download-status-bar: a highly sophisticated status bar add-on for managing downloads,demandé il y a 1865 jours.
- kadeploy: Scalable, efficient and reliable cluster provisioning solution,demandé il y a 1860 jours.
- pfff: tools for static code analysis or source transforms,demandé il y a 1860 jours.
- rohc: RObust Header Compression (ROHC) library,demandé il y a 1859 jours.
- kalendas: Calculations of calendar and Julian Date,demandé il y a 1859 jours.
- lazr.authentication: library providing middleware basic and OAuth authentication,demandé il y a 1858 jours.
- RioFS: An userspace filesystem for accessing Amazon S3 buckets.,demandé il y a 1857 jours.
- rucksack: texture packer and resource bundler for video games,demandé il y a 1855 jours.
- percona-server-5.6: Percona Server is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server that provides drop-in compatibility with MySQL.,demandé il y a 1855 jours.
- sncosmo: SNCosmo is a Python library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis.,demandé il y a 1854 jours.
- memcacheq: Simple queue service over memcache,demandé il y a 1853 jours.
- fonts-ekmukta: humanist, mono-linear typeface for Devanagari and Latin scripts,demandé il y a 1853 jours.
- softether: multiprotocol virtual private network daemon,demandé il y a 1849 jours.
- libjitsi: advanced Java media library,demandé il y a 1848 jours.
- jitsi-videobridge: WebRTC-compatible SFU for multi-user video conferencing,demandé il y a 1848 jours.
- widevineplugin-nonfree: Widevine DRM Plugin - browser plugin,demandé il y a 1848 jours.
- tabula: Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables locked inside PDF files.,demandé il y a 1848 jours.
- cyberduck: Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser,demandé il y a 1846 jours.
- ruby-timeline-setter: TimelineSetter is a tool to create HTML timelines from spreadsheets of events.,demandé il y a 1845 jours.
- solarus: Open-source Zelda-like game engine,demandé il y a 1844 jours.
- envoy: A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/socket activation,demandé il y a 1840 jours.
- bitcointrader: Bitcoin trading application,demandé il y a 1836 jours.
- libjavaee7-api-java: JavaEE 7.0 Full API,demandé il y a 1835 jours.
- histring: Generic command line tool to highlight arbitrary strings,demandé il y a 1835 jours.
- golang-qml.v0: Graphical QML application support for the Go language,demandé il y a 1835 jours.
- pelican-plugins: Plugins for Pelican,demandé il y a 1835 jours.
- pelican-themes: Themes for Pelican,demandé il y a 1835 jours.
- flac123: a command-line program for playing FLAC audio files.,demandé il y a 1834 jours.
- bdreader: An e-comics reader,demandé il y a 1834 jours.
- node-base64-url: Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications,demandé il y a 1834 jours.
- crsx-java: Higher Order Rewriting Engine with Extensions for Compiler Generation,demandé il y a 1831 jours.
- hacs: Pedagogic Compiler Generator,demandé il y a 1831 jours.
- google-cloud-sdk: easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud,demandé il y a 1831 jours.
- sortjar: remove nondeterministic aspects of jar files,demandé il y a 1829 jours.
- shinken-mod-ip-tag: Shinken ip-tag module,demandé il y a 1827 jours.
- python-sk1libs: Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project,demandé il y a 1827 jours.
- apache-mesos: Cluster manager for sharing distributed application frameworks,demandé il y a 1826 jours.
- prosody-module-turncredentials: Prosody module to provide time-limited turn credentials,demandé il y a 1824 jours.
- jitsi-meet: WebRTC video conferencing application,demandé il y a 1824 jours.
- cbootimage-configs: cbootimage configuration files for various NVIDIA Tegra boards,demandé il y a 1824 jours.
- node-webkitgtk: Drive webkitgtk from Node.js,demandé il y a 1822 jours.
- fasterxml-oss-parent: FasterXML.com parent pom,demandé il y a 1820 jours.
- jackson-parent: Jackson parent pom,demandé il y a 1820 jours.
- libguasi: Asynchronous syscall library,demandé il y a 1819 jours.
- qtxlsx: Qt5 library to read and write xlsx files,demandé il y a 1818 jours.
- python-strict-rfc3339: Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions,demandé il y a 1818 jours.
- kvmcs: kvm in client/server environment,demandé il y a 1817 jours.
- pfft: Parallel FFT software library based on MPI,demandé il y a 1817 jours.
- pnfft: Parallel NFFT software library based on MPI,demandé il y a 1817 jours.
- piqi: Universal schema language for JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers,demandé il y a 1816 jours.
- istsos: Sensor Observation Service Data Management System,demandé il y a 1815 jours.
- piqi-ocaml: Provides OCaml Bindings to the Piqi Serialization Format,demandé il y a 1814 jours.
- arangodb: ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs.,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- tsmuxer: mux video to TS/M2TS files or create BD disks,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- node-vega: visualization grammar,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- node-canvas: a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- python-vincent: A Python to Vega Translator,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- mapbox-studio-classic: Vector tile driven map design,demandé il y a 1812 jours.
- node-hicat: cat with syntax highlighting.,demandé il y a 1811 jours.
- raccoon-java: desktop client for Google Play store,demandé il y a 1807 jours.
- p: Pump.io command line utility (à la t),demandé il y a 1807 jours.
- pam-kwallet: KWallet integration with PAM,demandé il y a 1807 jours.
- ruby-lemon: pucker-strength unit testing,demandé il y a 1807 jours.
- ruby-qed: quality ensured documentation TDD/BDD framework,demandé il y a 1807 jours.
- MultiVNC: A tabbed cross-platform multicast VNC viewer,demandé il y a 1805 jours.
- dune-alugrid: toolbox for solving PDEs -- unstructured simplicial and cube grids,demandé il y a 1803 jours.
- python-pycoin: Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses and transaction,demandé il y a 1803 jours.
- python-pytest-django: Django plugin for the py.test Python testing tool,demandé il y a 1801 jours.
- libpdl-fftw-perl: PDL::FFTW - PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West v2.x,demandé il y a 1800 jours.
- libpdl-graphics-plplot-perl: PDL::Graphics::PLplot - Object-oriented interface from perl/PDL to the PLPLOT plotting library,demandé il y a 1800 jours.
- kiwix: An offline wikipedia reader,demandé il y a 1799 jours.
- aspell-dsb: Lower Sorbian dictionary for GNU Aspell,demandé il y a 1798 jours.
- libest: Enrollment over Secure Transport reference implementation,demandé il y a 1795 jours.
- python-qutepart: Code editor component for PyQt and PySide,demandé il y a 1794 jours.
- Enki: a text editor for programmers,demandé il y a 1794 jours.
- meek: Pluggable transport to circumvent IP address blocking via public services,demandé il y a 1794 jours.
- toxic: a curses Tox based instant messenging client,demandé il y a 1793 jours.
- fail2rest: REST server for fail2ban,demandé il y a 1792 jours.
- streql: Constant-time string comparison,demandé il y a 1791 jours.
- hekate,demandé il y a 1790 jours.
- txjsonrpc: Library for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients,demandé il y a 1790 jours.
- og-rek: Go library for encoding and decoding pickles,demandé il y a 1790 jours.
- fail2go: Go library for communication with fail2ban via its server socket,demandé il y a 1789 jours.
- goWHOIS: A simple WHOIS library for Go,demandé il y a 1789 jours.
- FreeROI: a tool for defining region of interest in fMRI analysis,demandé il y a 1788 jours.
- python-shinkenplugins: Shinken plugins wrapper,demandé il y a 1787 jours.
- debsources: index and publish Debian source code on the Web,demandé il y a 1786 jours.
- black-hole-solver: Solver (C API + CLI program) for 'Black Hole' Solitaire and 'All in a Row' Solitaire,demandé il y a 1784 jours.
- c-script: c++ script language,demandé il y a 1784 jours.
- riemann: event stream processor,demandé il y a 1784 jours.
- php-horde-stringprep: PHP implementation of RFC 3454 - Preparation of Internationalized Strings ('stringprep').,demandé il y a 1783 jours.
- bifrost: Intelligent self-learning whitelist-based web application firewall,demandé il y a 1783 jours.
- python-flask-admin: admin interface extension for Flask,demandé il y a 1783 jours.
- whycanticonnect: tcp/ip connection diagnostic tool,demandé il y a 1783 jours.
- sslyze: SSL analyser and weakness scanner,demandé il y a 1781 jours.
- gccgo-go: Go tool for use with gccgo,demandé il y a 1780 jours.
- coinor-bonmin: mixed-integer nonlinear optimization solver,demandé il y a 1780 jours.
- eudev: udev fork, meant to be as independent as possible from systemd trunk.,demandé il y a 1779 jours.
- kvasd-installer: Utility to Install, Remove and Test KVASD Decoder from K1JT,demandé il y a 1779 jours.
- runit-init: a UNIX init scheme with service supervision,demandé il y a 1778 jours.
- python-versioneer: version-string management for VCS-controlled trees,demandé il y a 1778 jours.
- gns3-server: GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators,demandé il y a 1777 jours.
- gns3-gui: GNS3 graphical interface for the GNS3 server,demandé il y a 1777 jours.
- libslax: The SLAX language (XSLT alternative),demandé il y a 1777 jours.
- fonts-orbitron: geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes,demandé il y a 1777 jours.
- drbdmanage: DRBD distributed resource management utility,demandé il y a 1776 jours.
- easydoneit: command line task manager,demandé il y a 1776 jours.
- python-pyuserinput: A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard in python that is simple to install and use,demandé il y a 1776 jours.
- libatf: library for Automated Testing Framework (ATF),demandé il y a 1775 jours.
- github-backup-utils: Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise,demandé il y a 1774 jours.
- unqlite: Self-contained transactional NoSQL database engine.,demandé il y a 1773 jours.
- python-sphynxcontrib-emacs: sphinx extension to help document emacs lisp projects,demandé il y a 1773 jours.
- http-kit: minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server for Clojure,demandé il y a 1772 jours.
- clj-postal: internet email library for Clojure,demandé il y a 1772 jours.
- openscribe: app for transcribing audio files using a USB footpedal,demandé il y a 1772 jours.
- mstpd: A daemon implementing the RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) protocol for bridges,demandé il y a 1771 jours.
- ympd: Standalone MPD web GUI,demandé il y a 1770 jours.
- responders: A set of responders modules to dry up your Rails 3.2+ app.,demandé il y a 1769 jours.
- 2048: Simple number game for the text console,demandé il y a 1768 jours.
- python-dbutils: database connections for multi-threaded environments,demandé il y a 1768 jours.
- ssllabs-scan: client for the SSL Labs APIs,demandé il y a 1767 jours.
- python-yep: Python module for profiling native extensions,demandé il y a 1767 jours.
- minepeon: MinePeon is a web inteface for managing cryptocoin mining with CGminer or bfgminer,demandé il y a 1767 jours.
- libusergrid-client-perl: A client for Apache Usergrid,demandé il y a 1766 jours.
- relaunch-notifier: Notification system for running applications that need to be relaunched,demandé il y a 1766 jours.
- dropwizard: A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web services,demandé il y a 1763 jours.
- annex: anime themed real time strategy game,demandé il y a 1762 jours.
- libjs-iframeresizer,demandé il y a 1761 jours.
- qt-virustotal-uploader: VirusTotal Uploader written in C++ using QT framework,demandé il y a 1759 jours.
- c-vtapi: VirusTotal C API library,demandé il y a 1759 jours.
- nufft: Library implementing the Non-Uniform Fast,demandé il y a 1757 jours.
- hsenv: Haskell virtual environment tool,demandé il y a 1757 jours.
- vim-easymotion: simple and efficient motions in vim,demandé il y a 1757 jours.
- puppetlabs-vcsrepo: Puppet module to deploy content from a version control system,demandé il y a 1757 jours.
- python-lda: Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation,demandé il y a 1755 jours.
- lightmdeditor: An editor for markdown files,demandé il y a 1755 jours.
- python-ooxml: Python library for parsing .docx files,demandé il y a 1754 jours.
- ganeti-instance-image: guest OS definition for Ganetiusing images,demandé il y a 1753 jours.
- pyrecord: Pythonic record types,demandé il y a 1749 jours.
- webext-tosdr: toolbar icon to inform about your rights,demandé il y a 1749 jours.
- nailgun-mcagents: various mcollective agent pluggins,demandé il y a 1748 jours.
- caliper: framework for writing, running and viewing Java microbenchmarks,demandé il y a 1748 jours.
- mars-dkms: Asynchronous Block-Level Storage Replication,demandé il y a 1748 jours.
- flot-plugin-byte: plugin for Flot plotting library to display byte values on a chart,demandé il y a 1748 jours.
- flot-plugin-collection: collection of miscellaneous flot plugins,demandé il y a 1748 jours.
- gpcslots2: text console casino for *nix,demandé il y a 1747 jours.
- librewms: simple WMS 1.3.0 interactive GUI client,demandé il y a 1746 jours.
- symlookup: Utility for object symbol search in installed libraries,demandé il y a 1744 jours.
- python-blockr: A wrapper for the Blockr.io API,demandé il y a 1742 jours.
- arasan: xboard-compatible chess engine,demandé il y a 1741 jours.
- caja-thg: TortoiseHg extension for Caja,demandé il y a 1741 jours.
- radamsa: test case generator for robustness testing (fuzzer),demandé il y a 1740 jours.
- libarray-heap-perl: perl module implementing heaps/priority queues,demandé il y a 1738 jours.
- libjs-ace: standalone code editor for the web,demandé il y a 1737 jours.
- tg: Command-line interface for Telegram,demandé il y a 1737 jours.
- python-nfc: Python module to read/write NFC tags or communicate with another NFC device,demandé il y a 1737 jours.
- puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders: Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet,demandé il y a 1735 jours.
- puppet-module-erwbgy-limits: Puppet module for managing /etc/security/limits.conf,demandé il y a 1735 jours.
- puppet-module-saz-timezone: Manage timezone settings via Puppet,demandé il y a 1735 jours.
- puppet-module-jakeb-system: Manage Linux system resources and services from hiera configuration,demandé il y a 1735 jours.
- gnucheese: Modern chess engine based on GNU Chess 5.07.,demandé il y a 1735 jours.
- gur: (GNU Usage Recorder); A script written in bash to record computer usage,demandé il y a 1734 jours.
- linrad: Powerful SDR program intended for weak,demandé il y a 1733 jours.
- nodiverse: a 3D universe library in Node.js,demandé il y a 1732 jours.
- entityx: A fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System,demandé il y a 1731 jours.
- xul-ext-mail-redirect: Redirect mail to other recipients,demandé il y a 1728 jours.
- birdie: A native Twitter client for GNU/Linux,demandé il y a 1727 jours.
- chaps: PKCS#11 implementation for TPM backed services,demandé il y a 1726 jours.
- bisq: The P2P exchange network,demandé il y a 1726 jours.
- zetacoin: P2P network based digital currency with fast confirmations,demandé il y a 1721 jours.
- picojson: A header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++,demandé il y a 1721 jours.
- ip2location: Get IP address information from IP2Location BIN data file,demandé il y a 1721 jours.
- ckylark: phrase structure parser based on PCFG-LA,demandé il y a 1719 jours.
- hebrew-cal: Hebrew Calendar,demandé il y a 1714 jours.
- mitk: The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit,demandé il y a 1713 jours.
- photoflow: fully non-destructive photo retouching program,demandé il y a 1711 jours.
- node-jsdoc: API documentation generator for JavaScript,demandé il y a 1702 jours.
- node-mocha-phantomjs: PhantomJS Runners for Mocha,demandé il y a 1702 jours.
- php-oci8: Extension for Oracle Database,demandé il y a 1699 jours.
- googleplaydownloader: A graphical frontend to download APKs from Google Play store,demandé il y a 1698 jours.
- python-primes: library for working with prime numbers,demandé il y a 1698 jours.
- flwkey: Interface to the Winkeyer series of CW code generators,demandé il y a 1697 jours.
- fllog: Amateur Radio Logbook Server,demandé il y a 1697 jours.
- flnet: Amateur Radio Net Control Station Software,demandé il y a 1697 jours.
- darkhttpd: A small and secure static webserver,demandé il y a 1695 jours.
- swe-extrapolated-data: Swiss Ephemeris data file for far past, far future,demandé il y a 1694 jours.
- python-nassl: Python wrapper for OpenSSL,demandé il y a 1692 jours.
- linsim: Amateur Radio Digital Mode Evaluation Tool,demandé il y a 1691 jours.
- natron: Natron is an open-source, crossplatform,demandé il y a 1690 jours.
- netcdf-libcf: Library to process data files in the Climate and Forecast (CF) convention,demandé il y a 1689 jours.
- pageres: Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on the command-line,demandé il y a 1686 jours.
- crosswalk: Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink,demandé il y a 1686 jours.
- lighthouse: a peer to peer crowdfunding app that uses Bitcoin,demandé il y a 1685 jours.
- shadowd: Shadow Daemon web application firewall server,demandé il y a 1684 jours.
- libcoro-mock-java: Mock library for compiling JVM coroutine-utilizing code on JVMs without coroutines,demandé il y a 1684 jours.
- mate-applet-lockkeys: Keyboard LED indicator,demandé il y a 1679 jours.
- phpmemcachedadmin: Graphic administration for memcached to monitor and debug.,demandé il y a 1677 jours.
- ruby-jasmine-jquery-rails: custom matchers for jQuery and an API for fixtures in specs for Jasmine JS,demandé il y a 1676 jours.
- lsleases: list assigned ip from any device in your network,demandé il y a 1673 jours.
- python-moto: Mock framework for boto AWS library,demandé il y a 1671 jours.
- snf-image-creator: OS image creation tool,demandé il y a 1669 jours.
- wagon-maven-plugin: Maven plugin to transfer resources using Maven Wagon,demandé il y a 1665 jours.
- sigmavpn: light-weight VPN providing easy-to-configure and secure VPN tunnels,demandé il y a 1664 jours.
- wallpaperd: X wallpaper changing daemon,demandé il y a 1663 jours.
- puppet-module-duritong-trocla: Use trocla password generator and storage from puppet.,demandé il y a 1663 jours.
- puppet-module-datacentered-ldap: Module for managing OpenLDAP,demandé il y a 1659 jours.
- libalien-ffi-perl: Perl interface to libffi,demandé il y a 1659 jours.
- libalien-base-perl: Perl base classes for Alien modules,demandé il y a 1659 jours.
- statsite: C implementation of statsd,demandé il y a 1657 jours.
- libmodule-install-testbase-perl: integrates Test::Base and Module::Install Perl modules,demandé il y a 1656 jours.
- libmodule-install-repository-perl: Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout,demandé il y a 1653 jours.
- devpi: PyPI-compatible package server,demandé il y a 1653 jours.
- bitcoin-explorer: Bitcoin Command Line Tool,demandé il y a 1652 jours.
- weblaf: Java Swing Look and Feel and extended components library for cross-platform applications,demandé il y a 1651 jours.
- o2scl: library for object-oriented numerical programming,demandé il y a 1650 jours.
- uberftp: Interactive gridftp client,demandé il y a 1649 jours.
- node-get-down: Download and extract files in JavaScript,demandé il y a 1649 jours.
- namecoin: decentralized information registration and transfer system,demandé il y a 1644 jours.
- c: Compile and execute C 'scripts' in one go!,demandé il y a 1641 jours.
- coreclr: .NET Core Runtime,demandé il y a 1641 jours.
- corefx: .NET Core Libraries,demandé il y a 1641 jours.
- ffmulticonverter: graphical multi format converter,demandé il y a 1639 jours.
- luckyluks: GUI for creating and (un-)locking encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCrypt container files,demandé il y a 1638 jours.
- baculum: Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program,demandé il y a 1638 jours.
- zonemaster-engine: Zonemaster is a DNS delegation checking tool, this is the library that implements the testing framework.,demandé il y a 1637 jours.
- slapos.libnetworkcache: Client for ShaCache and ShaDir,demandé il y a 1637 jours.
- puppet-module-jlyheden-pam: Puppet module for managing PAM,demandé il y a 1637 jours.
- node-browserify: provides a nodejs type require() method in the browser,demandé il y a 1635 jours.
- palemoon-browser: Open Source, Firefox-based web browser,demandé il y a 1635 jours.
- fonts-sil-javanese: Javanese smart Unicode fonts,demandé il y a 1633 jours.
- mraa: userspace I/O library,demandé il y a 1632 jours.
- libsqon0: Structured Query Object Notation - C API,demandé il y a 1632 jours.
- fonts-parmaite: Tengwar TrueType font,demandé il y a 1630 jours.
- libphpcpp: a C++ library for developing PHP extensions,demandé il y a 1622 jours.
- libudfread: library for reading UDF from raw devices or image files,demandé il y a 1619 jours.
- node-socket.io-adapter: Default socket.io in-memory adapter class,demandé il y a 1619 jours.
- node-socket.io-client: socket.io realtime application framework client,demandé il y a 1619 jours.
- node-engine.io: realtime engine behind socket.io,demandé il y a 1619 jours.
- wiringx: Modular GPIO interface,demandé il y a 1618 jours.
- python-wiringx: Python binding for wiringX,demandé il y a 1618 jours.
- bfg-repo-cleaner: simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for cleansing bad data out of your Git repository history,demandé il y a 1617 jours.
- plainbox-provider-piglit: Piglit (OpenGL/OpenCL) Test Provider for Plainbox,demandé il y a 1616 jours.
- python-graph-tool: Python module for network graph analysis,demandé il y a 1614 jours.
- ijulia: IJulia is to Julia what IPython is to Python.,demandé il y a 1612 jours.
- ioflo: Automated reasoning engine and flow based programming python framework,demandé il y a 1611 jours.
- raet: RAET is a secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event transport writen in Python,demandé il y a 1610 jours.
- dnscrypt-wrapper: A server-side dnscrypt proxy,demandé il y a 1608 jours.
- orocos-rtt: Orocos Real-Time Toolkit,demandé il y a 1607 jours.
- openpilot: platform for aerial robotics or other mobile vehicular platforms,demandé il y a 1606 jours.
- queXML: An Open Source, XML, multi-mode questionnaire description toolkit,demandé il y a 1605 jours.
- queXF: An Open Source, web based paper form verification and data entry system,demandé il y a 1605 jours.
- bruce: Producer daemon for Apache Kafka,demandé il y a 1605 jours.
- telepathy-gabble-legacy: Jabber/XMPP connection manager (legacy branch),demandé il y a 1604 jours.
- orocos-ocl: Orocos Component Library,demandé il y a 1602 jours.
- nodogsplash: manages public internet access,demandé il y a 1600 jours.
- orocos-log4cpp: C++ library for flexible logging,demandé il y a 1599 jours.
- sirius: Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant,demandé il y a 1599 jours.
- gnusocial: social networking platform,demandé il y a 1598 jours.
- krokus: program for printing photos,demandé il y a 1597 jours.
- orocos-utilrb: Ruby toolkit: collection of useful Ruby classes,demandé il y a 1596 jours.
- easea: EAsy specification of evolutionary algorithms,demandé il y a 1596 jours.
- orocos-typelib: C/C++ type introspection library,demandé il y a 1596 jours.
- python-oauth2: framework to provide authentication via OAuth 2.0 within an application stack,demandé il y a 1595 jours.
- vmdktool: Converts raw filesystems to VMDK files and vice versa.,demandé il y a 1593 jours.
- sugar-finance-activity: Finance is a simple financial planning activity for the Sugar Learning Platform,demandé il y a 1593 jours.
- photo-booth: Motion-detecting photo booth toy,demandé il y a 1590 jours.
- freerouter: routing suite in java,demandé il y a 1589 jours.
- libcsptr: A smart pointers library for the (GNU) C programming language,demandé il y a 1588 jours.
- google-caja: Compiler for making third-party HTML, CSS and JavaScript safe for embedding,demandé il y a 1588 jours.
- geneva: high performance parallel optimization library,demandé il y a 1586 jours.
- libgcrypt11: LGPL Crypto library,demandé il y a 1584 jours.
- capnet-assist: captive login detector,demandé il y a 1583 jours.
- libpdf-fromhtml-perl: converts HTML documents to PDF,demandé il y a 1582 jours.
- luckyluks-gtk: Gtk-GUI for creating and (un-)locking encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCrypt container files,demandé il y a 1581 jours.
- jsqsh: Console based database query tool, featuring command line editing, piping of output to other programs, and much much more.,demandé il y a 1581 jours.
- php-horde-managesieve: Client library for ManageSieve,demandé il y a 1581 jours.
- diaspora-gems-compat: provide gems for diaspora when corresponding deb package is incompatible,demandé il y a 1581 jours.
- autosubmit: Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers,demandé il y a 1580 jours.
- chaoticrage: Unusual 3D shooter game,demandé il y a 1580 jours.
- google-drive-ocamlfuse: FUSE filesystem over Google Drive,demandé il y a 1575 jours.
- php-agavi: powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC paradigm,demandé il y a 1575 jours.
- libjs-jit: interactive data visualizations for the Web,demandé il y a 1575 jours.
- hedgehog: visualisation tool for DNS,demandé il y a 1575 jours.
- fonts-terminus: Terminus monospace fonts (TrueType),demandé il y a 1571 jours.
- msamr: Mediastreamer plugin for AMR audio codec,demandé il y a 1570 jours.
- freefall: daemon to protect disk for laptops with supported sensors,demandé il y a 1569 jours.
- ruby-knife-solo: knife-solo adds a handful of commands that aim to make working with chef-solo as powerful as chef-server.,demandé il y a 1568 jours.
- ruby-knife-windows: Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nodes running Microsoft Windows,demandé il y a 1568 jours.
- django-mailbox: Import mail from several sources into your Django project,demandé il y a 1568 jours.
- python-oath: implementation of the three main OATH specifications,demandé il y a 1567 jours.
- openassets: Reference implementation of the Open Assets Protocol,demandé il y a 1567 jours.
- JTSDK: Build System for WSJT Applications,demandé il y a 1566 jours.
- kafka: Distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service,demandé il y a 1565 jours.
- msx264: Mediastreamer plugin for the H.264 video codec,demandé il y a 1564 jours.
- orientdb: A Multi-Model NoSQL Database,demandé il y a 1564 jours.
- twamp-gui: TWAMP protocol client and responder,demandé il y a 1563 jours.
- orangehrm: Web based software to manage empolyees of a company,demandé il y a 1563 jours.
- python-oursql: MySQL bindings for Python,demandé il y a 1561 jours.
- media-types: List of media types associated to file suffixes,demandé il y a 1560 jours.
- vim-go: Golang support for Vim,demandé il y a 1560 jours.
- gambatte: Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator,demandé il y a 1558 jours.
- homer: Video Conferencing System,demandé il y a 1555 jours.
- cgrates: Real-time Charging System for Telecom & ISP environments,demandé il y a 1554 jours.
- sachesi: BlackBerry 10 device utility,demandé il y a 1554 jours.
- gns3-converter: GNS3 topology converter,demandé il y a 1553 jours.
- networking-cisco: OpenStack virtual network service - Cisco plugin,demandé il y a 1551 jours.
- node-openpgp: OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation (OpenPGP.js),demandé il y a 1551 jours.
- lfdk: Linux Firmware Debug Kit - a tool to help debug PCI, IO and memory spaces,demandé il y a 1547 jours.
- swiftlang: Multi-paradigm, compiled programming language,demandé il y a 1545 jours.
- xfdashboard: GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce,demandé il y a 1545 jours.
- libjs-riot: UI library with custom tags and virtual DOM,demandé il y a 1542 jours.
- open2300: Reads data from a Lacrosse Weather Station,demandé il y a 1540 jours.
- ocropy: Python OCR engine using recurrent neural networks,demandé il y a 1539 jours.
- scorep: Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Parallel Codes,demandé il y a 1538 jours.
- stp: simple theorem prover SMT solver,demandé il y a 1538 jours.
- infer: static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C,demandé il y a 1538 jours.
- node-unicode-7.0.0,demandé il y a 1531 jours.
- ruby-maven: ruby wrapper around maven,demandé il y a 1531 jours.
- libwebsock: C library for easy WebSockets servers,demandé il y a 1529 jours.
- puppet-module-saz-locales: Manage locales on Linux,demandé il y a 1526 jours.
- puppet-module-rgevaert-saslauthd: Manage saslauthd on Debian like systems,demandé il y a 1526 jours.
- python-conditional: conditionally enter a context manager,demandé il y a 1525 jours.
- rla-es: hunspell-es-pe,demandé il y a 1523 jours.
- drive: Google Drive tool,demandé il y a 1523 jours.
- surfer-alggeo-gtk: interactive visualization of algebraic surfaces,demandé il y a 1521 jours.
- python-pysal: library of spatial analysis functions,demandé il y a 1519 jours.
- pdftables: parse PDFs and extracts what it believes to be tables,demandé il y a 1518 jours.
- libiconv-dev: library to convert character encoding,demandé il y a 1518 jours.
- arctic: high performance datastore for time series and tick data,demandé il y a 1517 jours.
- sauvegarde: Saves files live while beeing created or modified in a deduplicated manner.,demandé il y a 1516 jours.
- commandbox: CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server,demandé il y a 1515 jours.
- ajenti: multilingual web-based server administration panel,demandé il y a 1515 jours.
- ruby-jasmine-core: Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a nice descriptive syntax.,demandé il y a 1514 jours.
- ruby-pry-debundle: Hooks into Pry and removes the restrictions on loading gems imposed by Bundler only when you're running in interactive mode.,demandé il y a 1514 jours.
- ruby-phantomjs: Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- ruby-eco: Ruby Eco is a bridge to the official JavaScript Eco compiler.,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- ruby-eco-source: Experimental gem for setting up and managing a Diaspora pod.,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- ruby-diaspora: Experimental gem for setting up and managing a Diaspora pod.,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- ruby-rb-fsevent: FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa),demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- python-gearbox: command line toolkit as a PasteScript replacement TurboGears2,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- nilearn: fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- smc-java: State Machine Compiler,demandé il y a 1512 jours.
- rails-asset-jqueryui: A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library.,demandé il y a 1510 jours.
- gitlab-linguist: GitLab Language detection,demandé il y a 1510 jours.
- spigot.py: Post to the Pump.io social network automatically from (RSS) feeds,demandé il y a 1509 jours.
- geronimo-interceptor-1.1-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the Interceptor 1.1 spec,demandé il y a 1508 jours.
- geronimo-atinject-1.0-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the AtInject 1.0 spec,demandé il y a 1508 jours.
- geronimo-jcdi-1.0-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the JCDI 1.0 spec,demandé il y a 1508 jours.
- icedove-thunderlink: Link to email by Message-ID,demandé il y a 1507 jours.
- Yawls: Adjust the brightness level of your display by using the internal/external webcam of your notebook as an ambient light sensor,demandé il y a 1506 jours.
- libgtkflow: flow graphs for gtk3,demandé il y a 1506 jours.
- syncBackup: small GUI for rsync,demandé il y a 1506 jours.
- hdump: Hexadecimal and ASCII dumper for binary files,demandé il y a 1506 jours.
- pfring: PF_RING is a high-speed packet capture, filtering and analysis framework.,demandé il y a 1504 jours.
- zz-bulletin: Open source, Elegant, Powerful Forums.,demandé il y a 1504 jours.
- pytest-services: collection of fixtures and utility functions for py.test,demandé il y a 1503 jours.
- python-wordpress-xmlrpc: Python library for WordPress XML-RPC integration,demandé il y a 1502 jours.
- golang-github-jgeewax-cli: small package for building command line apps in Go,demandé il y a 1500 jours.
- hadoop: Apache Hadoop distributed processing framework,demandé il y a 1500 jours.
- pre-commit: a multi-language package manager for git pre-commit hooks,demandé il y a 1500 jours.
- aspy.yaml: extensions to pyyaml,demandé il y a 1500 jours.
- flocker: Flocker is an open-source Container Data Volume Manager for Dockerized applications.,demandé il y a 1500 jours.
- telegraf: plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB,demandé il y a 1499 jours.
- down: A simple game written in Ruby/SDL,demandé il y a 1498 jours.
- lua-lanes: Lua extension library providing the possibility to run multiple Lua states in parallel,demandé il y a 1496 jours.
- yaf: a network packet flowmeter tool with ipfix support,demandé il y a 1493 jours.
- openxcom: Open-source clone of the original X-Com game,demandé il y a 1491 jours.
- uglifycss: CSS mangler/compressor toolkit,demandé il y a 1491 jours.
- ruby-fauxhai: Easily mock full ohai data,demandé il y a 1490 jours.
- ruby-chefspec: unit testing framework for testing Chef cookbooks,demandé il y a 1490 jours.
- clrng,demandé il y a 1490 jours.
- plumed: Free Energy Module for Molecular Dynamics Packages,demandé il y a 1484 jours.
- tuxemon: Open source turn-based RPG,demandé il y a 1483 jours.
- jsr-275: Java package for the programmatic handling of physical quantities,demandé il y a 1483 jours.
- beluga: Functional programming language designed for formal reasoning,demandé il y a 1482 jours.
- Sherpa: Modeling and fitting in Python,demandé il y a 1481 jours.
- libjparsec-java: parser combinator modelled after Haskell Parsec,demandé il y a 1481 jours.
- libtext-sass-xs-perl: Perl binding for LibSass,demandé il y a 1481 jours.
- elixir-exdoc: Documentation generator for Elixir projects,demandé il y a 1480 jours.
- elixir-earmark: Markdown to HTML conversion library,demandé il y a 1480 jours.
- python-cylp: Python interface to COIN-OR linear and mixed-integer program solvers,demandé il y a 1479 jours.
- trojita: Fast Qt IMAP e-mail client.,demandé il y a 1478 jours.
- zorba: NoSQL Query Processing,demandé il y a 1478 jours.
- ruby-chef-api: Chef API client with minimal dependencies,demandé il y a 1478 jours.
- tablesnap: Backup utility for the Cassandra database,demandé il y a 1477 jours.
- android-platform-frameworks-compile: Android compiler frameworks,demandé il y a 1476 jours.
- beaker-notebook: Data Scientist Notebook,demandé il y a 1476 jours.
- python-pojson: converts PO files to JSON,demandé il y a 1476 jours.
- gnome-pdf-tool: GUI tool to edit PDF metadata,demandé il y a 1475 jours.
- python-eta: python module to generate progress bar for CLI,demandé il y a 1474 jours.
- node-spawn-sync: Prollyfill for child_process.spawnSync,demandé il y a 1473 jours.
- vertex-theme: Vertex themes for GTK 2/3,demandé il y a 1473 jours.
- hackpad: Web-based realtime wiki,demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- unlzexe: decompress DOS .EXE files compressed with LZEXE,demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- libshadowdive: library for working with One Must Fall 2097 datafiles,demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- openomf: Open Source remake of 'One Must Fall 2097',demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- refkeen: Ports of Keen Dreams and the Catacomb Adventure Series games,demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- libuncommons-maths-java: Random number generators, probability distributions, combinatorics and statistics for Java,demandé il y a 1472 jours.
- esmf: Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF),demandé il y a 1471 jours.
- esmp: Python Interface for the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF),demandé il y a 1471 jours.
- runabc: graphical user interface for processing abc files,demandé il y a 1471 jours.
- modelio: UML, BPMN2 and SysML modelling environment,demandé il y a 1471 jours.
- hdmi2usb-src: Sources of http://hdmi2usb.tv components,demandé il y a 1470 jours.
- hdmi2usb-firmware: gateware for FPGA on HDMI2USB hardware,demandé il y a 1470 jours.
- python-pytmx: PyTMX is a map loader for python/pygame designed for games,demandé il y a 1470 jours.
- oxidized: network device configuration backup tool,demandé il y a 1468 jours.
- rumpkernel: Rump kernel libraries,demandé il y a 1464 jours.
- bangsh: framework for easy shell scripting,demandé il y a 1460 jours.
- node-kerberos: Kerberos library for Node.js,demandé il y a 1457 jours.
- ruby-rails-asset-jqueryui: A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library,demandé il y a 1456 jours.
- carla: audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and AU formats,demandé il y a 1454 jours.
- superboucle: Loop based software fully controllable with any midi device,demandé il y a 1453 jours.
- gnome-breeze: A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze,demandé il y a 1453 jours.
- gwt: Google Web Toolkit,demandé il y a 1450 jours.
- libmpris2client: Library to control mpris2 compatible players,demandé il y a 1450 jours.
- target-isns: iSNS client for the Linux LIO iSCSI target,demandé il y a 1448 jours.
- onionmail: Anonymous and encrypted mail and web server as Tor hidden service.,demandé il y a 1448 jours.
- onionmail-wizard: Wizard to subscribe a new OnionMail user account on TAILS or Debian,demandé il y a 1448 jours.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-dhcp: Install and manage a DHCP server,demandé il y a 1447 jours.
- tarsnap: encrypted snapshotting remote backups,demandé il y a 1447 jours.
- libjs-reveal: HTML Presentation Framework,demandé il y a 1447 jours.
- linuxband: GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment),demandé il y a 1446 jours.
- bomi: GUI multimedia player based on mpv,demandé il y a 1445 jours.
- bauble-installer: bauble is a botanic collection manager,demandé il y a 1444 jours.
- ruby-quiet_assets: A gem that turns off Rails asset pipeline log.,demandé il y a 1442 jours.
- oqplus: GPL content for Quake engines,demandé il y a 1441 jours.
- tyrquake: very conservative QuakeWorld and Quake1 engine,demandé il y a 1441 jours.
- mactel-boot: hfs-bless utility for Intel Macs,demandé il y a 1438 jours.
- zulip-server: group chat for teams,demandé il y a 1438 jours.
- puppet-module-pdxcat-nrpe: This module installs and configures nrpe,demandé il y a 1435 jours.
- pingo: Generic API for controlling boards with programmable IO pins,demandé il y a 1435 jours.
- sayonara: Music player and collection manager,demandé il y a 1435 jours.
- python-trappy: Trace Analysis and Plotting,demandé il y a 1433 jours.
- python-peewee: a small, expressive orm,demandé il y a 1432 jours.
- denyhosts-server: Denyhosts synchronisation server,demandé il y a 1432 jours.
- privacyidea: Two Factor Authentication system for OTP and other tokens,demandé il y a 1431 jours.
- django-piston3: a django mini-framework for creating apis.,demandé il y a 1431 jours.
- python-twistar: Python ORM library for the Twisted framework,demandé il y a 1431 jours.
- transrate: quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies,demandé il y a 1431 jours.
- python-burrito-fillings: burrito application controllers for bioinformatics,demandé il y a 1431 jours.
- bhyve: hypervisor/virtual machine manager for FreeBSD,demandé il y a 1429 jours.
- python-compago: framework for simple command-line parsing,demandé il y a 1429 jours.
- r-cran-xlconnect: comprehensive R package to read, write and format Excel data,demandé il y a 1428 jours.
- world: high-quality speech analysis/synthesis system on the basis of Vocoder.,demandé il y a 1428 jours.
- node-tern: JavaScript code analyzer for text editors,demandé il y a 1427 jours.
- libjs-zeroclipboard: easy copy text in browser to clipboard,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-blueimp-tmpl: JavaScript templating engine,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-vega-dataflow: Vega streaming dataflow graph,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-vega-expression: Vega expression parser and code generator,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-vega-scenegraph: Vega scenegraph and renderers,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-vega-logging: Vega logging utilities,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- node-datalib: JavaScript data utility library,demandé il y a 1426 jours.
- python-oset: An ordered set data structure for Python,demandé il y a 1425 jours.
- coq-areamethod: coq library for the area method decision procedure,demandé il y a 1423 jours.
- OpenRedAlert: Remake engine of 'Red Alert' and Command-n-Conquer with very few depends,demandé il y a 1422 jours.
- puppet-module-edgester-kerberos: A puppet module for managing MIT Kerberos clients and servers,demandé il y a 1421 jours.
- python-sphinx-openstackdocs-theme: OpenStack docs sphinx theme,demandé il y a 1419 jours.
- fonts-sil-unicodebmpfallback: debugging font for Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane,demandé il y a 1419 jours.
- fonts-sil-douloscipher: Cipher Music Notation font,demandé il y a 1419 jours.
- glui: GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides controls such as buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and spinners to OpenGL applications,demandé il y a 1418 jours.
- libcometd2-java: scalable comet (server push) implementation for the web,demandé il y a 1417 jours.
- libcxf2-java: open source services framework,demandé il y a 1417 jours.
- openviewerfx: Open Source JavaFX PDF Viewer,demandé il y a 1416 jours.
- apache-spark: lightning-fast cluster computing,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- julia-gadfly: plotting and data visualization system written in Julia,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-p5: javascript graphics library inspired by Processing,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-angular-ui-bootstrap: Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- iruby: Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython Notebook,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-scrollin: do something great when an element enters the viewport,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-blueimp-canvas-to-blob: polyfill for canvas.toBlob method,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-blueimp-load-image: load images from file, blob or URL,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- libjs-ngstorage: localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- node-datatables.net: DataTables for jQuery,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- node-datatables.net-fixedcolumns: FixedColumns for DataTables,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- node-datatables.net-colreorder: ColReorder for DataTables,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- node-moment-timezone: parse and display moments in any timezone,demandé il y a 1415 jours.
- gccintro-es: Spanish Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough,demandé il y a 1413 jours.
- beast: Music Composer and Modular Synthesizer,demandé il y a 1412 jours.
- dwv-orthanc-plugin: DICOM Web Viewer (DWV) plugin for Orthanc,demandé il y a 1410 jours.
- rapicorn: UI toolkit for declarative user interface construction and SVG-based theming,demandé il y a 1410 jours.
- rhvoice: free and open source speech synthesizer,demandé il y a 1409 jours.
- CVars: C++ run-time variable tweaking,demandé il y a 1409 jours.
- awslogs: AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans,demandé il y a 1408 jours.
- python-mmh3: Python wrapper for MurmurHash (MurmurHash3),demandé il y a 1408 jours.
- elisp-es: Spanish version of An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp,demandé il y a 1407 jours.
- tboot: Trusted Boot VMM module that uses Intel Trusted Execution,demandé il y a 1406 jours.
- safetyblanket: cover your exposed limbs to fend off the approaching tentacles,demandé il y a 1404 jours.
- purple-facebook: Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat,demandé il y a 1403 jours.
- osquery: operating system instrumentation framework,demandé il y a 1403 jours.
- php-sca-sdo: Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO) for PHP,demandé il y a 1402 jours.
- hsakmt: thunk library for AMD's HSA Linux kernel driver (amdkfd),demandé il y a 1401 jours.
- fonts-pompiere: a playful script font,demandé il y a 1401 jours.
- RasterView: a simple GUI image viewer for CUPS and PWG Raster files,demandé il y a 1400 jours.
- samplicator: sending copies of UDP datagrams to multiple receivers,demandé il y a 1400 jours.
- tyrutils: quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake file formats,demandé il y a 1400 jours.
- pandoc2rfc: Use pandoc to create XML suitable for xml2rfc,demandé il y a 1400 jours.
- osm-tile-server: OpenStreetMap tile server,demandé il y a 1399 jours.
- ros-vcstool: Command line tool to make working with multiple repositories easier,demandé il y a 1398 jours.
- kolla: containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds,demandé il y a 1397 jours.
- node-tosource: converts JavaScript objects back to source,demandé il y a 1397 jours.
- goss: Quick and Easy server validation,demandé il y a 1397 jours.
- igb: dkms source for the igb network driver,demandé il y a 1396 jours.
- vizzini: Kernel driver for Exar XR21V1414 USB UART,demandé il y a 1395 jours.
- vconnectstand: singing synthesizer,demandé il y a 1394 jours.
- saws: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface,demandé il y a 1394 jours.
- node-restore: Simple remoteStorage server written in Node.js,demandé il y a 1394 jours.
- partitionfinder: programs for simultaneously choosing partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for sequence data.,demandé il y a 1393 jours.
- qchartjs: QML bindings for Chart.js,demandé il y a 1391 jours.
- xmvn: Local Extensions for Apache Maven,demandé il y a 1391 jours.
- restund: modular and flexible STUN and TURN Server,demandé il y a 1390 jours.
- pidgin-gpg: OpenPGP plugin for Pidgin,demandé il y a 1389 jours.
- vsearch-data: example data for vsearch tool for processing metagenomic sequences,demandé il y a 1388 jours.
- wifi-switcher: script to automatically switch between networks,demandé il y a 1388 jours.
- heka: Stream processing software system developed by Mozilla,demandé il y a 1386 jours.
- libjs-requirejs-plugins: small set of plugins for RequireJS,demandé il y a 1386 jours.
- node-kosmtik: Make maps with OpenStreetMap and Mapnik,demandé il y a 1386 jours.
- lua-unbound: unbound binding for LUA,demandé il y a 1386 jours.
- libjs-jsx-requirejs-plugin: RequireJS plugin for JavaScript files containing JSX,demandé il y a 1385 jours.
- libjs-backbone.routefilter: wraps the backbone route callback,demandé il y a 1385 jours.
- libjs-react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces,demandé il y a 1385 jours.
- jpf: Java Pathfinder virtual machine for Java,demandé il y a 1384 jours.
- inform6: Inform 6 interactive fiction language,demandé il y a 1382 jours.
- python-clam: CLAM: Quickly turn command-line tools into RESTful webservices,demandé il y a 1381 jours.
- mod-auth-env: Apache module that sets REMOTE_USER from environment,demandé il y a 1381 jours.
- ensembl-tools: Ensembl tools for genomic data processing,demandé il y a 1381 jours.
- pixeldungeon: Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics,demandé il y a 1379 jours.
- shatteredpixeldungeon: A mod of Pixel Dungeon with many improvements,demandé il y a 1379 jours.
- packetbeat: real-time network packet analyzer and logger,demandé il y a 1375 jours.
- robofab: library with objects deal with data associated with fonts and type design,demandé il y a 1374 jours.
- anki-sync-server: a personal synchronisation server for Anki (a flashcard learning program),demandé il y a 1372 jours.
- mchange-commons-java: General-purpose Java utilities by Machinery For Change, Inc.,demandé il y a 1372 jours.
- bloomd: High-performance bloom filter service,demandé il y a 1369 jours.
- xdg-menu-convert: Convert freedesktop files to a format used by various WMs,demandé il y a 1366 jours.
- libjs-converse: XMPP chat client running in the web browser,demandé il y a 1366 jours.
- gwamar: genome-wide assessment of mutations associated with drug resistance in bacteria,demandé il y a 1364 jours.
- hamara-themes: A GTK2/3, metacity and xwfm4 theme and an icon theme used by Hamara Linux.,demandé il y a 1363 jours.
- libjs-lightbox: javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page,demandé il y a 1363 jours.
- django-user-accounts: infrastructure for dealing with user accounts,demandé il y a 1361 jours.
- zjump: Jump to frequent directories matching regex,demandé il y a 1359 jours.
- doctl: official DigitalOcean services CLI tool,demandé il y a 1358 jours.
- haskell-gitlib-libgit2: Libgit2 backend for gitlib (haskell),demandé il y a 1358 jours.
- mkcast: A tool to create gif screencasts of a running window,demandé il y a 1355 jours.
- mxnet: Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic,demandé il y a 1355 jours.
- arrayfire-cuda: CUDA backend for ArrayFire,demandé il y a 1355 jours.
- ms-sys: Program for writing Microsoft compatible boot records,demandé il y a 1353 jours.
- kaldi: Kaldi speech recognition toolkit,demandé il y a 1353 jours.
- mage: a C/C++ software toolkit for reactive implementation of HMM-based speech and singing synthesis.,demandé il y a 1353 jours.
- libkgeomap: Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map.,demandé il y a 1353 jours.
- lofreq: sensitive variant calling from sequencing data,demandé il y a 1348 jours.
- terraform: tool for managing cloud infrastructure,demandé il y a 1348 jours.
- openrct2: theme park simulation game (clone of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2),demandé il y a 1348 jours.
- ctf-gameserver: Gameserver for A/D IT-Sec CTFs,demandé il y a 1346 jours.
- go-flint: Linting tool to check your project for common sources of contributor friction,demandé il y a 1346 jours.
- rakudo-star: Perl 6 core modules,demandé il y a 1345 jours.
- golang-github-creack-termios: Multi Platform Golang terminal management: Raw mode, TTY size.,demandé il y a 1345 jours.
- python-neteria: Simple game networking library,demandé il y a 1342 jours.
- ruby-rubinius-developer-tools: A meta-gem for the Rubinius developer tools.,demandé il y a 1342 jours.
- node-es6ify: browserify v2 transform to compile ES6 to ES5 on the fly,demandé il y a 1341 jours.
- dtiprep: automatic pipeline for DWI/DTI QC and preparation,demandé il y a 1341 jours.
- lemur: TLS certification manager,demandé il y a 1341 jours.
- python-bond: transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and other languages,demandé il y a 1341 jours.
- ruby-rubinius-coverage: Rubinius coverage tool,demandé il y a 1340 jours.
- ruby-rubinius-profiler: Rubinius profiler.,demandé il y a 1340 jours.
- ruby-rubinius: A meta-gem for all the Rubinius components that are provided as gems,demandé il y a 1340 jours.
- libchromiumcontent: content module,demandé il y a 1339 jours.
- haskell-wai-routing: Declarative routing for WAI,demandé il y a 1337 jours.
- spineml-preflight: Simulator independent initial processing for SpineML models,demandé il y a 1336 jours.
- spinecreator: A GUI for the creation and analysis of neural models using the SpineML format,demandé il y a 1336 jours.
- linux-malware-detect: Linux Malware Detect,demandé il y a 1335 jours.
- rethinkdb: scalable document database with push support,demandé il y a 1334 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-sound-device-chooser: Sound output device chooser extension for GNOME Shell,demandé il y a 1334 jours.
- stratagus: Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine.,demandé il y a 1334 jours.
- libreplan: Web application for project planning, monitoring and control,demandé il y a 1331 jours.
- django-watchman: fetch status information on Django services,demandé il y a 1330 jours.
- libclassindex-java: a run-time annotation scanning library for Java,demandé il y a 1330 jours.
- libqpsd: PSD (Photoshop Document) & PSB (Photoshop Big) Plugin for Qt/C++ (Qt4/Qt5),demandé il y a 1330 jours.
- premailer: Turns CSS blocks into style attributes,demandé il y a 1328 jours.
- golang-github-kennygrant-sanitize: Functions for sanitizing text in golang strings,demandé il y a 1328 jours.
- ruby-event-bus: Notify subscribers about event,demandé il y a 1326 jours.
- owl-lisp: functional implementation of Scheme,demandé il y a 1326 jours.
- keysnail: bind commands to key sequences in Iceweasel,demandé il y a 1325 jours.
- uclibc-ng: uClibc-ng is an implementation of the standard C library that is much smaller than glibc, which makes it useful for embedded systems.,demandé il y a 1324 jours.
- tabview: curses command-line CSV and list (tabular data) viewer,demandé il y a 1324 jours.
- gtabview: simple graphical tabular data viewer,demandé il y a 1324 jours.
- ruby-interception: Provides a cross-platform ability to intercept all exceptions as they are raised.,demandé il y a 1323 jours.
- lua-fun: functional programming library for Lua,demandé il y a 1322 jours.
- python-django-sessioninfo: Provides detailed info about the sessions of django users,demandé il y a 1320 jours.
- robomongo: Shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management,demandé il y a 1320 jours.
- co2mon: CLI for MasterKit CO2 Monitor,demandé il y a 1319 jours.
- plugn: hook system for shell programs,demandé il y a 1317 jours.
- jscience: Java science library (algebra, matrices, physical models),demandé il y a 1317 jours.
- geoapi: Set of Java interfaces for geospatial applications,demandé il y a 1317 jours.
- firefox-tab-groups: Mozilla announced discontinuing the Tab Groups feature with firefox 45,demandé il y a 1314 jours.
- python-libxdo: Python bindings for libxdo,demandé il y a 1314 jours.
- ciscocmd: Expect script to send a set of commands to a set of Cisco devices,demandé il y a 1308 jours.
- cloudflare: CloudFlare® command line tool and Go,demandé il y a 1308 jours.
- golang-github-mitchellh-goamz: Golang Amazon Library,demandé il y a 1308 jours.
- baka-mplayer: A libmpv based media player,demandé il y a 1307 jours.
- enhanced-duc: dynamic DNS update client and daemon,demandé il y a 1306 jours.
- castnow: command-line chromecast player,demandé il y a 1306 jours.
- trezor-agent: Using the Trezor bitcoin hardware wallet as hardware SSH agent,demandé il y a 1306 jours.
- ed25519: Python bindings to the Ed25519 public-key signature system,demandé il y a 1306 jours.
- r-cran-nfactors: GNU R package for Parallel Analysis and Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test -- nFactors,demandé il y a 1305 jours.
- libqcpp: A C++ library for next-gen sequencing data quality control.,demandé il y a 1305 jours.
- helm-synth: polyphonic synthesiser,demandé il y a 1304 jours.
- maven-osgi: Maven-OSGi integration library,demandé il y a 1303 jours.
- colibri-core: Colibri Core is a Natural Language Processing tool to quickly and efficiently count and extract patterns from large corpus data.,demandé il y a 1301 jours.
- grive2: Google Drive client with support for new Drive REST API and partial sync,demandé il y a 1299 jours.
- asset-collector: collect information about the used hardware/software,demandé il y a 1298 jours.
- sisu-mojos: Sisu Maven Plugin,demandé il y a 1297 jours.
- awlsim: S7 compatible soft-PLC,demandé il y a 1291 jours.
- cropgui: GUI frontend for lossless cropping (and rotating) of JPEG images,demandé il y a 1289 jours.
- topmenu-qt: Topmenu for Qt applications,demandé il y a 1289 jours.
- twHamQTH: callsign look up using HamQTH.com database,demandé il y a 1287 jours.
- crush: data reduction and imaging tool for astronomical cameras,demandé il y a 1287 jours.
- twlog: ham log book program,demandé il y a 1286 jours.
- holoviews: visualization library for scientific or engineering data,demandé il y a 1285 jours.
- terminal-quest: Introduction to terminal commands in the style of a text adventure game,demandé il y a 1285 jours.
- kss-node: living style guide generator from KSS markup,demandé il y a 1284 jours.
- git-arr: git repository browser that can generate static HTML,demandé il y a 1284 jours.
- node-covert: code coverage command for javascript,demandé il y a 1282 jours.
- pypjlink: CLI utility and python library to control data projectors,demandé il y a 1280 jours.
- open-infrastructure-system-doc: Documentation for System Build et al.,demandé il y a 1280 jours.
- cloudabi-utils: Utilities and libraries for starting CloudABI programs,demandé il y a 1278 jours.
- js-beautify: library & script to beautify JavaScript code,demandé il y a 1276 jours.
- ctmg: Simple wrapper around cryptsetup for encrypted containers,demandé il y a 1276 jours.
- telify: Firefox / Iceweasel plugin, makes all phone numbers on a page clickable,demandé il y a 1275 jours.
- ruby-mathgl: Ruby wrapper of MathGL,demandé il y a 1275 jours.
- condetri: Perl-based trimming of Illumina FASTQ files,demandé il y a 1275 jours.
- broadcom-facetimehd: dkms source for the Broadcom 1570 PCIe camera,demandé il y a 1275 jours.
- opentype-sanitiser: OpenType Sanitiser (ots),demandé il y a 1274 jours.
- how2: stackoverflow from the terminal,demandé il y a 1273 jours.
- vhostmd: Virtualisation host metrics daemon,demandé il y a 1273 jours.
- ambix-plugins: ambiX Ambisonic plug-in suite,demandé il y a 1271 jours.
- node-blessed: A high-level terminal interface library for node.js,demandé il y a 1271 jours.
- openbazaar: server daemon for OpenBazaar network,demandé il y a 1270 jours.
- flask-bootstrap: Python Flask extension for Twitter Bootstrap,demandé il y a 1270 jours.
- kawa: general-purpose programming language of the lisp family, that runs on the Java platform,demandé il y a 1268 jours.
- hunspell-ie: Interlingue dictionary for Hunspell,demandé il y a 1268 jours.
- libcds-astro-java: CDS Astronomical Units conversions,demandé il y a 1265 jours.
- fuel-ui: OpenStack Fuel deployment server - Web GUI,demandé il y a 1265 jours.
- gpvdm: General-purpose Photovoltaic Device Model,demandé il y a 1260 jours.
- zbase32: Human-oriented encoding for binary data,demandé il y a 1259 jours.
- mesos-dns: DNS-based service discovery for Mesos,demandé il y a 1259 jours.
- r-bioc-rgraphviz: GNU R interface with the Graphviz library,demandé il y a 1258 jours.
- wekan: A Kanban-like agile dashboard Web app,demandé il y a 1256 jours.
- sconcho: sconcho is a program for designing knitting patterns,demandé il y a 1254 jours.
- capitan: Remake of the classic 80s platform game,demandé il y a 1254 jours.
- fdio-vpp: Open Source Vector Packet Processing Platform,demandé il y a 1252 jours.
- gmilk: GTK tray icon for Remember the Milk,demandé il y a 1250 jours.
- python-daemonocle: Library for creating super fancy Unix daemons,demandé il y a 1250 jours.
- python-flask-marshmallow: Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs,demandé il y a 1250 jours.
- python-flask-restful-swagger: Swagger spec extractor for flask-restful,demandé il y a 1250 jours.
- airflow: Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines,demandé il y a 1250 jours.
- code-maat: Command line tool used to mine and analyze data from version-control systems,demandé il y a 1249 jours.
- asynctest: unittest extension to test code using asyncio,demandé il y a 1246 jours.
- rfcmarkup: add HTML markup and links to internet-drafts and RFCs,demandé il y a 1245 jours.
- pdftable: extract tables from PDF files,demandé il y a 1244 jours.
- python-blaze: Interface to query data on different storage systems,demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- pytest-benchmark: py.test fixture for benchmarking code,demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- python-odo: Data migration in Python,demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- python-datashape: A data description language,demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- gamera-psaltiki: Psaltic Byzantine chant notation addon for Gamera (document recognition system),demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- merlin-ocaml: assistant for editing OCaml code,demandé il y a 1243 jours.
- streflop: STandalone REproducible FLOating-Point library,demandé il y a 1242 jours.
- clickshare: Linux driver for ClickShare screen share system,demandé il y a 1240 jours.
- libretro-crawl: port of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup to libretro api,demandé il y a 1240 jours.
- libretro-scummvm: port of ScummVM games interpreter to libretro api,demandé il y a 1240 jours.
- libretro-tyrquake: port of quake and quakeworld to libretro api,demandé il y a 1240 jours.
- emulationstation: Graphical emulator front-end,demandé il y a 1239 jours.
- emulationstation-theme-simple: Simple theme for EmulationStation,demandé il y a 1239 jours.
- magit-svn: git-svn extension for magit, a git interface for emacs.,demandé il y a 1238 jours.
- golang-github-dreamitgetit-statuscake: Go client library for statuscake.com,demandé il y a 1237 jours.
- appfap: reduce priority of desktop applications in the background,demandé il y a 1236 jours.
- csdr: DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio,demandé il y a 1235 jours.
- golang-github-jen20-riviera: Azure Resource Manager SDK library for Go,demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-joyent-gosdc: Go library for interaction with the Joyent CloudAPI,demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-lusis-go-artifactory: Go library and utilities to interact with Artifactory,demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-packethost-packngo: Go API client library for Packet (cloud provider),demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-pearkes-cloudflare: Go library for using the CloudFlare API,demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-pearkes-dnsimple: Go library for using DNSimple,demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-pearkes-mailgun: Go library for using Mailgun (email service),demandé il y a 1234 jours.
- golang-github-soniah-dnsmadeeasy: Go library for DNSMadeEasy,demandé il y a 1233 jours.
- golang-github-zorkian-go-datadog-api: Go library for using the Datadog API,demandé il y a 1233 jours.
- mihphoto: Touch-friendly image viewer,demandé il y a 1229 jours.
- crossbar: WAMP application router,demandé il y a 1229 jours.
- flipcoin: flip an adjustable coin for random exit status,demandé il y a 1229 jours.
- node-expresso: TDD framework, light-weight, fast, CI-friendly,demandé il y a 1228 jours.
- crystal: Compiler of the Crystal object-oriented programming language,demandé il y a 1228 jours.
- smoviecat: scan for movies, query imdb and generate a catalog,demandé il y a 1227 jours.
- libdynamic-graph: Dynamic graph C++ library development package,demandé il y a 1225 jours.
- lhendraw: cdx/cdxml compatible chemical drawing program,demandé il y a 1220 jours.
- timeline-thetimelineproj: An application to show events on a timeline,demandé il y a 1219 jours.
- python-poyo: lightweight (subset of) YAML parser for Python,demandé il y a 1219 jours.
- mattermost-server: self-hosted team communication service,demandé il y a 1215 jours.
- asciiquarium: Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!,demandé il y a 1213 jours.
- geronimo-servlet-3.0-spec: Geronimo API implementation of the Servlet 3.0 spec,demandé il y a 1212 jours.
- rdma-utils: Infiniband Kernel Module Initializer and port config tool,demandé il y a 1210 jours.
- open-infrastructure-source-tools: utilities to ease daily work with Git,demandé il y a 1209 jours.
- gneural-network: GNU neural network,demandé il y a 1208 jours.
- iotivity: Seamless device-to-device connectivity IoT framework,demandé il y a 1208 jours.
- python-onvif: Python Client for ONVIF Cameras,demandé il y a 1207 jours.
- scylladb: distributed database compatible with Apache Cassandra,demandé il y a 1204 jours.
- subsurface: scuba diving logbook,demandé il y a 1204 jours.
- tis-interpreter: An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written in standard C,demandé il y a 1203 jours.
- amazon-dsstne: deep scalable sparse tensor network engine,demandé il y a 1202 jours.
- android-platform-external-conscrypt: Java Security Provider that uses OpenSSL,demandé il y a 1202 jours.
- rebar3: Sophisticated build-tool for Erlang projects that follows OTP principles,demandé il y a 1201 jours.
- gly: Flexible Gregorian notation format compiling to canonical gabc,demandé il y a 1201 jours.
- feature-mode: major mode for editing Gherkin user stories in Emacs,demandé il y a 1198 jours.
- libblendsplitter2: BlendSplitter library, version 2,demandé il y a 1197 jours.
- ISSE: An Interactive Source Separation Editor,demandé il y a 1197 jours.
- sc-controller: steam controller open source driver + GUI,demandé il y a 1196 jours.
- postgresql-jsoncdc: Packaging of the postgresql module jsoncdc.,demandé il y a 1195 jours.
- UsbMonitor: commandline linux usbmon interface and api,demandé il y a 1192 jours.
- pycsco: Python modules to simplify working with Cisco NX-OS devices,demandé il y a 1192 jours.
- caravel: data exploration platform,demandé il y a 1191 jours.
- druid: fast column-oriented distributed data store,demandé il y a 1191 jours.
- sedutil: Drive Trust Alliance utilities for TCG OPAL 2.00 Self Encrypting Drives (SED),demandé il y a 1190 jours.
- obspy: Python framework for seismology,demandé il y a 1189 jours.
- classpath-explorer: Java library which allows you,demandé il y a 1186 jours.
- nemo-emblems: folder and file emblem support for Nemo,demandé il y a 1184 jours.
- oonibackend: backend infrastructure for ooniprobe,demandé il y a 1184 jours.
- gedit-rest-plugin: reStructuredText Plugin for gedit,demandé il y a 1183 jours.
- libdill: Structured concurrency for C,demandé il y a 1183 jours.
- puppetdb-termini: Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB,demandé il y a 1183 jours.
- deerportal: A hybrid of a card and a board game where you have to challenge four classical elements.,demandé il y a 1183 jours.
- lua-struct: Library to convert Lua values to and from C structs,demandé il y a 1182 jours.
- tn5250j: A 5250 terminal emulator for the AS/400,demandé il y a 1182 jours.
- napalm-nxos: Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor suppor,demandé il y a 1182 jours.
- facebook-insights: CLI to interact with Insights metrics in the Facebook Graph API,demandé il y a 1182 jours.
- involucro: build and deliver software with containers,demandé il y a 1181 jours.
- xidel: Command line tool to download and query HTML/XML/JSON with XQuery,demandé il y a 1181 jours.
- texttop: A fully interactive X Linux desktop rendered in TTY and streamable over SSH,demandé il y a 1181 jours.
- ipsilon: Identity Provider server and toolkit,demandé il y a 1180 jours.
- inform6-contrib: community contributed tools for Inform 6,demandé il y a 1180 jours.
- sqlitestudio: SQLite database manager,demandé il y a 1176 jours.
- login-webcam: Take picture using a webcam on failed login attempts,demandé il y a 1175 jours.
- mist: Ethereum browser,demandé il y a 1175 jours.
- splat-vo: Spectral Analysis Tool for Virtual Observatory,demandé il y a 1174 jours.
- python-thumbor-community-core: handles loading custom extensions to Thumbor,demandé il y a 1172 jours.
- pothos: data flow programming framework with computational offload capability,demandé il y a 1170 jours.
- fonts-reemkufi: Fatimid Kufic typeface,demandé il y a 1169 jours.
- xlogo: XLogo is an interpreter for the Logo programming language, written in Java.,demandé il y a 1168 jours.
- spacemacs: Emacs configuration to get best of Emacs and Vim,demandé il y a 1164 jours.
- evil-leader: Emacs addon providing 'leader' feature from Vim,demandé il y a 1162 jours.
- Lantern: A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool,demandé il y a 1161 jours.
- gophernicus,demandé il y a 1160 jours.
- golang-github-gengo-grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator,demandé il y a 1156 jours.
- sift-tool: fast and powerful open source alternative to grep,demandé il y a 1156 jours.
- node-jstransformer: Node library to normalize the API of any jstransformer,demandé il y a 1156 jours.
- fatx: Complete XBOX filesystem support (FATX),demandé il y a 1155 jours.
- corridor: a Tor traffic whitelisting gateway,demandé il y a 1154 jours.
- casasynthesis: CASA modules needed for processing synthesis data,demandé il y a 1153 jours.
- casarest: old AIPS++ code not included in casacore, mainly lwimager,demandé il y a 1153 jours.
- oskar: Oxford's Square Kilometre Array Radio-telescope simulator,demandé il y a 1153 jours.
- sagecal: GPU/MIC accelerated radio interferometric calibration program,demandé il y a 1153 jours.
- http-prompt: interactive command-line HTTP client,demandé il y a 1152 jours.
- python-parsimonious: fast pure-Python PEG parser,demandé il y a 1152 jours.
- xed: GTK Text editor for the XApps project,demandé il y a 1150 jours.
- xviewer: GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project,demandé il y a 1150 jours.
- xplayer: GTK media player based on GStreamer for the Xapps project,demandé il y a 1150 jours.
- xviewer-plugins: Set of plugins for xviewer.,demandé il y a 1150 jours.
- ttf2woff: Converter from TrueType and OpenType fonts to the WOFF format,demandé il y a 1148 jours.
- puppetserver: the next-generation application for managing Puppet agents,demandé il y a 1147 jours.
- field: extracts a list of fields from a file,demandé il y a 1146 jours.
- xubuntu-artwork: Xubuntu themes and artwork,demandé il y a 1144 jours.
- fluxgui: f.lux indicator applet is an indicator applet to control xflux,demandé il y a 1144 jours.
- parsoid: Web service converting HTML+RDFa to MediaWiki wikitext and back,demandé il y a 1144 jours.
- pology: in-depth processing of PO files,demandé il y a 1144 jours.
- twemoji-color-font: Twitter Color Emoji SVGinOT Font,demandé il y a 1143 jours.
- souffle: a translator of declarative Datalog programs into the C++ programming language,demandé il y a 1142 jours.
- touchandgo: Touchandgo is a CLI application and python library to download and stream torrents,demandé il y a 1142 jours.
- gsignond: gSSO daemon and default plugins,demandé il y a 1141 jours.
- yakyak: Desktop client for Google Hangouts,demandé il y a 1140 jours.
- mattermost-desktop: Mattermost Desktop application,demandé il y a 1139 jours.
- umtskeeper,demandé il y a 1139 jours.
- airdcpp-webclient: Direct Connect file-sharing client with web front-end,demandé il y a 1139 jours.
- mkusb: Tool to make boot drives.,demandé il y a 1139 jours.
- dl: Download Ticket Service,demandé il y a 1138 jours.
- golang-github-jawher-mow.cli: CLI arguments parsing and validation,demandé il y a 1138 jours.
- gpsmaster: application to create, view, edit and analyse GPX files,demandé il y a 1137 jours.
- wasora: Wasora's an advanced suite for optimization and reactor analysis,demandé il y a 1136 jours.
- tsc: The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.,demandé il y a 1136 jours.
- pbtestdata: small Pacific Biosciences datasets for testing,demandé il y a 1136 jours.
- kyklop: Finds, tracks, and characterizes tropical cyclones in climate simulation data,demandé il y a 1133 jours.
- openstack-manuals: docs for installing and using OpenStack,demandé il y a 1132 jours.
- python-sqlalchemy-schemadisplay: Turn SQLAlchemy DB Model into a graph,demandé il y a 1131 jours.
- python-gavovotable: library for Virtual Observatory VOTables,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- tapsh: Table Access Protocol Shell for Virtual Observatory,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- ansi2gif: create graphical output in gif format,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- brumbrumrally: 2D racing game with a new track each time you play,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- burpsuite: platform for security testing of web applications,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- openhft-chronicle-values: Poor man's value types for Java 8+,demandé il y a 1130 jours.
- aiohttp-debugtoolbar: debugtoolbar for aiohttp.web,demandé il y a 1129 jours.
- javolution: Real-time java library,demandé il y a 1129 jours.
- ruby-exifr: EXIF Reader is a module to read EXIF from JPEG and TIFF images,demandé il y a 1129 jours.
- ruby-image-size: A gem that can be used to measure size of mag using Ruby,demandé il y a 1128 jours.
- python-plone.testing: Testing infrastructure for Zope and Plone projects,demandé il y a 1128 jours.
- python-robotsuite: Robot Framework test suite for Python unittest framework,demandé il y a 1128 jours.
- embroidermodder: Free machine embroidery software,demandé il y a 1127 jours.
- nvim-lldb: LLDB debugger integration for Neovim,demandé il y a 1127 jours.
- hedera-icon-theme: A classic icon theme for Linux desktops,demandé il y a 1126 jours.
- commix: Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool,demandé il y a 1125 jours.
- rpyutils: Flash and communicate with an RP6 robot,demandé il y a 1123 jours.
- stardict-quick-achinese: Stardict Quick package for Indonesian-Achinese dictionary,demandé il y a 1121 jours.
- kodi-visualization-projectm: ProjectM visualizer for Kodi,demandé il y a 1120 jours.
- qsyncthingtray: Qt frontend and tray icon for syncthing,demandé il y a 1119 jours.
- flask-restless: Flask extension which provides simple generation of ReSTful JSON APIs,demandé il y a 1118 jours.
- pontoon: CLI for DigitalOcean,demandé il y a 1118 jours.
- vapoursynth: A video processing framework with simplicity in mind,demandé il y a 1118 jours.
- beanstool: Dependency free beanstalkd admin tool,demandé il y a 1117 jours.
- waybackpack: command-line tool that lets you download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL,demandé il y a 1116 jours.
- python-oxd: Python bindings for Gluu OxD server,demandé il y a 1116 jours.
- zuki-themes: Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce, and more,demandé il y a 1115 jours.
- meqtrees-timba: core MeqTrees package for implementing and solving arbitrary Measurement Equations,demandé il y a 1113 jours.
- meqtrees-cattery: MeqTrees-based frameworks for simulation and calibration of radio interferometers,demandé il y a 1113 jours.
- libjs-jquery-freezeheader: freeze header row in html table,demandé il y a 1112 jours.
- dh-copyright: debhelper extension to aid in tracking copyright and licensing info,demandé il y a 1112 jours.
- powershell: scripting language interpreter built on .NET,demandé il y a 1110 jours.
- libui: Simple multi-platform GUI library written in C,demandé il y a 1110 jours.
- ShogiGUI: GUI for japanese Chess (Shogi),demandé il y a 1109 jours.
- open-infrastructure-system-installer: d-i component for installing from images,demandé il y a 1109 jours.
- r-cran-semplot: GNU R Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages output -- semPlot,demandé il y a 1106 jours.
- nextcloud: self-hosted cloud services,demandé il y a 1106 jours.
- google-android-studio-installer,demandé il y a 1105 jours.
- modrana: Modrana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile Linux devices.,demandé il y a 1105 jours.
- trytls: TLS client quality checker,demandé il y a 1104 jours.
- triops: safely and securely encrypt and decrypt files from cmdline,demandé il y a 1100 jours.
- spacy: industrial-strength natural language processing for Python,demandé il y a 1100 jours.
- ralph: asset management and DCIM tool for data centers,demandé il y a 1100 jours.
- theano-blocks: deep learning framework built on top of Theano,demandé il y a 1100 jours.
- fuel: data wrangler for Blocks (deep learning framework),demandé il y a 1100 jours.
- libjs-nvd3: re-usable charts for d3.js,demandé il y a 1097 jours.
- nfstash: CLI tools suite implementing NFS client procedures,demandé il y a 1097 jours.
- cavewhere: Cave survey processing and visualisation,demandé il y a 1097 jours.
- tribler: Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery,demandé il y a 1091 jours.
- glshim: Shim that translates OpenGL 1.x into OpenGL ES.,demandé il y a 1089 jours.
- powerzz: powerzz is a battery power monitor that can hibernate shutdown do nothing at critical battery levels.,demandé il y a 1089 jours.
- upshutzz: upshutzz is a on-demand, unassisted system update program.,demandé il y a 1089 jours.
- gawkextlib: Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU Awk,demandé il y a 1087 jours.
- vagrant-vsphere: VMWare vSphere provider for Vagrant,demandé il y a 1086 jours.
- python-pifpaf: Python fixtures and daemon managing tools for functional testing,demandé il y a 1084 jours.
- node-cropper: A simple jQuery image cropping plugin,demandé il y a 1084 jours.
- otf2: Open Trace Format 2,demandé il y a 1084 jours.
- qubes-core-admin: The Qubes core files (Dom0-side),demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-core-admin-linux: Linux-specific files for Qubes dom0,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-core-agent: The Qubes core files for VMs,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-db: Qubes OS database and tools,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- libvchan-xen-qubes: Qubes vchan libraries,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-gui-agent: Qubes GUI Agent for VMs,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-gui-common: Common files for Qubes GUI - protocol headers,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-gui-daemon: Qubes GUI daemon,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- qubes-utils: Common Qubes utils for dom0 and VMs,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- cask: project management tool for Emacs,demandé il y a 1082 jours.
- itktools: command line tools based on the ITK, intended for image processing,demandé il y a 1080 jours.
- sejda: command line tool to manipulate PDF documents,demandé il y a 1079 jours.
- Basenji: A cross-platform media indexing/search tool,demandé il y a 1079 jours.
- libalien-autotools-perl: Perl module for locating binaries for the, GNU build system,demandé il y a 1078 jours.
- python-parquet: pure-python implementation parquet reader,demandé il y a 1078 jours.
- ripser: Software for computing persistent homology of Vietoris-Rips filtrations,demandé il y a 1077 jours.
- roughtime: Secure time synchronisation,demandé il y a 1077 jours.
- sensu: monitoring framework,demandé il y a 1076 jours.
- protovis: composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots,demandé il y a 1074 jours.
- cubism: D3 plugin for visualizing time series,demandé il y a 1074 jours.
- libjs-jqrangeslider: powerful slider for selecting value ranges,demandé il y a 1070 jours.
- libjs-slickgrid: advanced JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component,demandé il y a 1070 jours.
- lxde-gtk3: gtk3 port of lxde,demandé il y a 1070 jours.
- ruby-winrm: Ruby library for Windows Remote Management,demandé il y a 1069 jours.
- freehearingtest: Free Hearing Test Software,demandé il y a 1069 jours.
- bash-unit: bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals,demandé il y a 1068 jours.
- python-googleplayapi: Google Play Unofficial Python API,demandé il y a 1067 jours.
- elfio: C++ library for reading and generating ELF files,demandé il y a 1066 jours.
- cub: cooperative threadblock primitives and other utilities for CUDA programming,demandé il y a 1063 jours.
- homeassistant: home automation platform running on Python 3,demandé il y a 1063 jours.
- hwgen: A Handwriting Generator For Presentation Design,demandé il y a 1061 jours.
- ponymix: CLI volume control for PulseAudio,demandé il y a 1061 jours.
- qpid-java: message-oriented middleware AMQP message broker written in Java,demandé il y a 1059 jours.
- mullvad-client: client for VPN service Mullvad,demandé il y a 1059 jours.
- mongodb-mtools: parse and visualize MongoDB log files / automate the setup of test clusters,demandé il y a 1058 jours.
- openqa: automated test tool to test the whole installation process of an OS,demandé il y a 1058 jours.
- fonts-pt-astra: metric-compatible Times New Roman and Arial alternatives,demandé il y a 1057 jours.
- git-repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace,demandé il y a 1057 jours.
- mdm-display-manager: MDM Display Manager,demandé il y a 1057 jours.
- ublock-origin-websocket: companion to uBlock Origin to expose websocket connections,demandé il y a 1056 jours.
- pyflame: CPU profiler and flame graph tool for Python,demandé il y a 1055 jours.
- libjs-epoch: general purpose real-time charting library,demandé il y a 1126 jours.
- picocoin: A C library for implementing Bitcoin applications,demandé il y a 1054 jours.
- influxdb-relay: a basic high availability layer for InfluxDB,demandé il y a 1054 jours.
- hotdoc: documentation tool using CommonMark,demandé il y a 1053 jours.
- ruby-middleman: Build static websites with an easy-to-use framework,demandé il y a 1052 jours.
- python-github3.py: comprehensive, actively developed and extraordinarily stable wrapper around the GitHub API (v3),demandé il y a 1052 jours.
- courier-zdkimfilter: DKIM filter for Courier-MTA,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- python-fauxquests: mock HTTP requests sent with the requests package,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- gibbon: A GTK+ client for the First Internet Backgammon Server, FIBS,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- libpgjdbcng-java: A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the advanced features of JDBC and Postgres,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- libciteproc-java: A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- rx-tools: rtl-sdr like tools for RTL-SDR, HackRF One, bladeRF x40 and more,demandé il y a 1051 jours.
- cspice: C implementation of The SPICE Toolkit,demandé il y a 1050 jours.
- python-dirq: Python Directory Based Queue.,demandé il y a 1049 jours.
- zammad: web-based user support/ticketing solution,demandé il y a 1048 jours.
- dcl-c: Dennou Club Library - C version,demandé il y a 1047 jours.
- gmat: Spacecraft mission analysis, desing and simulation,demandé il y a 1047 jours.
- libquic: QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP,demandé il y a 1044 jours.
- libghc-tidal: Domain Specific Language for musical pattern embedded,demandé il y a 1044 jours.
- teamviewer: free for non-comertial use, remote support, remote acces, meeting online. Most popular on the web remote acces programm,demandé il y a 1043 jours.
- opcua-client-gui: simple OPC-UA GUI client,demandé il y a 1043 jours.
- dynomite: A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage engines (memcache and redis),demandé il y a 1042 jours.
- arblib: Arb is a C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic, using a midpoint-radius representation (“ball arithmetic”). It supports real and complex numbers, polynomials, power series, matrices, and evaluation of many transcendental functions. All operations are done with automatic, rigorous error bounds. The code is thread-safe, portable, and extensively tested.,demandé il y a 1042 jours.
- obs-signd: open build service signer client and daemon,demandé il y a 1041 jours.
- anything-sync-daemon: Symlink and sync user specified directories into RAM,demandé il y a 1041 jours.
- california: calendar application for GNOME 3,demandé il y a 1040 jours.
- falco: Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity in your applications,demandé il y a 1040 jours.
- mint-y-theme: Mint-Y themes,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- mint-y-icons: Mint-Y Icon themes,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- ruby-jquery-datatables-rails1.12.2: jquery datatables for rails,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- pgbackman: Tool for managing PostgreSQL logical backups,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- zcash: an implementation of the 'Zerocash' protocol,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- pd-bandlimited: bandlimited (non-aliasing) waveform generators for Pure Data,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- moneymanagerex: easy to use money management application,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- quickhash: hashing GUI tool,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- freap: audio converter and CD ripper,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- electron: Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- meteor: Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform,demandé il y a 1039 jours.
- Ribosome: Simple code generator,demandé il y a 1037 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher: gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher,demandé il y a 1036 jours.
- ecukes: Cucumber for Emacs,demandé il y a 1035 jours.
- casacore-data-eop: Earth Orientation Parameters database for casacore,demandé il y a 1034 jours.
- casacore-data-predict: Earth orientation parameter prediction tables for casacore,demandé il y a 1034 jours.
- signal-desktop: standalone JS desktop client for Signal Messenger,demandé il y a 1034 jours.
- teiler: Little script for screenshots and screencasts utilizing rofi, maim, ffmpeg,demandé il y a 1034 jours.
- emperor: analysis and visualization of large microbial ecology datasets,demandé il y a 1033 jours.
- pd-vasp: VASP modular - Vector assembling signal processor for PD,demandé il y a 1033 jours.
- freight: easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories,demandé il y a 1033 jours.
- remglk: Remote-procedure-call Glk library,demandé il y a 1032 jours.
- waf: Tool for configuring, building, and installing projects,demandé il y a 1031 jours.
- libglkif: Interface for fizmo-to-Glk connectivity,demandé il y a 1030 jours.
- fizmo-remglk: Remglk-Frontend to the fizmo Z-Machine interpreter,demandé il y a 1030 jours.
- glue-vispy-viewers: Glue VisPy plugin,demandé il y a 1030 jours.
- json5-parser: C++ library to parse JSON5,demandé il y a 1029 jours.
- lintian-sort: reproducibly sort the Lintian tool's output,demandé il y a 1028 jours.
- openha: Easy high availability clustering,demandé il y a 1028 jours.
- tablator: Universal table translator for astronomy,demandé il y a 1028 jours.
- lesspass: password manager and generator,demandé il y a 1027 jours.
- python-ramlfications: Python parser for RAML,demandé il y a 1026 jours.
- laika-boss: object scanner and intrusion detection system,demandé il y a 1025 jours.
- ags: Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games,demandé il y a 1024 jours.
- r-cran-rgeos: GNU R interface to geometry engine,demandé il y a 1023 jours.
- mylg: Combines the functions of the different network probes in one network diagnostic tool,demandé il y a 1023 jours.
- node-chroma-js: JavaScript library for color conversions,demandé il y a 1023 jours.
- glsof: Two graphical frontends to lsof (Filemonitor and Queries),demandé il y a 1023 jours.
- silvius: an open source system for controlling Linux by voice.,demandé il y a 1023 jours.
- SmallBASIC: fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter.,demandé il y a 1022 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-remove-rounded-corners: Hide rounded corners,demandé il y a 1022 jours.
- bornagain: Simulating and fitting X-ray and neutron small-angle scattering at grazing incidence,demandé il y a 1019 jours.
- fonts-genericons: vector icons embedded in a webfont,demandé il y a 1019 jours.
- flatcam: 2D Computer-Aided PCB Manufacturing on a CNC router,demandé il y a 1019 jours.
- snap-telemetry: The open telemetry framework,demandé il y a 1018 jours.
- chromium-chromevox: chromevox extension,demandé il y a 1018 jours.
- fonts-churchslavonic: This package provides OpenType and TrueType fonts for Church Slavonic (cu),demandé il y a 1018 jours.
- python-jsonref: JSON Reference implementation for Python,demandé il y a 1017 jours.
- snap-telemetry-plugins: Plugins for snap-telemetry to enhance and extend its capabilities,demandé il y a 1016 jours.
- afl-utils: collection of utilities for American Fuzzy Lop,demandé il y a 1016 jours.
- node-babel-types: Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes,demandé il y a 1015 jours.
- stream2chromecast: A Chromecast media streamer for Linux,demandé il y a 1013 jours.
- mapmap: Open source video mapping software,demandé il y a 1013 jours.
- conan: dependency manager for C/C++/golang,demandé il y a 1013 jours.
- python-patch: patch utility to apply unified diffs,demandé il y a 1013 jours.
- mongovi: Command line interface for MongoDB,demandé il y a 1012 jours.
- amdgpu-pro: proprietary AMD graphics drivers,demandé il y a 1012 jours.
- qt5gtk2: GTK+2.0 integration plugins for Qt5,demandé il y a 1011 jours.
- python-robotframework-selenium2library: web testing library for Robot Framework,demandé il y a 1010 jours.
- spymemcached: simple, asynchronous, single-threaded memcached client written in java,demandé il y a 1010 jours.
- robotframework: A generic test automation framework,demandé il y a 1010 jours.
- pulledpork: Suricata & Snort Rule Management,demandé il y a 1007 jours.
- amazon-chalice: Python microframework for AWS Lambda,demandé il y a 1005 jours.
- weewx: open source software for weather stations,demandé il y a 1005 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: Display Capslock/NumLock status in Gnome Shell top panel,demandé il y a 1002 jours.
- connid: framework for provisioning identities to repositories,demandé il y a 1002 jours.
- overcommit: Git hook manager,demandé il y a 1001 jours.
- vv: visual versioning,demandé il y a 999 jours.
- cid: Scripts to automate and optimize the configuration of a Linux in an AD domain,demandé il y a 997 jours.
- ELAN: A professional tool for the creation of complex annotations on video and audio resources,demandé il y a 997 jours.
- css-html-js-minify: obfuscator/minimiser for CSS, HTML, JavaScript,demandé il y a 996 jours.
- anglerfish: helper library for Python applications,demandé il y a 996 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-apt-update-indicator: GNOME Shell update indicator for apt-based distributions,demandé il y a 996 jours.
- drl: fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game,demandé il y a 994 jours.
- brother-inkjet-dcpj952n: printer driver for Brother Inkjet printers,demandé il y a 994 jours.
- lua-psl: Bindings to libpsl, a C library that handles the Public Suffix List (PSL),demandé il y a 993 jours.
- opentoonz,demandé il y a 991 jours.
- jwm-menu: a menu generator for JWM,demandé il y a 989 jours.
- jwm-settings-manager: a graphical settings manager for JWM,demandé il y a 989 jours.
- jmork: Mork database parser for Java,demandé il y a 989 jours.
- ui-grid,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- sweetalert,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- mermaidjs: generate diagrams and flowcharts in JavaScript,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- filesaver,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-google-chart,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-input-dropdown,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-ui-tree,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-dialog-service,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-ui-router,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-base64,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-dashboard-framework,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-local-storage,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-route,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- angular-ui-sortable: allows you to sort an array with drag & drop,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- sortable: JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- cappsule: hypervisor which virtualizes any software on-the-fly into lightweight VMs,demandé il y a 988 jours.
- xattrvi: easily view and edit extended filesystem attributes in user-namespace,demandé il y a 984 jours.
- python-xbee: XBee serial communication API for Python,demandé il y a 983 jours.
- litesql: C++ object-relational persistence framework,demandé il y a 983 jours.
- node-lerna: Tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages,demandé il y a 982 jours.
- gluco-control: Diabetes management application,demandé il y a 981 jours.
- AnnealMail: Icedove pqcrypto add-on,demandé il y a 981 jours.
- girl: GNOME Internet Radio Locator,demandé il y a 981 jours.
- auto-resize-image: Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird),demandé il y a 981 jours.
- flashplugin-nonfree-ppapi: Adobe flash for Pepper plugin API,demandé il y a 980 jours.
- minimalmodbus-python: Easy-to-use Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII implementation for Python,demandé il y a 979 jours.
- nu-html5-validator: An offline version of the NU HTML5 validator,demandé il y a 979 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-radio: GNOME shell extension for listening to internet radio streams,demandé il y a 979 jours.
- avldrums.lv2: Drum Sample Player Plugin,demandé il y a 976 jours.
- zsh-completions: Additional completion definitions for zsh,demandé il y a 974 jours.
- dnsmap: DNS domain name brute forcing tool,demandé il y a 972 jours.
- node-common-path-prefix: Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path, excluding the base component,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- node-is-error: Detect whether a value is an error,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- node-onetime: Ensure a function is only called once,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- node-call-signature: Parse / Generate Method Signatures,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- extinction: Fast interstellar dust extinction laws,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- node-get-port: Get an available port,demandé il y a 971 jours.
- node-speedometer: simple speed measurement in javascript,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- node-extract-zip: unzip a zip file into a directory using 100% pure gluten-free organic javascript,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- node-pkg-conf: Get namespaced config from the closest package.json,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- node-unzip-response: Unzip a HTTP response if needed,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- node-capture-stack-trace: Error.captureStackTrace ponyfill,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- node-sumchecker: Checksum validator,demandé il y a 970 jours.
- docklight: dock launcher for GNOME 3 desktops,demandé il y a 969 jours.
- xfce4-calculator-plugin,demandé il y a 969 jours.
- ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network,demandé il y a 969 jours.
- node-co-with-promise: generator async control flow goodness,demandé il y a 969 jours.
- whipper: CD ripper preferring accuracy over speed,demandé il y a 968 jours.
- node-progress-stream: Read the progress of a stream,demandé il y a 968 jours.
- openmeca: a graphical application to model and simulate mechanical systems,demandé il y a 967 jours.
- python-month-delta,demandé il y a 967 jours.
- node-nugget: minimalist wget clone written in node.,demandé il y a 967 jours.
- guix: A functional package manager based on Scheme,demandé il y a 967 jours.
- guayadeque: lightweight music player,demandé il y a 966 jours.
- python-curio: library for concurrent I/O with coroutines,demandé il y a 966 jours.
- exercism: learn programming in more than 30 languages by solving practical problems,demandé il y a 965 jours.
- gx: A package management tool,demandé il y a 965 jours.
- cachet: status page system,demandé il y a 963 jours.
- steamos-compositor: SteamOS Compositor,demandé il y a 961 jours.
- truffleruby: high performance Java implementation of the Ruby programming language,demandé il y a 961 jours.
- python-futures: backport of concurrent.futures from Python 3.2 to Python 2,demandé il y a 961 jours.
- python-galaxyxml: XML Generation libraries for Galaxy Tool/ToolDeps XML,demandé il y a 960 jours.
- airspeed-velocity: Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting,demandé il y a 959 jours.
- kodi-addon-webinterface-chorus2: Chorus2 web interface for Kodi,demandé il y a 958 jours.
- kodi-adsp-freesurround: FreeSurround AudioDSP add-on for Kodi,demandé il y a 958 jours.
- siegfried: signature-based file format identification tool,demandé il y a 958 jours.
- python3-streamparser: Python library to parse Apertium stream format,demandé il y a 957 jours.
- python-pytest-flakes: pytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes,demandé il y a 956 jours.
- apache2-mod-brotli: Brotli compression module for Apache,demandé il y a 956 jours.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-java: Puppet module for install java,demandé il y a 954 jours.
- puppet-module-puppetlabs-aws: manages aws resources to build out cloud,demandé il y a 954 jours.
- universalmediaserver: upnp dlna server,demandé il y a 954 jours.
- xul-ext-quicklocaleswitcher: browser plugin to switch language (for UI, spell checker, website content),demandé il y a 953 jours.
- dxlaprs: dxlAPRS is Free Software toolchain to operate APRS,demandé il y a 952 jours.
- lac: new incarnation of a 'classic' flight game GL-117,demandé il y a 950 jours.
- node-espurify: Clone new AST without extra properties,demandé il y a 949 jours.
- node-home-path: Cross-platform home directory retriever,demandé il y a 948 jours.
- node-path-key: Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform,demandé il y a 946 jours.
- node-lazy-req: Require modules lazily,demandé il y a 946 jours.
- rnm: Bulk rename utility,demandé il y a 945 jours.
- libwebservice-ssllabs-perl: Analyze the configuration of any SSL web server via ssllabs.com,demandé il y a 944 jours.
- python-verboselogs: Verbose logging level for Python's logging module,demandé il y a 944 jours.
- kubernetes-addon-dns: DNS service addon for Kubernetes,demandé il y a 942 jours.
- python-perf: Toolkit to run Python benchmarks,demandé il y a 941 jours.
- node-write-pkg: Write a package.json,demandé il y a 940 jours.
- node-babel-messages: Collection of debug messages used by Babel.,demandé il y a 940 jours.
- node-time-out,demandé il y a 940 jours.
- basenji: #838224,demandé il y a 939 jours.
- fgsl: A Fortran interface to the GNU Scientific Library,demandé il y a 939 jours.
- lis: Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems,demandé il y a 939 jours.
- xva-img: Citrix XenServer .xva disk extraction tool,demandé il y a 937 jours.
- Metrix++: calculate code complexity for C, C++, C# and Java,demandé il y a 936 jours.
- node-max-timeout: Max amount of milliseconds that can be passed to `setTimeout()`,demandé il y a 936 jours.
- node-convert-to-spaces: Convert tabs to spaces in a string,demandé il y a 936 jours.
- libnfc-nci: NFC stack for NCI based NFC Controllers by NXP,demandé il y a 936 jours.
- python-django-dynamic-scraper: Manage Scrapy spiders through Django,demandé il y a 932 jours.
- github-release: Command line app to create and edit releases on Github (and upload artifacts),demandé il y a 932 jours.
- node-grunt-contrib-compass: Compile Sass to CSS using Compass,demandé il y a 926 jours.
- node-bin-version-check: Check whether a version satisfies a semver range,demandé il y a 926 jours.
- libreply-clojure: A fitter, happier, more productive REPL for Clojure,demandé il y a 921 jours.
- lsmedia: List audio/video files with their details,demandé il y a 919 jours.
- python-django-progressbarupload: Progress bar for Django (Python 2),demandé il y a 918 jours.
- afaq-dl: Download/update the sources of anarchism book,demandé il y a 918 jours.
- sesele: Independent OpenSSL certificates simplified management,demandé il y a 917 jours.
- imm: Execute arbitrary actions for each unread element of RSS/Atom feeds,demandé il y a 917 jours.
- dio: I/O analysis tool,demandé il y a 915 jours.
- libaudio-taglib-perl: Perl bindings to the TagLib C++ library,demandé il y a 915 jours.
- rein: Rein client integration/staging tree,demandé il y a 914 jours.
- libjpcre2-dev: C++ wrapper for PCRE2 library,demandé il y a 912 jours.
- purecss: set of small and responsive CSS modules,demandé il y a 910 jours.
- tendermint-go-data: JSON and binary serialization library for data structures,demandé il y a 910 jours.
- jsonpb-go: Modified Protobuf to JSON serializer in Go,demandé il y a 909 jours.
- html-minifier: HTML compressor/minifier,demandé il y a 909 jours.
- httplab: An interactive web server,demandé il y a 909 jours.
- compiz-boxmenu: A desktop menu for compiz, forked from compiz-deskmenu by crdlb.,demandé il y a 908 jours.
- owo-cli: A URL shortener, file uploader, and screenshotter for the service owo.whats-th.is, written in Bash.,demandé il y a 905 jours.
- pytalarm: pytalarm is a Gtk alarm clock application for the Gnome / Mate desktop written in python.,demandé il y a 900 jours.
- genealogy-data.us.1990: genealogy data from US Census 1990,demandé il y a 898 jours.
- wikiextractor: tool to extract plain text from a Wikipedia dump,demandé il y a 898 jours.
- passh: passh: a pass fork - stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely.,demandé il y a 897 jours.
- cilium: BPF & XDP for containers,demandé il y a 896 jours.
- k6: A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript,demandé il y a 895 jours.
- pyresttest: REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool,demandé il y a 895 jours.
- delight: Emacs utility to customise the mode line,demandé il y a 894 jours.
- wifiphisher: Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks,demandé il y a 892 jours.
- arista-go: Arista Go Library,demandé il y a 891 jours.
- ttf-selawik: A font family metrics-compatible with Microsoft Segoe UI,demandé il y a 891 jours.
- codexl: comprehensive CPU/GPU profilig suite with GUI.,demandé il y a 890 jours.
- liblatex2unicode-java: translate latex markup to human readable unicode,demandé il y a 890 jours.
- libfastparse-scala: writing fast parsers fast in scala,demandé il y a 890 jours.
- kytos: conceived to ease SDN controllers development and deployment,demandé il y a 888 jours.
- plink2: whole-genome association analysis toolset,demandé il y a 888 jours.
- r-cran-mplusautomation: GNU R package automating Mplus Model Estimation and Interpretation -- MplusAutomation,demandé il y a 887 jours.
- genmkfile: Generic Makefile,demandé il y a 886 jours.
- onion-grater: Whitelisting Tor Control Protocol Filter,demandé il y a 886 jours.
- minio: Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3,demandé il y a 885 jours.
- asar: Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing,demandé il y a 883 jours.
- network-simple-dev: Haskell library abstracting common network sockets usage patterns.,demandé il y a 883 jours.
- evm-jit: The Ethereum EVM JIT,demandé il y a 883 jours.
- libnetty-4.0-java: Java NIO client/server socket framework,demandé il y a 883 jours.
- libqtaccountsservice: Qt-style API for AccountsService DBus interface,demandé il y a 881 jours.
- pm-graph: performance analysis of boot, suspend, and resume,demandé il y a 879 jours.
- spyder-terminal: plugin to display a virtual terminal within the Spyder IDE,demandé il y a 877 jours.
- elpa-page-break-lines: Emacs mode to display ugly ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines,demandé il y a 875 jours.
- fancon: High performance, configurable system & NVIDIA fan controller,demandé il y a 875 jours.
- minijail: Utility to run a program inside a sandbox,demandé il y a 875 jours.
- smith: fonts and keyboards build and test framework,demandé il y a 873 jours.
- animeeffects: 2D keyframe animation tool based on deformation of polygon meshes,demandé il y a 872 jours.
- usbwall: centralized USB devices filtering tool to associate locally allowed devices to LDAP user accounts,demandé il y a 871 jours.
- Tokio: A network application framework for Rust,demandé il y a 869 jours.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cp-dev: File Copying,demandé il y a 869 jours.
- cpp-ethereum: Ethereum C++ client,demandé il y a 869 jours.
- libjs-mootools-autocompleter: provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion,demandé il y a 868 jours.
- libjs-respond: fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more),demandé il y a 868 jours.
- grammalecte: grammatical corrector for libreoffice and firefox,demandé il y a 867 jours.
- miniLock: File encryption software that does more with less.,demandé il y a 867 jours.
- easel: a library of C functions for biological sequence analysis,demandé il y a 866 jours.
- python-ordered-set,demandé il y a 866 jours.
- elpa-multiple-cursors: Multiple cursors for emacs.,demandé il y a 861 jours.
- python-ete3: Python toolkit for phylogenetic tree manipulation and visualisation.,demandé il y a 860 jours.
- fsleyes: feature-rich viewer for volumetric images,demandé il y a 858 jours.
- libgdamm: C++ binding for libgda, which is already in the repository.,demandé il y a 858 jours.
- elpa-poetry: Poetry writing aids for Emacs,demandé il y a 858 jours.
- eo: evolving objects: evolutionary computation framework,demandé il y a 856 jours.
- xf86-input-tslib: X.org input driver for tslib,demandé il y a 856 jours.
- alfanous: Quranic search engine,demandé il y a 854 jours.
- et: Remote terminal for the busy and impatient,demandé il y a 854 jours.
- manta: structural variant and indel caller for mapped sequencing data,demandé il y a 853 jours.
- fonts-fandol: Fandol fonts designed for Chinese typesetting,demandé il y a 852 jours.
- virtme: tool for disk-less Linux emulation using qemu,demandé il y a 851 jours.
- chromium-adblock-plus: advertisement blocking extension for web browsers,demandé il y a 849 jours.
- heroku: Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku,demandé il y a 848 jours.
- mapscii: vector tile to Braille and ASCII renderer for terminals,demandé il y a 846 jours.
- JoclyBoard: A collection of atm 96 various boardgames.,demandé il y a 845 jours.
- ntfs-3g-system-compression: NTFS-3G plugin for reading 'system compressed' files,demandé il y a 845 jours.
- node-standard.js: JavaScript style guide, with linter & automatic code fixer,demandé il y a 845 jours.
- bower: Package manager for the Web,demandé il y a 844 jours.
- node-big-integer: Arbitrary length integer library for Javascript,demandé il y a 844 jours.
- ceti-2-theme: theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell,demandé il y a 843 jours.
- paper-gtk-theme: modern desktop GTK2/GTK3 theme suite,demandé il y a 843 jours.
- nvidia-cudnn: NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library,demandé il y a 842 jours.
- jasper: JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library,demandé il y a 839 jours.
- node-babelify: Browserify transform for Babel,demandé il y a 839 jours.
- atomic: Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container images,demandé il y a 839 jours.
- epub-tools: A suite of command-line utilities for creating and manipulating epub book files.,demandé il y a 837 jours.
- gostack-stack: utilities to capture, manipulate, and format call stacks,demandé il y a 837 jours.
- golang-github-fatih-color-dev: Color package for Go,demandé il y a 837 jours.
- vasptools: python module and tools for postprocessing VASP quantum computations,demandé il y a 836 jours.
- mvdsv: a modern QuakeWorld server,demandé il y a 836 jours.
- cls: a clearscreen utility with an option to specify the number of lines to clear,demandé il y a 836 jours.
- openedx: Course management system,demandé il y a 835 jours.
- tordyguards: Tor Dynamic Guards,demandé il y a 834 jours.
- node-stream-combiner: Turn a pipeline into a single stream,demandé il y a 833 jours.
- libjs-cal-heatmap: Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap.,demandé il y a 831 jours.
- django-ckeditor: Django admin CKEditor integration,demandé il y a 830 jours.
- autoforwardportergit: Tool for automatically merging local changes with new distro packages.,demandé il y a 830 jours.
- durruter: NAT/PAT routing helper,demandé il y a 828 jours.
- wallpaperdownloader: Download, manage and change your favorite wallpapers from the Internet,demandé il y a 827 jours.
- golang-github-chai2010-gettext-go: GNU gettext for Go,demandé il y a 827 jours.
- golang-github-codedellemc-goscaleio: ScaleIO API bindings for Go,demandé il y a 826 jours.
- jbibtex: Java BibTeX and LaTeX parser and formatter library,demandé il y a 826 jours.
- clipmenu/3.2.0: Clipboard management using dmenu,demandé il y a 825 jours.
- vzlogger: log a wide variety of measurements from smartmeters and sensors,demandé il y a 819 jours.
- hindent: automatic Haskell code formatter,demandé il y a 816 jours.
- shaarli: Personal, minimalist, super-fast and no-database bookmarking service,demandé il y a 814 jours.
- arduino-reference-en: English reference documentation for Arduino IDE,demandé il y a 814 jours.
- fbkeyboard: on screen keyboard for fbdev,demandé il y a 813 jours.
- yices2: satisfiability modulo theory solver by SRI,demandé il y a 810 jours.
- brave-browser: web browser with privacy and micropayment features,demandé il y a 810 jours.
- php-openid: OpenID library for PHP,demandé il y a 810 jours.
- psyclone: Domain-specific compiler for Finite Difference/Volume/Element Earth-system models in Fortran,demandé il y a 809 jours.
- sogoupinyin-installer: Sogou Pinyin Input Method installer,demandé il y a 809 jours.
- libpoly: a C library for manipulating polynomials,demandé il y a 809 jours.
- zimg: z.lib library,demandé il y a 808 jours.
- golang-github-maruel-ut-dev: Compact testing utilities to shorten Go unit tests,demandé il y a 808 jours.
- elkarbackup: backup solution with an easy-to-use web interface based on Rsync / RSnapshot,demandé il y a 806 jours.
- cashier: A self-service CA for OpenSSH,demandé il y a 806 jours.
- convert3d: tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats,demandé il y a 805 jours.
- bettercap: Complete, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework,demandé il y a 804 jours.
- ruby-em-proxy: EventMachine Proxy DSL for writing,demandé il y a 804 jours.
- ruby-numo-narray: Numo::NArray is an Numerical N-dimensional Array class for fast processing and easy manipulation of multi-dimensional numerical data, similar to numpy.ndaray.,demandé il y a 803 jours.
- ruby-network-interface: Cross platform gem to help get network interface information,demandé il y a 803 jours.
- ruby-rubydns: An easy to use DNS server and resolver for Ruby,demandé il y a 803 jours.
- vinca: Reverse VNC for remote support,demandé il y a 802 jours.
- oomox: Graphical application for generating different,demandé il y a 801 jours.
- python-rnc2rng: RELAX NG Compact to regular syntax conversion library,demandé il y a 801 jours.
- seafile-server: An online file storage and collaboration tool,demandé il y a 800 jours.
- factorio-server: headless server for the game Factorio,demandé il y a 798 jours.
- emacs-ivy-doc: documentation for emacs' Incremental Vertical completYon,demandé il y a 798 jours.
- pydevp2p: RLPx network layer library — Python,demandé il y a 797 jours.
- libapache2-mod-log-ipmask,demandé il y a 796 jours.
- lean: theorem prover from Microsoft Research,demandé il y a 796 jours.
- dpaste: pastebin based on a DHT,demandé il y a 796 jours.
- riot-web: Graphical chat client for use with the decentralized matrix communication servers.,demandé il y a 795 jours.
- libmail-gpg-perl: Handling of GnuPG encrypted / signed mails,demandé il y a 794 jours.
- libome-common: C++ library providing common functionality to other OME C++ projects,demandé il y a 793 jours.
- sltd: Multiple daemon for slt, the TLS reverse-proxy with SNI multiplexing,demandé il y a 791 jours.
- resetmsmice: fix vertical scroll wheel issues with certain Microsoft wireless mice,demandé il y a 791 jours.
- libjs-blueimp-md5: MD5 implementation in JavaScript,demandé il y a 789 jours.
- golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey: edkey allows you to write ED25519 private keys in the OpenSSH private key format,demandé il y a 788 jours.
- golang-github-pkg-browser: Package browser provides helpers to open files, readers, and urls in a browser window.,demandé il y a 788 jours.
- golang-github-stripe-krl: OpenSSH Key Revocation List support for Go,demandé il y a 786 jours.
- beautify-bash: Beautifier for Bash shell scripts written in Python,demandé il y a 784 jours.
- xsimd: C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics,demandé il y a 784 jours.
- libjlargearrays-java: Java library for one dimensional arrays up to 2^63 elements,demandé il y a 784 jours.
- vobsub2srt: converts vobsub (.idx/.sub) into .srt subtitles,demandé il y a 784 jours.
- pyscada: SCADA system with web interface,demandé il y a 784 jours.
- optee-os: Trusted OS for OP-TEE,demandé il y a 782 jours.
- optee-client: The normal world user space client APIs for OP-TEE,demandé il y a 782 jours.
- optee-test: OP-TEE sanity testsuite,demandé il y a 782 jours.
- lxqt-themes-extra: Extra themes for LXQt (debian and derivatives),demandé il y a 781 jours.
- ros-image-pipeline: Utilities to work from raw images to higher-level vision processing,demandé il y a 780 jours.
- sokochez: two players puzzle game,demandé il y a 779 jours.
- node-cmd-shim: cmd-shim is used in npm for creating executable scripts on Windows,demandé il y a 778 jours.
- sddm-config-editor: Graphical editor for SDDM,demandé il y a 778 jours.
- node-debuglog: Debuglog - backport of util.debuglog() from node v0.11,demandé il y a 778 jours.
- ruby-custom-counter-cache: Functionality that supports conditions and multiple models,demandé il y a 776 jours.
- gcc-xtensa: toolchain for xtensa,demandé il y a 775 jours.
- keyleds: Logitech Gaming keyboard per-key lighting support,demandé il y a 775 jours.
- python-adapt-parser: A text-to-intent parsing framework,demandé il y a 774 jours.
- mimic: A fast, lightweight Text-to-Speech engine,demandé il y a 774 jours.
- python-speechrecognition: Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline.,demandé il y a 774 jours.
- dragonfire: Virtual assistant project for Debian based Linux distributions,demandé il y a 774 jours.
- minisign: A dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures,demandé il y a 773 jours.
- gdb-exploitable: GDB extension for classification of bugs,demandé il y a 773 jours.
- oprofile: system-wide profiler for Linux systems,demandé il y a 773 jours.
- ptpython/0.39: A better Python REPL,demandé il y a 771 jours.
- no-resource-uri-leak: browser extension for improving privacy by denying resource:// access to Web content.,demandé il y a 769 jours.
- kplex: NMEA-0183 (GPS data) multiplexer,demandé il y a 769 jours.
- qnetload: Displays network speed and usage,demandé il y a 769 jours.
- jpm.sh: tool for Firefox add-on development without Node.js dependencies,demandé il y a 769 jours.
- gendev: Sega Genesis development environment for Linux,demandé il y a 765 jours.
- citra: Citra is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo 3DS capable of playing many of your favorite games.,demandé il y a 764 jours.
- libxcam: Extended camera features and cross platform computer vision project,demandé il y a 764 jours.
- python-singa: a machine learning library,demandé il y a 762 jours.
- git-latexdiff: Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file.,demandé il y a 762 jours.
- gavodachs: Virtual Observatory server suite,demandé il y a 761 jours.
- cxlflash: Provides configuration and device management services for CAPI flash accelerators.,demandé il y a 761 jours.
- php7.0-memcached: memcached extension module for PHP7.x,demandé il y a 757 jours.
- python-etcd3: Python client for the etcd API v3,demandé il y a 757 jours.
- tubedown: Download videos for mp4 files using Youtube-dl GUI,demandé il y a 757 jours.
- spyder-notebook: Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder,demandé il y a 756 jours.
- tcpproxy: a simple tcp connection proxy that supports ipv6,demandé il y a 756 jours.
- node-swagger-ui: Assets to dynamically generate documentation,demandé il y a 756 jours.
- libplibsys0: Highly portable C system library,demandé il y a 755 jours.
- mediawiki-extensions-translate: MediaWiki tool for translations,demandé il y a 754 jours.
- fairsim: ImageJ plugin for SIM reconstruction,demandé il y a 753 jours.
- qcad: computer-aided design (CAD) application for 2D design and drafting,demandé il y a 753 jours.
- zpui: ZeroPhone UI framework,demandé il y a 752 jours.
- boot-clj: Build tooling for Clojure,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- dde-control-center: Control center for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- dde-file-manager: File manager for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- dde-session-ui: dde-session-ui module for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- deepin-draw: Deepin Draw for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- dde-launcher: Launcher module for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- dde-dock: dock module for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 751 jours.
- golang-github-mwitkow-go-grpc-middleware: Golang gRPC Middlewares,demandé il y a 750 jours.
- deepin-wm: Default window manager for DDE(deepin desktop environment),demandé il y a 750 jours.
- deepin-metacity: Default 2D window manager for DDE(deepin desktop environment),demandé il y a 750 jours.
- pocket-home: a simple menu for mobile devices,demandé il y a 747 jours.
- open-rpi-firmware: Open source VPU side bootloader for Raspberry Pi,demandé il y a 745 jours.
- deepin-wallpapers: Default wallpapers for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 744 jours.
- codernitydb: fast schema-less NoSQL database engine,demandé il y a 744 jours.
- deepin-boot-maker: Bootable usb stick creator for Deepin Desktop Environment,demandé il y a 744 jours.
- python-gipc: reliable child process management and inter-process communication,demandé il y a 744 jours.
- dagr: deviantArt gallery ripper,demandé il y a 744 jours.
- RTS2: open source observatory manager,demandé il y a 742 jours.
- node-gulp-mocha: Run Mocha tests,demandé il y a 742 jours.
- deepin-clone: Disk and partition backup/restore tool,demandé il y a 740 jours.
- openvpn-auth-script: OpenVPN script authentication module,demandé il y a 738 jours.
- goreplay: GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic,demandé il y a 735 jours.
- libschedule-drmaac-perl: Perl wrapper of the C binding of the DRMAA specification,demandé il y a 734 jours.
- trepan3k: a GDB-like debugger for Python,demandé il y a 733 jours.
- gradle-git-version-plugin: allows gradle to find source tree version in git,demandé il y a 733 jours.
- selfspy: log everything you do on the computer, for statistics/fun etc.,demandé il y a 731 jours.
- core-moos: Mission Oriented Operating Suite,demandé il y a 731 jours.
- anyenv: development environment setup tools for various languages,demandé il y a 730 jours.
- confidantmail: Secure GPG-based non-SMTP email and large file transfer,demandé il y a 727 jours.
- qmdnsengine: Multicast DNS library for Qt applications,demandé il y a 723 jours.
- ert-runner: Opinionated Ert testing workflow,demandé il y a 719 jours.
- elpa-commander: Command line parsing for Emacs,demandé il y a 719 jours.
- flac2mp3: FLAC to MP3 batch converter,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- mbox2eml: Split mbox mailboxes into single eml files,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- portecle: Multipurpose keystore and certificate tool,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- libhash-inflator-perl: Access hash entries through methods,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- libmodule-install-testtarget-perl: Assemble custom test targets for `make`,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- libdatetime-format-atom-perl: Parse and format Atom datetime strings,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- libnet-braintree-perl: Client library for wrapping the Braintree payment services gateway API,demandé il y a 718 jours.
- libdearimgui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies,demandé il y a 713 jours.
- pylepton: FLIR Lepton interface library for Python,demandé il y a 712 jours.
- django-tinymce: TinyMCE integration for Django,demandé il y a 710 jours.
- framadate: online service for planning an appointment,demandé il y a 710 jours.
- ppladdressbook: A command line address book,demandé il y a 710 jours.
- ruby-rspec-set: Rubygem that speeds-up drastically integration tests that relies on active record objects.,demandé il y a 709 jours.
- lapdog: Take actions when specific devices appear/disappear from your LAN,demandé il y a 708 jours.
- pyment: Create, update or convert docstrings in existing Python files,demandé il y a 706 jours.
- python-pyfcm: Python client library for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android, iOS and Web),demandé il y a 705 jours.
- fr24feed: Flightradar24 Decoder & Feeder,demandé il y a 704 jours.
- pep9: Pep/9 assembler and simulator,demandé il y a 704 jours.
- yaze: Yet Another Z80 Emulator,demandé il y a 703 jours.
- jkcemu: Java KC-Emulator,demandé il y a 703 jours.
- node-web-ext: build, run, and test web extensions,demandé il y a 694 jours.
- mediawiki-extensions: Extensions for mediawiki like additional authentication plugins,demandé il y a 692 jours.
- Atomsk: A tool for manipulating and converting atomic data files,demandé il y a 692 jours.
- node-protoduck: Create new error instances with a code and additional properties,demandé il y a 692 jours.
- massivethreads: Lightweight Thread Library for High Productivity Languages,demandé il y a 691 jours.
- ruby-sass-listen: Ruby library listening to file modifications - Sass fork,demandé il y a 689 jours.
- php-emoji: Emoji images from unicode characters and names,demandé il y a 685 jours.
- twemoji: Open-sourced Twitter emoji images,demandé il y a 685 jours.
- php-ramsey-uuid: PHP 5.4+ library for generating and working with RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs,demandé il y a 685 jours.
- php-buzz-react: Simple, async PSR-7 HTTP client,demandé il y a 685 jours.
- dnsleak: Local utility to test for DNS leaks,demandé il y a 684 jours.
- sharelatex: online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor,demandé il y a 682 jours.
- sigal: Simple Static Gallery Generator,demandé il y a 682 jours.
- puppet-development-kit: toolkit for developing puppet modules,demandé il y a 681 jours.
- libgnome2-vte-perl: Perl interface to the Virtual Terminal Emulation library,demandé il y a 680 jours.
- qtscxml-opensource-src: Qt module for creating state machines from SCXML files,demandé il y a 670 jours.
- unison2.48.3: file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows,demandé il y a 670 jours.
- Isabelle: generic proof assistant,demandé il y a 670 jours.
- coredns: pluggable DNS server in Go,demandé il y a 668 jours.
- firebird-emu: Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators,demandé il y a 667 jours.
- apache-karaf: A small OSGi based application server provisioned from maven, and with an integrated SSH server.,demandé il y a 662 jours.
- ausweisapp2: online authentication using German identity document,demandé il y a 660 jours.
- twemoji-mozilla: Twitter Emoji font in,demandé il y a 659 jours.
- elpa-hyperbole: hypertextual information manager,demandé il y a 655 jours.
- propulse-tracker: crossplatform ProTracker clone with an Impulse Tracker style interface,demandé il y a 655 jours.
- jgmenu: simple modern standalone X11 menu,demandé il y a 651 jours.
- ruby-rails-hamlit: Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 4,demandé il y a 651 jours.
- ruby-pghero: A performance dashboard for Postgres,demandé il y a 651 jours.
- reactjs-textarea-autosize: textarea component for React which grows with content,demandé il y a 651 jours.
- python-ipwhois: Retrieve and parse whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,demandé il y a 650 jours.
- ruby-paperclip: Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord,demandé il y a 649 jours.
- ruby-av: Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav,demandé il y a 649 jours.
- ruby-paperclip-av-transcoder: Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv,demandé il y a 649 jours.
- python-ez-setup: easy ez_setup.py and distribute_setup.py for python,demandé il y a 648 jours.
- python3-eth-utils: Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebases.,demandé il y a 646 jours.
- python3-setuptools-markdown: Use Markdown for your project description,demandé il y a 646 jours.
- python3-pytest-pythonpath: A py.test plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from pytest.ini.,demandé il y a 646 jours.
- systemd-coredump-python: Log Python exceptions in the journal via systemd-coredump,demandé il y a 640 jours.
- arasuite: set of tools useful for working with people with communication disabilities,demandé il y a 639 jours.
- turtl: Note-taking application with secure online syncing,demandé il y a 635 jours.
- robobrowser: Your friendly neighborhood web scraper,demandé il y a 633 jours.
- gpxsee: GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports GPX, TCX, KML, FIT, IGC and NMEA files,demandé il y a 629 jours.
- cucumber.js: test runner from Gherkin feature descriptions,demandé il y a 625 jours.
- marionette.js: application framework for Backbone.js,demandé il y a 623 jours.
- python3-py-evm: A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine,demandé il y a 622 jours.
- node-gulp-header: Gulp extension for adding headers to files,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-footer: Gulp extension for adding footers to files,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-less: Gulp extension for using the LESS CSS compiler,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-angular-templatecache: Gulp extension for dealing with AngularJS templates,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-closure-compiler: Gulp extension for the Google Closure Compiler,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-closure-deps: Gulp extension for generating Closure deps.js files,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-if: Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects.,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-insert: String manipulation library for Gulp,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-sass: Gulp extension for using the SASS CSS compiler,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-temp-write: Write string/buffer/stream to a temporary file,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-gulp-match: Gulp extension for checking file conditions,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- node-ternary-stream: Node.JS streams that are controlled by a condition,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- waterfox: graphical web browser based on Firefox,demandé il y a 615 jours.
- cider-nrepl: nREPL middleware for CIDER,demandé il y a 615 jours.
- node-scss-tokenizer: SCSS syntax tokenizer,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- node-sass-graph: generate dependency graphs from Sass files,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- node-gaze: a globbing fs.watch wrapper,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- node-async-foreach: JavaScript sync/async forEach,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- node-stdout-stream: non-blocking standard output stream,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- node-node-sass: Node.js bindings for libsass,demandé il y a 614 jours.
- mrustc: alternative Rust compiler,demandé il y a 613 jours.
- lz4m: multi-threaded lz4 implementation,demandé il y a 613 jours.
- reqrypt: a HTTP request tunneling tool,demandé il y a 612 jours.
- node-event-stream: a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams,demandé il y a 612 jours.
- node-from: Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions,demandé il y a 612 jours.
- node-pause-stream: a Node.JS stream that can be paused into buffering mode,demandé il y a 612 jours.
- errol: Automatic XMPP file sender and directory watcher,demandé il y a 609 jours.
- gitlab-webhook-xmpp: multi-user chat notifications about GitLab events,demandé il y a 609 jours.
- lnd: Lightning Network Daemon,demandé il y a 603 jours.
- node-accord: An interface for compiled languages, templates in JavaScript,demandé il y a 602 jours.
- node-indx: recursive 'require' for Node.JS,demandé il y a 602 jours.
- node-fork-stream: Fork a stream in multiple directions,demandé il y a 621 jours.
- commitizen: Git command that helps format commit messages correctly,demandé il y a 602 jours.
- python-epub: Python2 Library to open and read files in the epub version 2,demandé il y a 600 jours.
- python3-async-lru: Simple lru cache for asyncio,demandé il y a 598 jours.
- openr: Open/R extensible network routing platform Package: wnpp,demandé il y a 598 jours.
- python3-flake8-blind-except: A flake8 extension that checks for blind, catch-all except statements,demandé il y a 597 jours.
- python3-flake8-quotes: Flake8 extension for checking quotes in python,demandé il y a 597 jours.
- leansdr: Lightweight, portable software-defined radio with leandvb for DVB,demandé il y a 596 jours.
- python3-pytest-logging: Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a py.test flag,demandé il y a 596 jours.
- python3-eth-bloom: An implementation of the Ethereum bloom filter.,demandé il y a 596 jours.
- inspec: compliance checking tool,demandé il y a 595 jours.
- textadept: fast, minimalist, extensible, cross-platform text editor,demandé il y a 594 jours.
- idemptables: idempotent iptables wrapper,demandé il y a 594 jours.
- momoko: Wraps asynchronous Psycopg2 for Tornado.,demandé il y a 593 jours.
- python3-nltk-doc: Natural Language Processing with Python - book,demandé il y a 592 jours.
- atomtopubsub: parse Atom feeds and send them to XMPP PubSub nodes,demandé il y a 591 jours.
- python-unittest-mixins: helpful class mix-ins for Python unit tests,demandé il y a 591 jours.
- dabtools: DAB/DAB+ software for RTL-SDR dongles and the Psion Wavefinder,demandé il y a 585 jours.
- python-zarr: chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python,demandé il y a 584 jours.
- python-numcodecs: buffer compression and transformation codecs for Python,demandé il y a 584 jours.
- way-cooler: Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager),demandé il y a 582 jours.
- redmine_agile: Kanban / Agile board plugin for Redmine,demandé il y a 580 jours.
- vim-vimtex: modern Vim plugin for editing LaTeX files,demandé il y a 579 jours.
- sawtooth: platform for distributed ledgers,demandé il y a 577 jours.
- gnome-shell-extension-backslide: wallpaper slideshow extension for GNOME Shell,demandé il y a 575 jours.
- lucaschess: Lucas Chess is a GUI of chess to learn to play chess and to pay chess against engines,demandé il y a 571 jours.
- nanopb/0.3.9: Protocol Buffers with small code size,demandé il y a 571 jours.
- libfelix-metatype: An implementation of the OSGi metatype specification,demandé il y a 568 jours.
- libfelix-configadmin: An implementation of the OSGi Componendium Configuration Admin Service,demandé il y a 568 jours.
- libfelix-fileinstall: File Install is a directory based OSGi management agent.,demandé il y a 568 jours.
- libpax-url: URL stream handlers for OSGi,demandé il y a 568 jours.
- libpax-logging: OSGi logging support,demandé il y a 568 jours.
- editorconfig-geany: editorconfig plugin for geany,demandé il y a 567 jours.
- fricas: computer algebra system,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- hera: Hera VM: eWASM virtual machine conforming to the Ethereum VM C API,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- golang-github-go-ethereum: Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- parity: Parity Ethereum client,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- dat: Distributed Dataset Synchronization And Versioning,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- ethereum-serpent: Ethereum Serpent language compiler,demandé il y a 564 jours.
- termite: A keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within a window manager with tiling and/or tabbing support.,demandé il y a 562 jours.
- you-get/0.4.1025: command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the Web,demandé il y a 557 jours.
- python3-sphinx-better-theme: A nice-looking, customizable Sphinx theme,demandé il y a 556 jours.
- openpace: OpenPACE implements Extended Access Control (EAC) version 2,demandé il y a 555 jours.
- movim-desktop: Desktop app for the Movim social network,demandé il y a 554 jours.
- galleria: Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery,demandé il y a 548 jours.
- photoswipe: JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent,demandé il y a 548 jours.
- elixir-streamdata: Data generation and property testing for Elixir,demandé il y a 548 jours.
- ruby-therubyracer: Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby,demandé il y a 548 jours.
- prophet: time series forecasting package for R and Python,demandé il y a 546 jours.
- ghost: platform for building and running online publications,demandé il y a 546 jours.
- python-pendulum: Python datetimes made easy,demandé il y a 544 jours.
- libjs-strophe.jinglejs: webrtc connection plugin for strophe.js,demandé il y a 544 jours.
- libjs-strophe.chatstates: Strophe.js plugin for chat state notifications (XEP-0085),demandé il y a 544 jours.
- libjs-strophejs.mam: Plugin for strophe.js to provide Message Archiving Management (XEP-0313),demandé il y a 544 jours.
- libjs-strophe.rsm: Plugin for strophe.js providing Result Set Management (RSM) XEP-0059,demandé il y a 544 jours.
- jabbercat: modern XMPP client,demandé il y a 543 jours.
- splotch: Ray tracer to visualize SPH simulations,demandé il y a 542 jours.
- opcua-widgets: common widgets for opcua-modeler and opcua-client-gui,demandé il y a 540 jours.
- ipcalc-nmav: parameter calculator for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,demandé il y a 539 jours.
- libjs-strophe.disco: strophe.js plugin for XEP-0030 Service Discovery,demandé il y a 539 jours.
- libjs-strophe.ping: strophe.js plugin to provide XMPP Ping (XEP-0199),demandé il y a 539 jours.
- libjs-strophe.register: Strophe.js plugin for in-band registration (XEP-0077),demandé il y a 539 jours.
- libjs-strophe.vcard: strophe.js plugin which implements XEP-0054 VCard-temp,demandé il y a 539 jours.
- libjs-bigint: Big Integer Library in pure Javascript,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- bourbon: Lightweight Sass Tool Set,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- libjs-awesomplete-avoid-xss: widget for auto-completion,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- libjs-backbone: Models, views, collections, and events for JS apps,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- libjs-xss: sanitize untrusted HTML by whitelist,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- libjs-wait-until-promise: test utility to simplify waiting for a condition,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- kotlin: Statically typed programming language,demandé il y a 538 jours.
- dovecot-trees: Dovecot individually encrypted email storage plugin,demandé il y a 536 jours.
- libff: C++ library for Finite Fields and Elliptic Curves,demandé il y a 536 jours.
- node-array-includes: Array.prototype.includes shim/polyfill/replacement,demandé il y a 531 jours.
- pubs: command line bibliography management tool,demandé il y a 531 jours.
- minichess: chess dockapp,demandé il y a 530 jours.
- mycroft-core: Mycroft AI is an open source voice assistant for Linux-based operating systems,demandé il y a 529 jours.
- reconnecting-websocket: A small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that automatically reconnects,demandé il y a 527 jours.
- all-the-icons-el: library for inserting developer icons in Emacs,demandé il y a 527 jours.
- libsecp256k1ec: Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1,demandé il y a 527 jours.
- cryptolog: A tool for anonymizing webserver logs,demandé il y a 525 jours.
- cinnamon-applet-gpaste-reloaded: GPaste support for Cinnamon,demandé il y a 524 jours.
- cinnamon-applet-multicore-sys-monitor: System monitor applet (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk IO) for Cinnamon,demandé il y a 524 jours.
- slick-greeter-settings: A graphical tool for manipulating the settings of slick-greeter,demandé il y a 520 jours.
- cupy/2.5.0: NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA,demandé il y a 518 jours.
- node-rusha: high-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation,demandé il y a 517 jours.
- node-asmcrypto.js: JavaScript Cryptographic Library,demandé il y a 517 jours.
- python-pytest-flake8: pytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements,demandé il y a 516 jours.
- snuffleupagus: Security module for php7 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest,demandé il y a 516 jours.
- unum: Interconvert numbers, Unicode, and HTML/XHTML entities,demandé il y a 515 jours.
- pleroma: an ostatus/activitypub-compatible microblogging server,demandé il y a 514 jours.
- openmolcas: Computational chemistry electronic structure package.,demandé il y a 513 jours.
- vdo: set of userspace tools for managing pools of deduplicated and/or compressed block storage,demandé il y a 509 jours.
- p2c: Pascal to C translator,demandé il y a 507 jours.
- farbfeld-util: Programs for converting and working with pictures (with farbfeld),demandé il y a 505 jours.
- insomnia: Intuitive REST API client,demandé il y a 505 jours.
- dns-over-https: Client and server software to query DNS over HTTPS,demandé il y a 496 jours.
- node-compressjs: fast pure-JavaScript compression/decompression algorithms,demandé il y a 496 jours.
- node-memoizee: Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript,demandé il y a 494 jours.
- node-client-sessions: connect middleware that implements sessions in encrypted tamper-free cookies,demandé il y a 494 jours.
- node-http-proxy: full-featured http proxy for Node.js,demandé il y a 494 jours.
- python3-antlr4: ANother Tool for Language Recognition - Python 3 bindings,demandé il y a 492 jours.
- zaproxy: Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications,demandé il y a 492 jours.
- testinfra: server state testing framework based on pytest,demandé il y a 491 jours.
- cagou: Desktop frontend for Salut à Toi XMPP client,demandé il y a 490 jours.
- tomboy-ng: simple note-taking application,demandé il y a 486 jours.
- python-flask-assets: Flask webassets integration.,demandé il y a 485 jours.
- remarkable-editor: a fully featured markdown editor,demandé il y a 482 jours.
- octotree: browser sidebar listing files in remote VCS repository services,demandé il y a 482 jours.
- vscode: Microsoft Visual Studio Code,demandé il y a 481 jours.
- sccache: Shared Compilation Cache for Rust,demandé il y a 479 jours.
- scrapbookq: Firefox extension to save and manage Web pages,demandé il y a 477 jours.
- node-is-in-subnet: Node.js library to check if an IP is in a subnet,demandé il y a 477 jours.
- open-broadcast-encoder: Video stream transcoder,demandé il y a 477 jours.
- webext-jsonview: web extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser,demandé il y a 476 jours.
- python-fibra: Fibra provides advanced cooperative concurrency using Python generators,demandé il y a 475 jours.
- disperse: Automatic feature identification in 2D and 3D,demandé il y a 474 jours.
- mellowplayer: Cloud music integration for your desktop,demandé il y a 474 jours.
- octave-scicosim: Toolbox provides the functions for variable exchange between Octave and Scilab workspaces, and for the remote commands execution in Scilab, such as starting xcos simulation.,demandé il y a 473 jours.
- chrono: An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine,demandé il y a 471 jours.
- mbdyn: MBDyn is the first and possibly the only free general purpose Multibody Dynamics analysis software,demandé il y a 470 jours.
- markup.ml: Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers,demandé il y a 469 jours.
- crelay: Controlling different relay cards for home automation with a Linux software,demandé il y a 469 jours.
- e-foto: Educational Digital Photogrammetry Workstation,demandé il y a 469 jours.
- gismo: Geometry plus Simulation modules,demandé il y a 462 jours.
- django-campaign: Newsletter management for the Django webframework,demandé il y a 461 jours.
- abduco: lightweight session manager with {de,at}tach support,demandé il y a 461 jours.
- xamarin-android: Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#,demandé il y a 460 jours.
- php-pdo-sqlsrv: PHP PECL extension for Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (PDO driver),demandé il y a 458 jours.
- php-sqlsrv: Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server,demandé il y a 458 jours.
- odoc: documentation generator for OCaml,demandé il y a 456 jours.
- meteor-promise: ES6 Promise polyfill with Fiber support,demandé il y a 454 jours.
- firefox-syncserver: Firefox Sync storage and token server,demandé il y a 454 jours.
- fractal: Matrix group messaging app,demandé il y a 453 jours.
- node-fibers: Fiber/coroutine support for v8 and node,demandé il y a 451 jours.
- node-esquery: ECMAScript AST query library,demandé il y a 450 jours.
- django-rest-framework-httpsignature: HTTP Signature support for Django REST framework,demandé il y a 448 jours.
- jackson-modules-base: JAVA XML libraries,demandé il y a 448 jours.
- cloudflare-zlib: compression library - cloudflare optimized version,demandé il y a 446 jours.
- machinekit: Machinekit is a platform for machine control applications.,demandé il y a 443 jours.
- apfs-fuse: FUSE driver for Apple File System (APFS),demandé il y a 443 jours.
- python3-uniseg: A Python package to determine Unicode text segmentations.,demandé il y a 441 jours.
- python3-unicodedata2: Provides access via Pyhton to the Unicode database.,demandé il y a 438 jours.
- mes: Maxwell Equations of Software,demandé il y a 437 jours.
- chromium-doc: documentation of command line switches,demandé il y a 434 jours.
- vault: secrets and privileged access management, encryption as a service,demandé il y a 430 jours.
- matlab-mode: major mode for editing Matlab dot-m / .m files,demandé il y a 430 jours.
- elpa-xrdb-mode,demandé il y a 630 jours.
- highlight-chars-el: highlight specified sets of characters, including whitespace,demandé il y a 426 jours.
- urh: Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate wireless protocols like a boss,demandé il y a 425 jours.
- python3-gplearn: gplearn implements Genetic Programming in Python, with a scikit-learn inspired and compatible API.,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- python3-gspread: Google Spreadsheets Python API,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- wxif: View the EXIF/IPTC/XMP data for images.,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- updatescanner: Firefox addon to monitors web pages for updates.,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- tile-tabs-we: Take tabs from parent windows and arrange them in layouts of tiled sub-windows, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Makes it easy to browse, compare or monitor multiple pages. Synchronize scroll. Save and re-open layouts.,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- tosdr: Get information instantly about websites' terms of service and privacy policies, with ratings and summaries from the www.tosdr.org.,demandé il y a 422 jours.
- elpa-home-end: emacs functions home-end-end and home-end,demandé il y a 1830 jours.
- heketi: RESTful based volume management framework for GlusterFS,demandé il y a 420 jours.
- libjs-jquery-imgcheckbox: jQuery plugin that makes img tags checkable,demandé il y a 418 jours.
- elpa-rfcview,demandé il y a 416 jours.
- browsh: Fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser,demandé il y a 412 jours.
- php-doc: Documentation for PHP,demandé il y a 412 jours.
- openvpn3: Next generation OpenVPN client for Linux,demandé il y a 411 jours.
- jrommanager: Java Rom Manager,demandé il y a 406 jours.
- maplev-el: Emacs package for developing Maple code.,demandé il y a 405 jours.
- stylus: stylus manager to customize web sites with themes and skins,demandé il y a 404 jours.
- deviced: Daemon for communicating with development devices.,demandé il y a 404 jours.
- elpa-tc: Japanese input method with T-code on Emacs,demandé il y a 401 jours.
- openmvs: open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library,demandé il y a 400 jours.
- matterbridge: Bridge between many chat systems / protocols,demandé il y a 399 jours.
- libnginx-mod-pagespeed: ngx_pagespeed,demandé il y a 398 jours.
- libnginx-mod-http-limit-conn: Nginx Limit Connections module,demandé il y a 398 jours.
- color-theme-modern: replaces color-theme with Emacs custom theme framework,demandé il y a 397 jours.
- libjs-otr: Off-the record messaging protocol,demandé il y a 395 jours.
- u2f-hidraw-policy: Future-proof U2F device discovery,demandé il y a 395 jours.
- node-autod: Auto generate dependencies and devDependencies by parsing nodejs projects,demandé il y a 393 jours.
- libnginx-mod-http-geoip2: Nginx GeoIP2 module,demandé il y a 391 jours.
- emacs-theme-gruvbox: retro groove colour scheme for Emacs,demandé il y a 390 jours.
- variety-slideshow: It can work as a standalone command-line utility, or as a 'component' of Variety Wallpaper Changer,demandé il y a 388 jours.
- purple-lurch: XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple,demandé il y a 388 jours.
- python-kivy-garden.contextmenu: collection of classes for easy creating context and application menus with kivy,demandé il y a 387 jours.
- python-kivy-garden.modernmenu: a stylized menu system for kivy,demandé il y a 387 jours.
- python-gdsii: Library to handle GDSII files,demandé il y a 386 jours.
- fontdiff: tool for finding visual differences between two font versions,demandé il y a 384 jours.
- futhark: a,demandé il y a 348 jours.
- atomic-chrome-el: Edit text area on Chrome with Emacs using Atomic Chrome,demandé il y a 346 jours.
- crux-el: A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs,demandé il y a 346 jours.
- node-sqlstring: Simple SQL escape and format for MySQL,demandé il y a 345 jours.
- chromium-breakpad: NSA/Microsoft GitHub clone of the breakpad used by NSA/Alphabet Chromium,demandé il y a 344 jours.
- crashpad: a crash-reporting system,demandé il y a 343 jours.
- gtk-ppp: GTK front-end to wvDial,demandé il y a 343 jours.
- rapidcheck: RapidCheck is a C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck and other similar frameworks.,demandé il y a 342 jours.
- abimap: A helper for library maintainers to use symbol versioning,demandé il y a 341 jours.
- node-httpolyglot: serve http and https over the same port,demandé il y a 338 jours.
- node-googleapis: client library for accessing Google APIs,demandé il y a 338 jours.
- osem: event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences,demandé il y a 337 jours.
- mumble-client-web: An HTML5 Mumble client for use in modern browsers,demandé il y a 337 jours.
- git-bug: Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git,demandé il y a 335 jours.
- faircoin: a digital currency that is powered by a cooperative grassroots movement,demandé il y a 335 jours.
- solid-social: set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles,demandé il y a 335 jours.
- libjs-getusermedia: cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-first API,demandé il y a 334 jours.
- libjs-getscreenmedia: browser module for attempting to get access to a MediaStream of a user's screen,demandé il y a 334 jours.
- kubectl: kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager,demandé il y a 334 jours.
- webext-ghosttext: Use your text editor to write in your browser,demandé il y a 333 jours.
- tmate-ssh-server: server side part of tmate,demandé il y a 333 jours.
- node-chai-as-promised: Chai as Promised extends Chai with a fluent language for asserting facts about promises.,demandé il y a 332 jours.
- golang-github-openconfig-gnmi: gRPC Network Management Interface,demandé il y a 332 jours.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-gosigar: Gathers system and per process statistics,demandé il y a 332 jours.
- node-husky: Git hooks made easy,demandé il y a 332 jours.
- python3-brotherql: Python package for the protocol of Brother QL label printers,demandé il y a 331 jours.
- node-nyc: Istanbul's state of the art command line interface,demandé il y a 331 jours.
- notabug-themusicgod1-redis.v4-dev: Redis client for Golang,demandé il y a 330 jours.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-ratelimit: Simple, thread-safe Go rate-limiter,demandé il y a 330 jours.
- node-co-mocha: Enable support for generators in Mocha tests,demandé il y a 329 jours.
- node-ecstatic: A nodejs simple static file server,demandé il y a 329 jours.
- cado-nfs: implementation of the Number Field Sieve algorithm,demandé il y a 327 jours.
- helm-kubernetes: Kubernetes Package Manager,demandé il y a 326 jours.
- node-beefy: a local development server designed to work with browserify,demandé il y a 326 jours.
- node-pretty-quick: Runs Prettier on your changed files,demandé il y a 326 jours.
- audmes: AUDio MEasurement System,demandé il y a 325 jours.
- nosh: an RC, init, process manager system,demandé il y a 324 jours.
- libjs-epub.js: JavaScript library for rendering ePub documents in the browser, across many devices,demandé il y a 324 jours.
- node-is-generator: Check whether a given value is a generator function,demandé il y a 324 jours.
- golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cookiejar: A contestant's algorithm toolbox,demandé il y a 324 jours.
- mxisd: Federated Matrix Identity Server,demandé il y a 323 jours.
- node-has-symbols: Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support,demandé il y a 322 jours.
- node-faucet: human-readable TAP summarizer,demandé il y a 322 jours.
- wklingon: Klingon dictionary words for /usr/share/dict,demandé il y a 321 jours.
- hunspell-tlh: Klingon dictionary for Hunspell and Nuspell,demandé il y a 321 jours.
- node-cross-env: Cross platform setting of environment scripts,demandé il y a 321 jours.
- git-subrepo: Git Submodule Alternative,demandé il y a 318 jours.
- golang-notabug-hp-gogs: A painless, self-hosted git service,demandé il y a 318 jours.
- python-skyfield: Elegant astronomy for Python,demandé il y a 315 jours.
- libjs-redux: predictable state container for JavaScript,demandé il y a 314 jours.
- golang-gopkg-clog.v1-dev: channel-based logging package for Go,demandé il y a 313 jours.
- libvirt-snmp: control and monitor the libvirt virtualization management tool through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),demandé il y a 312 jours.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-barcode-dev: A barcode creation lib for golang,demandé il y a 312 jours.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-ldap-dev: Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.,demandé il y a 310 jours.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-git-module-dev: Package git-module is a Go module for Git access through shell commands,demandé il y a 310 jours.
- python-rt: access Request Tracker API from python,demandé il y a 299 jours.
- flacon: audio file encoder,demandé il y a 298 jours.
- elpa-evil-numbers: increment and decrement numerical literals,demandé il y a 298 jours.
- oxipng: Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer,demandé il y a 298 jours.
- i3-py: tools for i3 users and developers,demandé il y a 295 jours.
- libassimp: libassimp -- Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner.,demandé il y a 292 jours.
- golang-github-makenotabuggreatagain-com-dev: an open source project for commonly used functions for the Go programming language,demandé il y a 291 jours.
- golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-go-gogs-client: API for gogs,demandé il y a 289 jours.
- dropwatch: A tool for detecting and diagnosing packets being dropped,demandé il y a 281 jours.
- talisman: By hooking into the pre-push hook provided by Git, Talisman validates the outgoing changeset for things that look suspicious - such as authorization tokens and private keys.,demandé il y a 281 jours.
- bindgen: Generate Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries,demandé il y a 280 jours.
- muacrypt: Autocrypt encryption for mail agents,demandé il y a 279 jours.
- mermaid.cli: Command line interface for mermaid - generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown.,demandé il y a 278 jours.
- snscrape: A social networking service scraper in Python,demandé il y a 278 jours.
- instaloader: Download pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram,demandé il y a 278 jours.
- addic7ed: Addic7ed scraper written in Python to download subtitles (almost) automatically,demandé il y a 278 jours.
- shellshare: Live terminal broadcast (client/server),demandé il y a 278 jours.
- node-semantic-ui: UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language,demandé il y a 277 jours.
- node-gulp-debug: Debug Vinyl file streams to see what files are run through your Gulp pipeline,demandé il y a 277 jours.
- grab-site: The archivist's web crawler: WARC output, dashboard for all crawls, dynamic ignore patterns,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- ultimate-facebook-scraper: A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user's profile,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- chromium-embedded-framework: embedable web browser library,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- loncapa: federated online course platform,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- multibootusb: A cross platform utility to create multi boot live Linux on a removable USB disk,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- node-gulp-concat-css: node tool for concatenating css files,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- node-gulp-copy: Copy source files to new destination,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- node-gulp-dedupe: Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- node-gulp-help: Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them or throw an error,demandé il y a 273 jours.
- node-vinyl-source-stream: Bridge that makes it simple to use conventional text stream,demandé il y a 271 jours.
- zlint: X.509 certificate linter,demandé il y a 270 jours.
- node-better-console: drop-in replacement for node's default console,demandé il y a 270 jours.
- node-gulp-notify: send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors using node-notifier,demandé il y a 267 jours.
- node-gulp-print: gulp plugin that prints names of files,demandé il y a 267 jours.
- node-octokit-rest: NSA/Microsoft GitHub REST API client for JavaScript,demandé il y a 265 jours.
- gallium-nine-standalone: A standalone version of Gallium Nine,demandé il y a 265 jours.
- Zyn-Fusion,demandé il y a 265 jours.
- python3-seesaw: An asynchronous toolkit for distributed web processing,demandé il y a 263 jours.
- gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing,demandé il y a 261 jours.
- amdvlk: AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan,demandé il y a 261 jours.
- xgl: translates Vulkan API commands into PAL commands,demandé il y a 261 jours.
- amdpal: Platform Abstraction Library,demandé il y a 261 jours.
- llpc: LLVM-Based Pipeline Compiler,demandé il y a 261 jours.
- node-gulp-watch: File watcher that uses super-fast chokidar and emits vinyl objects.,demandé il y a 260 jours.
- node-gulp-replace: A string replace plugin for gulp,demandé il y a 260 jours.
- mfgtools: Freescale/NXP I.MX Chip image deploy tools,demandé il y a 259 jours.
- python-phue: Python library for Philips Hue,demandé il y a 256 jours.
- node-gulp-rtlcss: Gulp plugin that uses RTL CSS to convert LTR CSS to RTL,demandé il y a 255 jours.
- rubygems-roda: routing tree web toolkit for Ruby,demandé il y a 247 jours.
- xrandr-invert-colors: xrandr-invert-colors,demandé il y a 247 jours.
- measurement-kit: measurement-kit is a portable network library which implements open network measurement methodologies to measure network performance, censorship on variety of systems.,demandé il y a 242 jours.
- python-keyboardleds: keyboard LEDs manipulation,demandé il y a 239 jours.
- py3exiv2: a python3 interface for exiv2 library,demandé il y a 237 jours.
- fonts-ambrosia: An old Art Nouveau font,demandé il y a 236 jours.
- usbcryptformat: usbcryptformat is a graphical program to encrypt USB devices,demandé il y a 234 jours.
- vroom: Functional testing tool for VIM,demandé il y a 232 jours.
- python-jq: Python bindings for jq,demandé il y a 227 jours.
- python-pyjq: A Python binding for ./jq,demandé il y a 227 jours.
- opensiv3d: OpenSiv3D is a C++17 framework for games and interactive media.,demandé il y a 227 jours.
- cocos2d-x: Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.,demandé il y a 227 jours.
- kaitai-struct-compiler: Kaitai Struct: compiler to translate .ksy => .cpp / .cs / .dot / .java / .js / .php / .pm / .py / .rb http://kaitai.io/,demandé il y a 227 jours.
- python-mapillary-tools: Useful tools and scripts related to Mapillary,demandé il y a 223 jours.
- open-match: Flexible, extensible, and scalable video game matchmaking.,demandé il y a 223 jours.
- vexcl: VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA,demandé il y a 223 jours.
- blockify: mute spotify adverts on linux,demandé il y a 223 jours.
- libopenpmd-api: API for scientific I/O with openPMD,demandé il y a 222 jours.
- elpa-git-gutter-fringe: provide git diff alongside opened files in Emacs,demandé il y a 221 jours.
- httpauthenticationoverxmpp: provide an HTTP authentication over XMPP,demandé il y a 219 jours.
- sedsed: sed script debugger,demandé il y a 218 jours.
- node-xo: JavaScript happiness style linter,demandé il y a 216 jours.
- python3-srht: core sr.ht shared code,demandé il y a 216 jours.
- python-pynetbox: python API client library for netbox,demandé il y a 215 jours.
- qml-box2d: The goal of the qml-box2d plugin is to expose the functionality of Box2D (C++) as a QML plugin in order to make it easier to write physics based software in QML.,demandé il y a 213 jours.
- edit-indirect: Edit regions in separate buffers, like `org-edit-src-code' but for arbitrary regions,demandé il y a 212 jours.
- scenarist: KIT Scenarist – screenplay editor,demandé il y a 212 jours.
- gotop: A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop,demandé il y a 211 jours.
- celery-batches: task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list,demandé il y a 210 jours.
- python-bidi: bi-directional layout implementation,demandé il y a 210 jours.
- python-akismet: client for the Wordpress Akismet spam-detection service,demandé il y a 210 jours.
- node-taffydb: JavaScript Database for your browser,demandé il y a 210 jours.
- python-srht-scm: Shared support code for sr.ht source control services,demandé il y a 210 jours.
- ipify-cli: Get your public IP address,demandé il y a 209 jours.
- python-srht-git: sr.ht git services,demandé il y a 209 jours.
- androiddeployqt: Build Qt applications for Android,demandé il y a 208 jours.
- libjs-chart: simple yet flexible JavaScript charting,demandé il y a 208 jours.
- node-stream-spec: executable specification for stream,demandé il y a 208 jours.
- libtimidity: MIDI to WAVE converter library,demandé il y a 208 jours.
- python-srht-meta: sr.ht core account services,demandé il y a 208 jours.
- dovecot-xapian: A straightforward and simple way to configure FTS plugin for Dovecot, leveraging the efforts by the Xapian.org team.,demandé il y a 207 jours.
- node-gulp-prompt: For gulp to utilize the Inquirer.js prompt Library,demandé il y a 207 jours.
- webext-decentraleyes: web extension for local emulation of Content Delivery Networks,demandé il y a 207 jours.
- glowing-bear: Web-based graphical interface for WeeChat,demandé il y a 206 jours.
- libjs-jquery-datetimepicker: jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin,demandé il y a 204 jours.
- python-pydrive: Python API for Google Drive,demandé il y a 203 jours.
- file-rc: Please resurrect file-rc,demandé il y a 203 jours.
- node-php-date-formatter: datetime formatting and manipulation library using PHP date-time formats,demandé il y a 202 jours.
- node-rework: Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js,demandé il y a 202 jours.
- shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin: Yet another SIP003 plugin for shadowsocks, based on v2ray,demandé il y a 200 jours.
- node-karma-firefox-launcher: A Karma plugin. Launcher for Firefox/Chrome,demandé il y a 199 jours.
- git-absorb: easier fixup for rebasing git history,demandé il y a 198 jours.
- node-gulp-spawn-mocha: a plugin for gulp which runs Mocha tests in a separate process from the gulp process.,demandé il y a 195 jours.
- loccount: Count SLOC (source lines of code) in a source tree.,demandé il y a 194 jours.
- transporter: GUI magic-wormhole client that makes file transfer between computers a breeze,demandé il y a 194 jours.
- cwtch: Privacy Preserving Infrastructure for Asynchronous, Decentralized, Multi-Party, and Metadata Resistant Applications,demandé il y a 193 jours.
- node-socks: A simple SOCKS implementation and demo proxy in nodejs,demandé il y a 193 jours.
- elpa-kotlin-mode: Emacs major mode for editing Kotlin files,demandé il y a 193 jours.
- node-eslump: Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs.,demandé il y a 193 jours.
- vorta: Desktop Backup Client for Borg,demandé il y a 192 jours.
- lufi: Let's Upload that FIle — File sharing software,demandé il y a 189 jours.
- network-manager-libreswan: Libreswan VPN client plugin for NetworkManager,demandé il y a 188 jours.
- node-os-timesync: nodejs package to check whether NTP time sync is enabled in OS settings,demandé il y a 184 jours.
- node-eslint-plugin-react: React specific linting rules for ESLint,demandé il y a 184 jours.
- node-parse5: HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.js,demandé il y a 183 jours.
- node-runas: Run command synchronously,demandé il y a 182 jours.
- iceweasel-uxp: Firefox XUL (pre-Quantum) fork from Hyperbola ,demandé il y a 181 jours.
- grafana: feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor,demandé il y a 180 jours.
- node-cuint: C-like unsigned integers for Javascript,demandé il y a 180 jours.
- click-man: Automate generation of man pages for python click applications,demandé il y a 177 jours.
- py-spy: sampling profiler for Python programs,demandé il y a 177 jours.
- krew: krew is the package manager for kubectl plugins.,demandé il y a 174 jours.
- helmfile: Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts.,demandé il y a 174 jours.
- rke: Rancher Kubernetes Engine, an extremely simple, lightning fast Kubernetes installer that works everywhere.,demandé il y a 174 jours.
- node-mock-fs: Configurable mock for the fs module,demandé il y a 174 jours.
- cumin: An automation and orchestration framework,demandé il y a 171 jours.
- webext-uppity: toolbar button to 'go up' on the web,demandé il y a 169 jours.
- node-underscore-deep-extend: A deepExtend implementation for underscore, lodash and friends,demandé il y a 168 jours.
- node-rifraf: A simple requestAnimationFrame wrapper/polyfill with added iteratee creator,demandé il y a 166 jours.
- node-watchify: watch mode for browserify builds,demandé il y a 163 jours.
- FreeFileSync: Folder comparison and synchronization software,demandé il y a 161 jours.
- karma: A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers.,demandé il y a 159 jours.
- nuspell: Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++.,demandé il y a 158 jours.
- node-evacuated-wide-align: Wide-character aware text alignment function,demandé il y a 158 jours.
- python-plyer: platform-independent wrapper for platform-dependent APIs,demandé il y a 156 jours.
- python-txjsonrpc: code for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients,demandé il y a 156 jours.
- phpstan: PHP Static Analysis Tool,demandé il y a 155 jours.
- security-checker: A security checker for your composer.lock,demandé il y a 155 jours.
- node-evacuated-pathwatcher: path watcher nodejs module,demandé il y a 155 jours.
- node-evacuated-tweetnacl-js: node-evacuated-tweetnacl-js,demandé il y a 153 jours.
- node-evacuated-chai-string: Strings comparison matchers for chai,demandé il y a 152 jours.
- libaxc: client library for libsignal-protocol-c,demandé il y a 152 jours.
- libomemo: implements OMEMO encryption for XMPP,demandé il y a 152 jours.
- ethereum-harmony: Ethereum Independent Peer,demandé il y a 152 jours.
- hg-evolve: Mutable history for mercurial,demandé il y a 151 jours.
- annocheck: analyse an application's compilation,demandé il y a 150 jours.
- webext-plasma-integration: provides integration of web browsers with the Plasma desktop,demandé il y a 148 jours.
- node-evacuated-electron-download: downloads an electron release zip,demandé il y a 147 jours.
- node-evacuated-elsint-config-prettier: Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier,demandé il y a 147 jours.
- node-evacuated-deep-extend: Recursive object extending,demandé il y a 147 jours.
- node-evacuated-mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework - Node.js module,demandé il y a 146 jours.
- golang-salsa-themusicgod1-guest-go-duktape-dev: Duktape JavaScript engine bindings for Go,demandé il y a 146 jours.
- node-evacuated-eol: end of line api,demandé il y a 146 jours.
- evacuated-property-accessors: A mixin for declaring property accessors,demandé il y a 146 jours.
- elpa-magit-forge: Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit,demandé il y a 145 jours.
- signal-cli: A command-line and D-BUS interface for Signal Messenger,demandé il y a 145 jours.
- btrfs-profilers: btrfs-profilers is a collection of BCC based btrfs performance analyse tools,demandé il y a 144 jours.
- node-evacuated-functional-red-black-tree: A purely functional red-black tree data structure (in javascript),demandé il y a 144 jours.
- golang-salsa-themusicgod1-guest-bigcache-dev: Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go,demandé il y a 144 jours.
- librust-evacuated-fdlimit-dev: Rust raise file limit,demandé il y a 144 jours.
- node-evacuated-prettier-eslint-cli: CLI for prettier-eslint,demandé il y a 144 jours.
- xournalpp: hand note taking software,demandé il y a 141 jours.
- jadx: Android Dex decompiler,demandé il y a 140 jours.
- node-evacuated-vm-browserify: vm module for the browser,demandé il y a 140 jours.
- python3-recordclass: Python library for creating record-like classes,demandé il y a 139 jours.
- blingfire: lightning fast Finite State machine and,demandé il y a 137 jours.
- qemu-ovmf-secureboot: tool to enroll UEFI keys for Secure Boot,demandé il y a 136 jours.
- prometheus-ipmi-exporter: Exports IPMI data for consumption by Prometheus,demandé il y a 130 jours.
- liclipse: Lightweight editors, theming and usability improvements for Eclipse,demandé il y a 128 jours.
- node-evacuated-commonjs-everywhere: browser bundler with source maps from the minified JS bundle to the original source,demandé il y a 118 jours.
- golang-github-erroneousboat-slack-term: Slack client for your terminal,demandé il y a 117 jours.
- openocl: Open Optimal Control Library,demandé il y a 117 jours.
- evacuated-gulp: a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.,demandé il y a 117 jours.
- node-evacuated-ethereum-client-binaries: verifies/downloads ethereum client binaries,demandé il y a 117 jours.
- franz: Franz is your messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more.,demandé il y a 116 jours.
- node-evacuated-buffered-spawn: Buffered child_process,demandé il y a 115 jours.
- keepass2-plugin-keepass-rpc: The KeePassRPC plugin that needs to be installed inside KeePass in order for Kee to be able to connect your browser to your passwords,demandé il y a 115 jours.
- drush-launcher: A small wrapper around Drush for your global $PATH,demandé il y a 112 jours.
- drupal-console-launcher: DrupalConsole global executable aka Launcher,demandé il y a 112 jours.
- jj: FIFO-based jabber client,demandé il y a 111 jours.
- libnvidia-container-tools: Utility for exposing nVidia hardware to linux containers,demandé il y a 110 jours.
- elpa-dockerfile: emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles,demandé il y a 105 jours.
- qsmtp: drop-in replacement for qmail SMTP programs,demandé il y a 104 jours.
- pistache: C++ REST framework,demandé il y a 99 jours.
- iwlwifi-dkms: iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format,demandé il y a 97 jours.
- elpa-ethan-wspace: opinionate whitespace helper mode for emacs,demandé il y a 96 jours.
- node-evacuated-aok: Extensible JavaScript test suite,demandé il y a 94 jours.
- node-evacuated-eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin: An ESLint plugin for linting ESLint plugins,demandé il y a 93 jours.
- geomyidae: gopher server for Linux/BSD,demandé il y a 92 jours.
- node-event-kit: Simple library for implementing and,demandé il y a 92 jours.
- wsdd2: WSD/LLMNR Discovery/Name Service Daemon,demandé il y a 84 jours.
- qmodbus: Qt-based ModBus master application,demandé il y a 83 jours.
- container-diff: Diff your Docker containers,demandé il y a 83 jours.
- k3s: Lightweight Kubernetes. Easy to install, half the memory, all in a binary less than 40mb.,demandé il y a 82 jours.
- anonip: Anonymize IP-addresses in log-files,demandé il y a 81 jours.
- ssb-patchwork: A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of the SSB protocol,demandé il y a 80 jours.
- diacli: diaspora command line interface,demandé il y a 78 jours.
- PyMuPDF: python bindings for MuPDF,demandé il y a 75 jours.
- pwnat: allows clients behind NATs to communicate,demandé il y a 71 jours.
- asciiflowqt: draw and edit any ascii art diagram,demandé il y a 69 jours.
- joplin: open source note-taking app with sync,demandé il y a 63 jours.
- pcynlitx: Innovative IDE for Multithreading,demandé il y a 61 jours.
- diff-so-fancy: make your diffs human readable,demandé il y a 60 jours.
- opentaxsolver: open source USA tax software,demandé il y a 59 jours.
- TTG: SNMP Text Traffic Grapher,demandé il y a 57 jours.
- qupil: Qupil is a music teacher management software to quickly and easily organize student and lesson data.,demandé il y a 56 jours.
- fluttersdk: Cross-platform UI toolkit for natively-compiled applications,demandé il y a 54 jours.
- fuidshift: remap a filesystem tree to shift one set of UID/GID ranges to another,demandé il y a 50 jours.
- Searx: A privacy-respecting hackable metasearch engine,demandé il y a 45 jours.
- CryptPad: The Encrypted Collaboration Suite,demandé il y a 41 jours.
- python-openshift: Python client library for OpenShift,demandé il y a 40 jours.
- openhab2: home automation software,demandé il y a 38 jours.
- kafs-client: User space tools for the kafs kernel module,demandé il y a 35 jours.
- GNU Health: a hospital information system,demandé il y a 29 jours.
- libtest-fitesque-rdf-perl: Formulate Test::FITesque fixture tables in RDF,demandé il y a 28 jours.
- libtest-fitesque-perl: Formulate test fixture tables in data structures,demandé il y a 28 jours.
- rget: download URLs and verify the contents against a publicly recorded cryptographic log,demandé il y a 28 jours.
- opensubdiv: high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library,demandé il y a 26 jours.
- jupyterlab: JupyterLab computational environment,demandé il y a 25 jours.
- plata-gtk-theme: A Gtk theme based on Material Design Refresh.,demandé il y a 25 jours.
- hotswap-agent: Java unlimited redefinition of classes at runtime,demandé il y a 24 jours.
- caiman: A Python toolbox for large scale Calcium Imaging data Analysis and behavioral analysis,demandé il y a 21 jours.
- dockbarx: Lightweight taskbar/panel replacement,demandé il y a 21 jours.
- aioftp: ftp client/server library for Python asyncio,demandé il y a 21 jours.
- yggdrasil: End-to-end encrypted IPv6 networking to connect worlds.,demandé il y a 20 jours.
- linux-hardened: hardened Linux kernel,demandé il y a 19 jours.
- vim-execline: execline syntax highlighting for vim,demandé il y a 19 jours.
- aiohttp-socks: SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp,demandé il y a 17 jours.
- aiorpcx: Transport, protocol and framing-independent async RPC client and server implementation.,demandé il y a 17 jours.
- git-revise: handy git tool for doing efficient in-memory commit rebases & fixups,demandé il y a 12 jours.
- notqmail: Collaborative successor to qmail,demandé il y a 12 jours.
- luavela: LuaVela is an interpreter and a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for the Lua programming language.,demandé il y a 12 jours.
- python3-anytree: Tree data library,demandé il y a 11 jours.
- sam2p: convert raster images to EPS, PDF, and other formats sam2p is a command line utility that converts many raster (bitmap) image formats like GIF, JPG/JPEG, and PNG into PostScript or PDF files.,demandé il y a 10 jours.
- orangefs: parallel network file system,demandé il y a 9 jours.
- minetest-mod-mobs-monster: Minetest module to add monsters for mobs redo,demandé il y a 9 jours.
- minetest-mod-wielded-light: Minetest module to add shining for wielded and dropped items,demandé il y a 9 jours.
- gitea: A painless self-hosted Git service,demandé il y a 7 jours.
- xfce4-time-out-plugin,demandé il y a 5 jours.
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